6:41 PM
Friday, October 31, 2008
stained bubblegum &YD08 photos :DDD
i made a new skin(:
&yeahh, it's very very very pink. &girly
stained bubblegum [js*] uhh, shreya named it..

i FINALLY got the YD08 photos
YAY(: :DDDDDD stupid maxi take so long to send.. XD

HAHAHAHAHA! i love candid photos of others :DD

omg. aloy looks.. cute LOLLOL

&yeahh, it's very very very pink. &girly
stained bubblegum [js*] uhh, shreya named it..
i FINALLY got the YD08 photos
YAY(: :DDDDDD stupid maxi take so long to send.. XD
HAHAHAHAHA! i love candid photos of others :DD
omg. aloy looks.. cute LOLLOL
Laughter: The Best Medicine
Bernie was invited to his friend Ken’s home for dinner. The host preceded every request to his wife with endearing terms, calling her Honey, Sweetheart, Darling, etc.
“That is nice,” said Bernie. “After all these years that you’ve been married, you keep calling your wife pet names.”
Ken hung his head and whispered, “To tell you the truth, I forgot her name three years ago.”
4:16 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
shopping &bday plans :DDDD
me&shre's cme file.
passed on through the generations(:

i went shopping yesterday :DDDD
i love my buys(:
i bought 2dresses and a bag(:
sadly, my mum says hafta keep for CNY
i dont know whether my family can celebrate CNY next year
at the rate everything is going, chances are slim..
we're going to celebrate nainai's birthday very early next year,
some time in jan or maybe even this dec, worse come to worse.
i think jie's considering to go through the tea ceremony just for her
i love desmond for being so niice about it,
having to change his plans and all to include nainai(:
i got a black halter/tube dress
[$16] im not sure whether
it's haltar or tube
the string is pretty
much nonexistant
&it looks perfectly fine
as a tube too :DDDD
problem: no black for CNY,
oops XDD
my other dress is a tube [$10].
but it's very short,
so prob hafta wear shorts
or pants underneath.
yea, it's green
brown was too dark
&my wardrobe is dark enough,
even though the difference
is only marginal..
i love my
new sling bag
[$22] okayy,
so the design may be
a little old,
but i still love it.
the only downside is tt
now i dun have enough
to buy a new handbag for CNY
&i bought a shirt for jie's bday or christmas, whichever.
i cant rmb exactly what it says,
but had sth to do with being late
maybe i should get one for yijun too... LOL

i've finished new moon &i dont like it.
first, edward's an ass
second, jacob is bloody boring
third, bella's still not a vampire
forth, the ending sucks
i shall get eclipse from shre tmr..
nainai woke up last monday not recognising yeye..
this is what me, shre &cp did during history.
stupid yes, i know :DDD
where is the funn if not stupid? XDD
what was the discussion? well, im not sure
we lost track of it after a while, as usual(:

urrgh, stupid blogger. cant upload my pics.
i shall upload them later or another day.

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
passed on through the generations(:

i went shopping yesterday :DDDD
i love my buys(:
i bought 2dresses and a bag(:
sadly, my mum says hafta keep for CNY
i dont know whether my family can celebrate CNY next year
at the rate everything is going, chances are slim..
we're going to celebrate nainai's birthday very early next year,
some time in jan or maybe even this dec, worse come to worse.
i think jie's considering to go through the tea ceremony just for her
i love desmond for being so niice about it,
having to change his plans and all to include nainai(:

[$16] im not sure whether
it's haltar or tube
the string is pretty
much nonexistant
&it looks perfectly fine
as a tube too :DDDD
problem: no black for CNY,
oops XDD

but it's very short,
so prob hafta wear shorts
or pants underneath.
yea, it's green
brown was too dark
&my wardrobe is dark enough,
even though the difference
is only marginal..

new sling bag
[$22] okayy,
so the design may be
a little old,
but i still love it.
the only downside is tt
now i dun have enough
to buy a new handbag for CNY
tag replies
josh: this only confirms your stupidity, iidiot
limin: LOL, i still hate lime green ):
shre: yea, right.
cp: you remind me of josh -.- not a very flattering comparison..
maxi: iidiot, hols start liiaos, but you never come online derrhs, hmpf.
&i bought a shirt for jie's bday or christmas, whichever.
i cant rmb exactly what it says,
but had sth to do with being late
maybe i should get one for yijun too... LOL

