7:06 PM
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
awesome people, shit tutor

soo cute right?? i'd love love love if a guy said that to me :D
i went to Joan's house last night to study. we didnt manage to study :/
cause we havent seen each other in AGES! so we kept on talking :D
talked about CJC, about ACJC and how she half-regrets not coming to CJ
and how she practically sits at the bus stop crying every morning
cause the bus wont come and she doesn't wanna be late for school, HAHA!
omg, PE today was killer :/ i ran 2 rounds (1.8km) in 11.42mins :D
then we trained for NAPHA 5 stations ): damn sadd laaa!
made us do loads of jumping and frog jumps up the grandstand ):
made us do many many crunches and bicylce kicks in the air ):
made us do inclined pull-ups (!!!) and some other exercise ):
totally murdered my non-existant muscles man!
on the bright side, my body will be totally hot & toned by the end of 2 years :D
Celine is looking at Sam with a really pervertic look on her face :/
the above pictures are the results of Celine bringing a pink bouncy ball to sch today
everyone kept throwing it around so the pictures i got are really weird :/
MY HT IS A MOTHERFUCKING BITCH like what the hell!?
during PW, Momo said something, so i turned to look at her
then the FUCKER threw the damn ball and hit us. not accidentally, intentionally.
like HELLO?! there's this thing called the VOICE and our NAMES for a reason!
she could've just called us, but NOOOO! the fucker just HAD to hit us with the ball.
FUCK HER. i felt like throwing it at her and breaking her fucking laptop.
oh just now, me and Momo talked to this guy from our cheeeena class (:
Binghan. (same name as my oldest cousin -.-) and he's damn funny/nice :D
like almost a guy me. damn cooool laa! totally like him :D
also met a new friend yesterday. some guy called Zeus from ACJC (previously SJI)
he was on the bus home with Joan, so when Joan saw me and said hi,
Zeus was all, HI I'M ZEUS and high-fived me :D damn funnnny!
apparently, he was all high yesterday thats why he high-fived me
oh! i extended my list of traits that makes the perfect boyf/husband :D
• likes to be nose to nose with me
• will never ever hit me, jokingly or not
• kisses my forehead
• pulls the blanket over me when i'm sleeping
• sings in the shower with me
• drives me around
• tells me i look great no matter what i'm wearing
• no wondering hands
• likes to put his hand on my back but not my butt
• doesn't put his arm around my shoulder
• hooks my arm and walks weirdly with me
• piggy back me when i'm too lazy to walk
• doesn't use cheesy pick up lines but knows them
• prefers slow kisses to snogging
• willing to go shopping with me and not complain
• will throw surprise parties for me on my birthday
• likes to dance stupidly with me
• plays along with me when i'm acting cute
• understands my sarcasm and plays along
• stands on the top deck of an open bus and shouts with me
• is patient with me when i don't understand guy talk
• brings me to buffets
• tells me that i'm just the right size
• makes me feel smart and gorgeous
• loves dark chocolate
• buys me crackers to munch on
• calls me when he says he will
• calls me even when he didn't say he would
• calls me just to talk
• doesn't mind me singing out of tune at the top of my voice
yesterday and today were awesome days, i hope there are more awesome days to come :D