8:44 PM
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

"forever and always" is supposed to refer to a lifetime of committment from both parties.
but oddly, it always seem to come from only one side. no prize for guessing which.
okay, fine! KP, John and Ivan are NOT Assholes
they are "AWESOME DUDES" according to KP (biased account)
sian, tomorrow got x-country ): must run! how??
don't feel like running; i wanna eat! hungry hungry.
ooooohh, maybe i'm going lunch with Celine before x-country (:
very very very long never spend time together le, MUST CATCH UP!! :D
oh and i miss liyi and angeline already! ):
those 2 take science combis, so damn busy. lucky i take arts, quite slack :D
at most write essay but they got give us time to do at home.
but i need to find people to do group campaign with :/
i got Sam to campaign with me and HJ MAY be campaigning with me too :D
alright, thou shalt go do thy ELL notes now :D