i've finished new moon &i dont like it.
first, edward's an ass
second, jacob is bloody boring
third, bella's still not a vampire
forth, the ending sucks
i shall get eclipse from shre tmr..
nainai woke up last monday not recognising yeye..
this is what me, shre &cp did during history.
stupid yes, i know :DDD
where is the funn if not stupid? XDD
what was the discussion? well, im not sure
we lost track of it after a while, as usual(:

me&shre shall watch some NC16 movie. why?
just for the sake of if, because we can :DDD
we'll buy some liquor &watch an M18 movie. why?
because we can &prob wont be allowed to go clubbing
we'll go watch a R21 movie &go clubbing. why?
refer to the above, only, we're legal
i shall upload them later or another day.
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
Gives You Hell by All American Rejects
I wake up every evening
With a big smile on my face
And it never feels out of place.
And you're still probably working
At a 9 to 5 pace
I wonder how bad that tastes
When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
Now where's your picket fence love
And where's that shiny car
Did it ever get you far?
You never seemed so tense, love
Never seen you fall so hard
Do you know where you are?
Truth be told I miss you
Truth be told I'm lying
If you find a man
that's worth the damn
and treats you well
Then he's a fool
you're just as well
hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself
Where did it all go wrong?
But the list goes on and on
Truth be told I miss you
Truth be told I'm lying
If you find a man
that's worth the damn
and treats you well
Then he's a fool
you're just as well
hope it gives you hell
Now you'll never see
What you've done to me
You can take back your memories
They're no good to me
And here's all your lies
If you look me in the eyes
With the sad, sad look
That you wear so well
If you find a man
that's worth the damn
and treats you well
Then he's a fool
you're just as well
hope it gives you hell
When you hear this song and
you sing along well
you'll never tell
And you're the fool
I've just as well
I hope it gives you hell
When you hear this song
I hope that it will
give you hell
You can sing along
I hope it puts you
through hell
7:51 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
yay(: sandy's four years old alrdy!
well, 28years if you count in dog.
&stupid pig is still scared of the dark &rain, cute(:
yea, i made this skin(: &i like it
duhh, why else would i be using it?
used the basecodes of my previous two skins.
i love the hover effects :DDD
&yea, it's green. cos i love the brush
but couldnt find any other colour but
this paricular green that looked niice with it.

