8:57 PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
wet underwear ):

sadly, not many things manage to take my breath away nowadays..
(stolen off FIONA's livejournal :D)
i am looking for EYE CANDY, not a BOYFRIEND!
though i don't mind a BOY FRIEND! :D
i got WET WET WET today! hahahahhas, okay, so nowhere near as wet as Kuanping
poor guy was first covered in foam (fresh off the heads of shampooed hair)
then got completely drench with the hose of water, hahahahhas!
we learnt the mass dance today! majority of it anyway..
it's freaking long!! medley of SIX songs:
Single Ladies (Beyonce), Greece Lightning (idk), Straight Through My Heart (Backstreet Boys), Bad Romance (Lady GaGa), Thriller (MJ) and some indian song.
its damn fun laaa, but me & my partner (some guy from another class) cant rmb much :/
does anyone care to explain what this like means?
and with this silence brings a moral story more importantly evolving is the glory of a boy - Jason Mraz
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.
if i become a JOURNALIST, STELLA shall be my feature doctor :D
if i become a LAWYER, STELLA shall be my expert witness :D