5:05 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010

this is how my new wall is going to look like. cooool right? :D
(that's just an image, the real thing will probably look better)
lunch with shre & fee at my place cancelled (sorry!)
cause i'll be painting my room instead :D FINALLY!
my uncle's gonna send one of his workers down to paint
we're gonna paint my whole room White Lace (that's what its called)
and the 2 longer walls will have the Dramatic Red stripes :D
the red's not as bright as i'd like, but the other option is wayy too bright.
my parents decided that we're gonna paint the whole house :D
a few walls every few months, not the whole house at once
i think this wed, we'll be painting my whole room (white & red! :D)
and my living room's accent wall (it's the orange one with the tv)
my dad was thinking whether to add a black stripe like this:

but i told him that if i wanted black, i'd want it like this:

he said no, cause it'd be wayy too much trouble for the painter
okay, fine by me :D as long as my room gets re-painted and there's red :D
anyway, to make up for cancelling on shre & fee
how abt i let you guys be the first people to come over once my room is painted? :D