on deviantart, i cant rmb the artist
Twilight's really niice(:
i shall get New Moon from shreya tmr..
6:49 PM
Sunday, October 26, 2008
at last.
A low growl rumbled from the distance. I sat, pressing my face against the cold glass of my window, gazing out into the darkening sky as the black clouds rolled in. The skies opened up and slowly, fat drops of water came pouring down. I sat and stared as the clouds splashed onto my window pane, wishing longingly to have been allowed out.
I heard the footsteps coming up the steps. Quickly, I moved to my study table and submersed myself in algebra. The numbers and characters in front of me seemed like a jumbled mess. I heard the door open an inch; mum was checking on me again. Forcing myself to focus, I diverted my attention back to the task at hand. The more I looked, the less sense the figures seemed to make. Then, I heard the door close and the footsteps go back down the stairs.
I breathed out a sigh of relief. From across the room, I looked out the window. I had a wonderful view. From my room, I could more or less see the entire village in one glance; well, it did help that dad is the village head. As my eyes scanned the houses, I saw the lights of Stacy Maloney’s house and sighed again.
My phone rang. Quickly, I scrambled to answer it. “Joanie, are you coming or not?!” screeched Tessa. No reply.
“Oh, no. No, no, no, no! You are not gonna tell me that you’re not allowed out again?” I heard her sigh exasperatedly.
“Well, it’s not as if I’m enjoying this anymore than you are.” I snapped. Instantly, I felt sorry. I could feel Tessa’s apprehension. Inwardly, I sighed.
It wasn’t Tessa’s fault that I couldn’t go. It was all dad’s fault; his fault for being the village head; his fault for being so darn pig-headed. Why can’t he simply accept that I’m not a kid anymore? Come on, I’m already fifteen! It’s not as if I’m planning to drink or take drugs. Why can’t he just let me go, just this once? I’ll prove to him that I can take care of myself.
“Hang on Tess, I’ll be there.”
“But what about-” Tessa started.
“Screw him.” I’ve had enough.
Quickly, I changed into my favourite sexy black handkerchief halter and my short black denim skirt. I sneaked out of my room quietly and went downstairs. Then, I saw mum and dad on the couch watching telly. No, I can’t go out that way. I’ll have to climb down. Running back up to my room, I pulled on a black leather jacket, grabbed my purse and opened my window.
Fortunately, my window was right next to the garden; which meant I could climb in and out of my room easily using the high garden fence. I looked out my window and saw Tessa and her older boyfriend, Ethan, at the wheel of Ethan’s green truck. As I eased myself out the window, I saw Tess’s jaw drop. Quickly, I climbed down, feeling very much like Cinderella, minus the pumpkin carriage and the glass slippers, and oh, the fairy godmother.
I landed with a thump. Fearing that mum and dad might have heard me, I ran as fast as I could and jumped into the back of Ethan’s truck. “So, watcha waiting for?” I said, grinning madly. Tessa looked at me, incredulous. She shook her head and turned back to the road as Ethan pulled away from the curb.
During the drive, Tessa and I rattled on non-stop on all the cute boys who were going to be at the party, pointedly ignoring Ethan’s attempts to remind Tessa that he was her boyfriend.
“Ohmigod!” Tessa squealed, causing Ethan to jump. I, for one, was completely used to Tessa’s sudden outbursts. I stifled a giggle and felt my heart go out to Ethan for having to stand her almost 24/7. “I just remembered that Aaron was going to be there!” I felt myself flush.
I’ve had a crush on Aaron since forever. I mean, how could anyone not fancy him? He’s cute, funny, smart and of course, a jock. The only unfortunate bit was having an annoying gaggle of guy friends, preventing me, the village chief’s daughter, from going anywhere near him without causing a ripple throughout the entire village. Luckily, Tessa wasn’t looking. We had arrived in Stacy’s driveway and she had turned to check herself in the mirror.
From the front, Ethan threw me a small towel. “Here, dry yourself before we go in; you look like a complete idiot.” Geez thanks. I quickly dried my hair and thanked God for great hair genes. I checked myself in the mirror and grinned at myself. My hair was a mess; wild and flyaway – great. I quickly reapplied my makeup and climbed out of the truck.
As we entered the house, I saw Aaron up on a makeshift stage with his band, DaBombs. His eyes glanced over the where we stood and for a fleeting moment, we caught each other’s eye. I flushed again. Next thing I know, Tessa ushered me excitedly into the house. I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack. I could feel all the guys in the room turn and stare at me. Then, the song ended and everyone applauded as DaBombs made their way down the stage.
As the next band – Cloud Nine – started playing, I heard a low voice behind me, “Hello.” Ohmigod, I recognised that voice. I turned around and felt my stomach lurch. The lopsided smile and gleaming black eyes under his gorgeous dark blonde hair; suddenly I felt slightly nausea. “Hello.” He repeated, looking slightly concerned. Ohmigod, I’m such a idiot. Say hello back!
“Oh, umm, hello.” He looked at me curiously, amused. I stared at him, admiring his striking features. His mouth was moving. I wonder what he’s saying. Crap, I didn’t hear a single word he said. “Umm, what did you say again?” I. Am. Such. An. Idiot. I cursed myself. “I guessed as much.” He laughed; he had such a wonderful laugh, contagious. Suddenly, my shoulders started shaking. I bent forward trying to hide my laughter.
