8:54 PM
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
what would you do?

what's your theme song? i don't have one. (yet)
but i have a theme movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory cause Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp -screams-) is crazy like me and i love his random ideas :D (plus i love chocolate loads :D)
we had Project Work today, it was fun :D did Word Association, heheheheh (:
we were put into groups (Celine, me, Sam, Ivan, YY)
and each person had to come up with 10 words associated with Mordernisation
my group was one word from winning, so i randomly gave YY a word: chocolate
i think i was hungry or craving chocolate at that time :/
so the first thing i thought of when she asked me was chocolate :D
just because someone has perfect complexion does not make that person pretty. you can have wonderful, blemish-free skin and still be ugly. why? cause your features are horrible. do you really think that the eternally-sian look makes you looks good? no, it just makes you look damn complacent and condescending. (yes, i know i was like that once, but i'm 17 now and i've changed :D) plus, you're so damn pale, you just look sick (comparable to Edward Cullen) and just because you have a figure doesn't make you hot. in case you haven't noticed, you've got loads of flab hanging from your arms and thighs and i know you're staring at me when i'm in shorts ;) in case you didn't know, i think you're hideous. and i'm not the only one.

i just found this on Facebook. pure genius man, omg.
would you NOT visit your grandmother just because you don't like to see people who are that old? i would never do that. if i choose not to visit my grandma when i can, it's only cause i don't want to hurt myself. i'm not shallow, but i am selfish. i don't want to see her sick and dying; i want to keep the memory of her being the grandma who bought me sweets and said that my skinny-ness is good; i want the grandma who would hold my hand and play with my fingernails; the grandma who would use her hands to feed me dinner when i was watching tv. i don't want to remember her forgetting who i am; i don't want to see her suffering; i don't want to see her slipping slowly away from me.
throughout this whole time, everyone has only ever asked after her: "Is she okay? How is she feeling?" nobody ever asks: "Are you okay? How are you feeling?" people always forget that death does not only involve the person dying. it involves anyone and everyone who cares about that person too.
pe today was err.. okay. well, okay it wasnt okay. but it wasnt bad (:
i don't like crunches, i can feel my groin getting bruised ):
i don't like women's push-ups, my knees hurt; men's push-ups are easier.
we ran 2 rounds around the school today, sweated a lot ):
but it felt good cause i ran the whole thing (abt 1.5km?) in 11mins :D
i know that's not a great timing, but i'm working my way there okay!
i showered during break after pe, felt so horrible ):
the sch showers are nice (: but i forgot to bring shampoo, soap & comb :/
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?