11:04 PM
Sunday, March 7, 2010
traits :D

but don't fight too hard or you'll lose it all - know when it's over and to let go
this is B&J :D AND
this verse keeps replaying over and over in my head:
Yeah, it’s plain to see
that baby you’re beautiful
And it’s nothing wrong with you
It’s me – I’m a freak
But thanks for lovin’ me
Cause you’re doing it perfectly
i love it sooooo much, omg :D the song is AWESOME!!
this weekend was rather boring. i finished my GP essay on saturday night
it's damn long (1100 words :/) i hope she wont scold me..
i was meaning to copy out my ELL notes just now, but B&J distracted me :/
and i've been infected but Kuanping. he passed me the disease called LAZINESS
so that now i can't bring myself to practice Math for tmr's test ):
okay, time to digress

i wish someone would do this for their GP A level, hahahahahah!
okay, back to my post
yeah, i didnt do much work today. okay, i didnt do ANY work today ):
heck it, i'll get through that Math test somehow
and ELL, at most i fail the test and get hell from the MONSTER.
oh yeah, i still havent written my report about x-country :/ screw it.
and i told Liyi i'll come up with a list of traits
that makes a perfect boyfriend/husband,
so here goes.. (in no particular order)
• cute/hot face AND bodyalright, that's all i can think of right now :/
• have a gorgeous tan
• strong enough to lift me off my feet
• listens to the same genre of music as me
• able to serenade me with awesome voice and guitar/piano-playing
• smart
• willing to spend on me
• likes to give me big and warm bear hugs
• doesn't spend too much time thinking
• can argue with me but not put me down
• speaks French
• willing to travel around the world with me
• longs to see me every second of every minute of every hour of everyday
• but not too clingly and overbearing
• writes cute silly notes for me and leave them in unexpected places
• prepare breakfast for me in the mornings
• gives me flowers and gifts on perfectly ordinary days
• shows me off to his friends even when i'm all sweaty and flushed
• tells me anything and everything without being probed
• able to read my mind and complete my sentences
• supports my love for Johnny Depp
• accompanies me to watch cheesy love movies even if he doesn't like them
• reads me bedtime stories
• buys me stuffed toys
• has a good fashion sense
• likes bright colours
• doesn't get annoyed with sudden bursts of randomness from me
• follows me to facials and manicures
• waits for me after school/work
• likes taking pictures with me
• shares his problems with me
• listens to what i say and don't say
8. If a guy is bothering your girlfriend, it is your right to beat the shit out of him.