The ice was broken. Aaron and I spent the rest of the night talking to each other. It was close to midnight when he pulled me to his car. We got in, suddenly, his mouth was on mine. At first, I was slightly taken aback; then, I warmed up and kissed him back. Soon, we were snogging our heads off.
It felt like hours. When we finally surfaced, it was already past midnight. “I’ll drive you home.” He whispered seductively into my ear. I giggled then nodded. As I turned in my seat, I saw an impending figure standing out the hood of the car. Squinting slightly, I realised who it was. Ohmigod, I am dead meat.
Standing right in front of us, blocking our way, was Edward Jackson; the village chief; my dad. Aaron’s eyes widened. I heard him curse. Tentatively, I got out of the car. Glancing around, I noticed that almost everyone else had gone home and that dad’s car was sitting in Stacy’s driveway, with mum in it. I hung my head and walked over to the car, careful to avoid dad’s glare.
Once at home, I rushed up to my room and cried. From my room I could hear my parents arguing. Later that night, mum came into my room. I pretended to be asleep as mum sat on the edge of my bed. “Come here darling,” mum gathered me into her arms.
Now, now, I’ve managed to convince your dad. He promises not to treat you like a baby anymore,” I looked up, sceptical. “on the condition that you never ever, ever, do that again. You scared the hell out of both of us, had us all worried.” I smiled weakly, “Thank you, mum. I love you, and I’m sorry I sneaked out like that, but I was pissed.” I paused.
My thoughts were running wild through my mind. What about Aaron? Mum seemed to be reading my mind. “And we’ll make allowances for you and that...”
“Aaron.” I supplied.
“Yes, Aaron. He’s cute.” I blushed and nodded happily. As mum got up and went to the door, I said, “Thanks mum.”
guess where i got the idea from? XXX
I heard the footsteps coming up the steps. Quickly, I moved to my study table and submersed myself in algebra. The numbers and characters in front of me seemed like a jumbled mess. I heard the door open an inch; mum was checking on me again. Forcing myself to focus, I diverted my attention back to the task at hand. The more I looked, the less sense the figures seemed to make. Then, I heard the door close and the footsteps go back down the stairs.
I breathed out a sigh of relief. From across the room, I looked out the window. I had a wonderful view. From my room, I could more or less see the entire village in one glance; well, it did help that dad is the village head. As my eyes scanned the houses, I saw the lights of Stacy Maloney’s house and sighed again.
My phone rang. Quickly, I scrambled to answer it. “Joanie, are you coming or not?!” screeched Tessa. No reply.
“Oh, no. No, no, no, no! You are not gonna tell me that you’re not allowed out again?” I heard her sigh exasperatedly.
“Well, it’s not as if I’m enjoying this anymore than you are.” I snapped. Instantly, I felt sorry. I could feel Tessa’s apprehension. Inwardly, I sighed.
It wasn’t Tessa’s fault that I couldn’t go. It was all dad’s fault; his fault for being the village head; his fault for being so darn pig-headed. Why can’t he simply accept that I’m not a kid anymore? Come on, I’m already fifteen! It’s not as if I’m planning to drink or take drugs. Why can’t he just let me go, just this once? I’ll prove to him that I can take care of myself.
“Hang on Tess, I’ll be there.”
“But what about-” Tessa started.
“Screw him.” I’ve had enough.
Quickly, I changed into my favourite sexy black handkerchief halter and my short black denim skirt. I sneaked out of my room quietly and went downstairs. Then, I saw mum and dad on the couch watching telly. No, I can’t go out that way. I’ll have to climb down. Running back up to my room, I pulled on a black leather jacket, grabbed my purse and opened my window.
Fortunately, my window was right next to the garden; which meant I could climb in and out of my room easily using the high garden fence. I looked out my window and saw Tessa and her older boyfriend, Ethan, at the wheel of Ethan’s green truck. As I eased myself out the window, I saw Tess’s jaw drop. Quickly, I climbed down, feeling very much like Cinderella, minus the pumpkin carriage and the glass slippers, and oh, the fairy godmother.
I landed with a thump. Fearing that mum and dad might have heard me, I ran as fast as I could and jumped into the back of Ethan’s truck. “So, watcha waiting for?” I said, grinning madly. Tessa looked at me, incredulous. She shook her head and turned back to the road as Ethan pulled away from the curb.
During the drive, Tessa and I rattled on non-stop on all the cute boys who were going to be at the party, pointedly ignoring Ethan’s attempts to remind Tessa that he was her boyfriend.
“Ohmigod!” Tessa squealed, causing Ethan to jump. I, for one, was completely used to Tessa’s sudden outbursts. I stifled a giggle and felt my heart go out to Ethan for having to stand her almost 24/7. “I just remembered that Aaron was going to be there!” I felt myself flush.
I’ve had a crush on Aaron since forever. I mean, how could anyone not fancy him? He’s cute, funny, smart and of course, a jock. The only unfortunate bit was having an annoying gaggle of guy friends, preventing me, the village chief’s daughter, from going anywhere near him without causing a ripple throughout the entire village. Luckily, Tessa wasn’t looking. We had arrived in Stacy’s driveway and she had turned to check herself in the mirror.
