4:51 PM
Friday, February 19, 2010
i bet you're a hypocrite.

aww, sweet right? :D too bad only girls feel like that & guys almost never do.
part-time friends, full-time lovers
i like the idea of that, it sounds coool but the meaning behind it is so urgh
like, it's mostly abt SEX, but being a friend is so much more important
i went to see nainai today, very sad now ):
i dont know what nainai's saying & she cannot remember me ):
i dont know what to do ):
school's been alright so far. not much to do yet
but i'm already behind on my ELL notes. too lazy to copy :/
but i'm ahead for math tutorials :D many many ppl in class copy my math, hahahha (:
we watched this today during GP tutorial :D funnaye!
cool right, cool right, cool right?? :D
i bet angeline's turning her into an evill pig ):
i hope angeline will fail cause I LOVE LIYI,
she's such a sweet pig :D (unlike evil angeline)
i still miss my friends ): 1T11 is great & all, but the people aren't the same
no one to doodle & scribble nonsense with,
no one to talk complete crap about,
no one who knows what i'm gonna say next & complete my sentence for me,
no one whom i can sms in class when i'm bored & falling asleep,
no one to catch eye with and exchange a silent look of understanding,
no one to get mad at me & scold me one second before apologising profusely the next,
no one to tickle and poke at when i'm bored & feeling touchy,
no one to roll my eyes with,
no one whom i can tell anything & everything to
i never realised what i had and was missing til i came here
oh, don't get me wrong. i still hate BBSS, but i love the friends i've made
and i love CJC too & all my new friends, but no matter what, it's still different
As if you could prick me with a needle, a knife, a spear, and my body would not remember how to bleed.it's like hurting beyong hurting, a sense of numbness and coldness setting in.
- Jodi Picoult, "Vanishing Acts"
i know it will take a while and that long-lasting friendships dont bloom from nothing, but i miss it all ):
I LOVE FACEBOOK! cause i get to talk to my friends & poke them on FB
and i get to write nonsense on their walls all day long :D
i was soo fucking pissed yesterday. must you really contest every single thing i say just because it came out from my mouth!? fuck you. i don't even what the hell i did that makes you hate me so much. i know you're glaring at me every time i look away or talk to someone else, i can feel it. what did i ever do to you!? i don't bitch about you, i haven't done or said anything to offend you. heck, i have barely even spoken to you! is that it? are you jealous that i talk to everyone and make friends mch faster & easily than you do? well, get over yourself and maybe you can too. were you trying to make up to me today for being so damn annoying yesterday? by taking the initiative to talk to me and be nice? well, stop being such a hyprocrite.
i'm going to IKEA tonight! for 1T11 dinner & furniture shopping :D
my homeroom desperately needs curtains, i can't see whats on the screen :/
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
i shall be a corperate lawyer.