12:57 PM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
stupid stupid CUTE dog :D

this is obvious proof that guys are not peotic enough and rely too much on scientific facts & numbers and junk food. but it's still cute to say I LOVE YOU in this way :D
my new bedsheets look nice
my room smells nice
my rooms is nice & neat :D
yes, i absolutely refuse to remove the word NICE from my vocabulary.
so sue me.
i went on the Flyer yesterday, it was nice :D
there are many many pictures on my camera
but they're msotly nonsensical shots taken by Jem.
this is Sandy :D she stupid stupid go put her head there when my uncle came over -.-
i went to see nainai yesterday at the hospice.
she can't remember my name, but that's okay
cause she's always had a horrible memory with names
reunion dinner on thursday with mummy's side was fun :D
Jessie is now married to Hongyan and Charles is gay
oh, and Jessie & Jasmine kept telling me how i should've gone to poly -.-
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Would you repeat the question?
i honestly believe this can only happen in the USA and only when the lawyers are so damn desperate to have something to say.