From the front, Ethan threw me a small towel. “Here, dry yourself before we go in; you look like a complete idiot.” Geez thanks. I quickly dried my hair and thanked God for great hair genes. I checked myself in the mirror and grinned at myself. My hair was a mess; wild and flyaway – great. I quickly reapplied my makeup and climbed out of the truck.
As we entered the house, I saw Aaron up on a makeshift stage with his band, DaBombs. His eyes glanced over the where we stood and for a fleeting moment, we caught each other’s eye. I flushed again. Next thing I know, Tessa ushered me excitedly into the house. I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack. I could feel all the guys in the room turn and stare at me. Then, the song ended and everyone applauded as DaBombs made their way down the stage.
As the next band – Cloud Nine – started playing, I heard a low voice behind me, “Hello.” Ohmigod, I recognised that voice. I turned around and felt my stomach lurch. The lopsided smile and gleaming black eyes under his gorgeous dark blonde hair; suddenly I felt slightly nausea. “Hello.” He repeated, looking slightly concerned. Ohmigod, I’m such a idiot. Say hello back!
“Oh, umm, hello.” He looked at me curiously, amused. I stared at him, admiring his striking features. His mouth was moving. I wonder what he’s saying. Crap, I didn’t hear a single word he said. “Umm, what did you say again?” I. Am. Such. An. Idiot. I cursed myself. “I guessed as much.” He laughed; he had such a wonderful laugh, contagious. Suddenly, my shoulders started shaking. I bent forward trying to hide my laughter.
The ice was broken. Aaron and I spent the rest of the night talking to each other. It was close to midnight when he pulled me to his car. We got in, suddenly, his mouth was on mine. At first, I was slightly taken aback; then, I warmed up and kissed him back. Soon, we were snogging our heads off.
It felt like hours. When we finally surfaced, it was already past midnight. “I’ll drive you home.” He whispered seductively into my ear. I giggled then nodded. As I turned in my seat, I saw an impending figure standing out the hood of the car. Squinting slightly, I realised who it was. Ohmigod, I am dead meat.
Standing right in front of us, blocking our way, was Edward Jackson; the village chief; my dad. Aaron’s eyes widened. I heard him curse. Tentatively, I got out of the car. Glancing around, I noticed that almost everyone else had gone home and that dad’s car was sitting in Stacy’s driveway, with mum in it. I hung my head and walked over to the car, careful to avoid dad’s glare.
Once at home, I rushed up to my room and cried. From my room I could hear my parents arguing. Later that night, mum came into my room. I pretended to be asleep as mum sat on the edge of my bed. “Come here darling,” mum gathered me into her arms.
Now, now, I’ve managed to convince your dad. He promises not to treat you like a baby anymore,” I looked up, sceptical. “on the condition that you never ever, ever, do that again. You scared the hell out of both of us, had us all worried.” I smiled weakly, “Thank you, mum. I love you, and I’m sorry I sneaked out like that, but I was pissed.” I paused.
My thoughts were running wild through my mind. What about Aaron? Mum seemed to be reading my mind. “And we’ll make allowances for you and that...”
“Aaron.” I supplied.
“Yes, Aaron. He’s cute.” I blushed and nodded happily. As mum got up and went to the door, I said, “Thanks mum.”
guess where i got the idea from? XXX
8:50 PM
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sixty-Seven Reasons
Sixty-Seven Reasons Why It's Great To Be A Girl
1. You live longer.
2. You mature faster.
3. You never have to pay for a drink.
4. Doors just get opened for you everywhere you go.
5. Heavy things are for boys to take care of.
6. So are spiders.
7. You’re patient when it doesn’t work right and don’t opt to immediately throw it out the window.
8. Taking pictures has real importance… it’s a documentation of your life.
9. You can multi-task.
10. You actually listen to directions.
11. When going to a formal event, you get to wear just one article of clothing.
12. You’re supposed to have a little woman meat on your hips.
13. Johnny Depp.
14. The bed is all yours.
15. You can love and hate something at the same time.
16. You (usually) get to be on bottom.
17. You can fake it if you’re tired or bored and they’ll never know.
18. Valentine’s Day is all about you.
19. Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable” just makes you happy even if you hate the song.
20. Baking is also a stress reliever.
21. You can get a massage without a hardon.
22. “That time of the month” is a great excuse to be a bitch for a week.
23. It’s also the best and most effective way to turn a guy down.
24. OMG shoes.
25. You think the idea of sack-tapping a guy is funny.
26. It’s perfectly normal to have a 2 hour conversation with your best friend.
27. In books or movies, happy endings actually make you happy.
28. You read instructions.
29. You already know you’ll be successful.
30. The current president just makes you realize women should rule the world.
31. You too get to think about sex 90% of your waking hours.
32. Clothes shopping is not just a chore.
33. Sex and the City.
34. You never have to worry that by just picking up something you’ll crush it.
35. If there’s a mirror, you’ll find it.
