6:09 PM
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
spelling test!
i bought 3 new bras today! :D
but now, my underwear drawer is all full :/
so i split my bras and panties into 2 seperate drawers

i have some reeaalllyy sexy panties (see-through netting!!)
but i never wear those, so.. weird!
i went for a hair cut today. it looks the same :/
only difference is my fringe - it's shorter.
i got a new book! Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult :D
it's a birthday present from jem
my left shoulder is sunburnt & i didnt even realise
until my mum pointed out the peeling skin just now :/
(kevin says it's "bed friction" -.-)
i was playing with photoshop just now
edited the photo of my star ring :D

(i love the blue one the most :D)
what i REALLY want
pee-eee-an-see-eye-elle see-eh-ass-eee
but now, my underwear drawer is all full :/
so i split my bras and panties into 2 seperate drawers
i have some reeaalllyy sexy panties (see-through netting!!)
but i never wear those, so.. weird!
i went for a hair cut today. it looks the same :/
only difference is my fringe - it's shorter.
i got a new book! Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult :D
it's a birthday present from jem
my left shoulder is sunburnt & i didnt even realise
until my mum pointed out the peeling skin just now :/
(kevin says it's "bed friction" -.-)
i was playing with photoshop just now
edited the photo of my star ring :D

(i love the blue one the most :D)
what i REALLY want
kellie is great notebook/card :Dget it? :D
elephant! (another lumpy)
lamborghini (yellow)
lifetime supply of lollipops
inches (add to my height please!)
electric blue eye whites (tattooed)
johnny depp! :D
a tame jack russel
nat-2 sneakers!
elf! (cute & non-evil) :D
pee-eee-an-see-eye-elle see-eh-ass-eee