36. No one seriously questions your sexuality if you kiss the same sex.
37. Video games will forever be retarded.
38. You love miniature things, like mini gummy bears or tiny marshmallows.
39. Victoria's Secret Lip Plumper is just fun.
40. God gave you enough blood to work both.
41. Your ego isn’t the size of the US.
42. Everything you need is in your purse.
43. You take hot baths when you need to relax.
44. You’re not considered a pussy if you don’t hook up.
45. You feel totally comfortable asking for help or advice when lost or stuck.
46. They buy the condoms.
47. The Notebook.
48. You can cry your way out of a speeding ticket.
49. The thought of dinner with his family doesn’t scare you.
50. The closet is yours and yours alone.
51. The movie 300 kinda made you orgasm. Just a little.
52. When you’re mad, they might not find out until later when it’s convenient for you to let them know.
53. Girls’ nights whomp ass over boys’ nights.
54. You never have to deal with fixing electronics or cars.
55. You’re hygienic.
56. You can dance with the same sex at every opportunity.
57. You know how to match.
58. You know how to fold clothes.
59. No one is afraid of you when you walk down a dark alley at night.
60. Just talking about it makes you feel better.
61. Prince William is now single.
62. You never have to worry that the kid isn’t really yours.
63. No one thinks it’s weird if you squeal or make noises instead of words.
64. The idea of a man servant really appeals to you.
65. You will never be drafted.
66. No one secretly wonders how big you really are.
67. You support world peace.
1. You live longer.
2. You mature faster.
3. You never have to pay for a drink.
4. Doors just get opened for you everywhere you go.
5. Heavy things are for boys to take care of.
6. So are spiders.
7. You’re patient when it doesn’t work right and don’t opt to immediately throw it out the window.
8. Taking pictures has real importance… it’s a documentation of your life.
9. You can multi-task.
10. You actually listen to directions.
11. When going to a formal event, you get to wear just one article of clothing.
12. You’re supposed to have a little woman meat on your hips.
13. Johnny Depp.
14. The bed is all yours.
15. You can love and hate something at the same time.
16. You (usually) get to be on bottom.
17. You can fake it if you’re tired or bored and they’ll never know.
18. Valentine’s Day is all about you.
19. Beyonce’s “Irreplaceable” just makes you happy even if you hate the song.
20. Baking is also a stress reliever.
21. You can get a massage without a hardon.
22. “That time of the month” is a great excuse to be a bitch for a week.
23. It’s also the best and most effective way to turn a guy down.
24. OMG shoes.
25. You think the idea of sack-tapping a guy is funny.
26. It’s perfectly normal to have a 2 hour conversation with your best friend.
27. In books or movies, happy endings actually make you happy.
28. You read instructions.
29. You already know you’ll be successful.
30. The current president just makes you realize women should rule the world.
31. You too get to think about sex 90% of your waking hours.
32. Clothes shopping is not just a chore.
33. Sex and the City.
34. You never have to worry that by just picking up something you’ll crush it.
35. If there’s a mirror, you’ll find it.
36. No one seriously questions your sexuality if you kiss the same sex.
37. Video games will forever be retarded.
38. You love miniature things, like mini gummy bears or tiny marshmallows.
39. Victoria's Secret Lip Plumper is just fun.
40. God gave you enough blood to work both.
41. Your ego isn’t the size of the US.
42. Everything you need is in your purse.
43. You take hot baths when you need to relax.
44. You’re not considered a pussy if you don’t hook up.
45. You feel totally comfortable asking for help or advice when lost or stuck.
46. They buy the condoms.
47. The Notebook.
48. You can cry your way out of a speeding ticket.
49. The thought of dinner with his family doesn’t scare you.
50. The closet is yours and yours alone.
51. The movie 300 kinda made you orgasm. Just a little.
52. When you’re mad, they might not find out until later when it’s convenient for you to let them know.
53. Girls’ nights whomp ass over boys’ nights.
54. You never have to deal with fixing electronics or cars.
55. You’re hygienic.
56. You can dance with the same sex at every opportunity.
57. You know how to match.
58. You know how to fold clothes.
59. No one is afraid of you when you walk down a dark alley at night.
60. Just talking about it makes you feel better.
61. Prince William is now single.
62. You never have to worry that the kid isn’t really yours.
63. No one thinks it’s weird if you squeal or make noises instead of words.
64. The idea of a man servant really appeals to you.
65. You will never be drafted.
66. No one secretly wonders how big you really are.
67. You support world peace.
5:41 PM
breathless, urrgh
just came back from nainai's house
she's very tired &had a bit of a fit. yeye also looks very tired.
i hope that nainai will get well soon..
nainai's doctor said tt if there's only one tumour,
but goes for chemo instead of an op, she'll have a few months
if there's two, she only has a few weeks left, even with chemotherapy
if there's only one tumour, they'll do an op to remove it, she might get a few years..
&i hope that answers your questions to why im not at camp..
back! LOL
went to suchi's house on thursday for lunch.
i love her mum's lagsanea :DDD
took stupid photos and an even stupider video. :DDDD

sandy :DDD

tag replies
shre: bitch's 'friends'
limin: LOL.
cp: what?
cp: wtr, i was never keen on it
went to Little India ytd. ummm.. summarises it (:
went to tgif last night. watched some hindi movie.
very funnyy LOL, the singing &dancing, i mean :DD
i wasnt watching, was reading my book. I LOVE HER!
i shall go look for more books by Jill Mansell romance novels(:
joan called me at 8.10pm saying she was coming over
she arrived at 8.50pm. apparently she walked over.
we were reading, then she went for a stroll
when she returned, she had andrew with her .__.
i finally have Twilight!
i shall go figure what's so great abt it..
she's very tired &had a bit of a fit. yeye also looks very tired.
i hope that nainai will get well soon..
nainai's doctor said tt if there's only one tumour,
but goes for chemo instead of an op, she'll have a few months
if there's two, she only has a few weeks left, even with chemotherapy
if there's only one tumour, they'll do an op to remove it, she might get a few years..
&i hope that answers your questions to why im not at camp..
back! LOL
went to suchi's house on thursday for lunch.
i love her mum's lagsanea :DDD
took stupid photos and an even stupider video. :DDDD
Laughter: The Best Medicine!
Carrying two dead raccoons, a buzzard tries to check in at the airport. “Sorry, sir,” says the ticket agent.
“We allow only one item of carrion.”
sandy :DDD
tag replies
shre: bitch's 'friends'
limin: LOL.
cp: what?
cp: wtr, i was never keen on it
went to Little India ytd. ummm.. summarises it (:
went to tgif last night. watched some hindi movie.
very funnyy LOL, the singing &dancing, i mean :DD
i wasnt watching, was reading my book. I LOVE HER!
i shall go look for more books by Jill Mansell romance novels(:
joan called me at 8.10pm saying she was coming over
she arrived at 8.50pm. apparently she walked over.
we were reading, then she went for a stroll
when she returned, she had andrew with her .__.
i finally have Twilight!
i shall go figure what's so great abt it..
Breathless by Shayne Ward
If our love was a fairy tale
I would charge in and rescue you
On a yacht baby we would sail
To an island where we’d say I do
And if we had babies they would look like you
It’d be so beautiful if that came true
You don’t even know how very special you are
You leave me breathless
You’re everything good in my life
You leave me breathless
I still can’t believe that you’re mine
You just walked out of one of my dreams
So beautiful you’re leaving me
And if our love was a story book
We would meet on the very first page
The last chapter would be about
How I’m thankful for the life we’ve made
And if we had babies they would have your eyes
I would fall deeper watching you give life
You don’t even know how very special you are
You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me
You’re like an angel
The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me
You’re something special
I only hope that I’ll one day deserve what you’ve given me
But all I can do is try
Every day of my life
Chorus x2
9:28 PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
tag replies:
MINImax: blehhs, i like the song(:
josh: duhh, if not what? count down ur bday arrs??
rachel: helloo~ omg, she okayy?? it was damn scary..
rachel: hahahs, keenan needs wayy lot more practice XDD
shre: what you thanking me for, juju?
just because i dont wear a pendant tt outright SCREAMS my religion
means im a fake? what kinda person says what kind of religion is that!???
im not a shallow person who looks at things superficially, unlike some
there's this little thing called looking beyond the surface
or in layman terms in case your puny little non-existant
pathetic excuse for a brain cant grasp this simple concept -
no wait, tt is the simplest term, so deal with it.
&no, im not pissed, per se, just venting(:
Laughter: The Best Medicine!
Two friends run into each other while walking their dogs. One suggests lunch. The other says, “They won’t let us in a restaurant with pets.”
Undeterred, the first man and his German shepherd head into the restaurant. The maitre d’ stops them, saying, “Sir, you can’t bring your dog in here.”
“But I’m blind,” the man replies, “and this is my guide dog.”
The maitre d’, apologising profusely, shows both man and dog to a table.
His friend waits five minutes then tries the same routine. “You have Chihuahua for a guide dog?” the sceptical maitre d’ says.
“A Chihuahua?” the man says. “Is that what they gave me?”
saw this in sch tdy. some iidiot tied the tie on the stairs
our camwhoring, yet not quite so, session at cp's hse tdy
stupid barbie -.- see cheanpin's blog for the other lamer* pics.
stupid juju teh! wahh liiao, tdy wait so long for you!
i love the swings(:
*anything juju teh touches is lame(:
nainai's hospitalised again, with a tumour in her brain..
most likely cancerous again, hope she gets well soon..
Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Hey girl you know you drive me crazy
One look puts the rhythm in my hand
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Cover up with make up in the mirror
Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
You cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now, as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wait around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again,
Say you're right again,
Heed my lecture.
Face down in the dirt
She said "This doesn't hurt!"
She said "I finally had enough!" [x2]
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
It's coming round again
Chorus [x2]
Face down in the dirt
She said "This doesn't hurt!"
She said "I finally had enough!"
9:58 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
blurgh; you are holy..
urgh, not posting anything today. no mood..
You Are Holy (Prince Of Peace) by Micheal W. Smith
You are holy (you are holy)
You are mighty (you are mighty)
You are worthy (you are worthy)
Worthy of praise (worthy of praise)
I will follow (I will follow)
I will listen (I will listen)
I will love you (I will love You)
All of my days (all of my days)
I will sing to
And worship
The King who is worthy
I will love and adore Him
And I will bow down before Him
And I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy
And I will love and adore Him
And I will bow down before Him
You're my prince of peace
And I will live my life for You
(Girls behind guys:)
You are lord of lords
You are king of kings
You are mighty God
Lord of everything
You are Emmanuel
Lord of great I am
Noble Prince of Peace
Who is the Lamb
You are the saving God
You are my saving grace
You will reign forever
You are ancient and great
You are Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End
You are my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, and Friend
You are my prince of peace and I will live my life for you.
You are holy (you are holy)
You are mighty (you are mighty)
You are worthy (you are worthy)
Worthy of praise (worthy of praise)
I will follow (I will follow)
I will listen (I will listen)
I will love you (I will love You)
All of my days (all of my days)
Chorus X2
9:07 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
FORTH POST OF TODAY the order of the lyrics is screwed XD
Chorus 1
Let Your Kingdom come
Let Your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Ev'ry heart proclaim
The mercy of Your name
On earth as it is in Heaven
Verse 1
Our Father Who art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Come and let Your glory come
And let Your glory fall
Our Father Who art in Heaven
The rocks cry out Your name
Come and let Your glory come
And let Your glory fall
Father we pray
I will sing sing a new song
I will sing sing a new song
I will sing sing a new song
To the Lord
Verse 2
God give us new ev'ry morning
Mercy as daily bread
In the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus we pray
And lead us not to temptation
But deliver us with Your hand
In the name of Jesus
In the name of Jesus we pray
For the Kingdom is Yours
And the power is Yours
And the glory forever amen
And the Kingdom is Yours
And the power is Yours
And the glory forever amen
8:17 PM
{ahem ahem}
koped this from huiwen's blog
Name: kellie
Birthday: SEVENteen JANuary
Birthplace: Singapore
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 157 {i know im VERTICALLY CHALLENGED!}
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: caucasian {waddaya think?!}
My Worst Habit: being kellie {it's also my best habit}
Zodiac Sign: capricorn
Shoe Size: 6 or 7 {weird feet}
Pants Size: dunno?
Parents Still Together: duhh {forever and ever and ever and ever}
Shoes You Wore Today: none {i didnt go out tdy}
Your Weakness: dark chocolate!
Your Fears: lizards..
Your Perfect Pizza: i dun like pizza much..
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: uhh, LOTSA PREZZIES!
Your Most Overused Phrase In Instant Messenger: LOL
Your Best Physical Feature: uhh, i shall not be big-headed.
Your Bedtime: when i feel like?
Your Most Missed Memory: rgps days {sniff sniff}
Colours? undecided {pink, black, white, green, blue, red..}
Food? sushi! {jap in general}
Animal? sandy(: {no, she's not a dog, she's a chimpanzee}
Ice Cream? LEMON SORBET! {mago sorbet will do too!}
Store? uhh, dun have?
Salad Dressing? LOL, thousand island!
Actor? JOHNNY DEPP! {willy wonka! willy wonka!}
Songs? Receive the Power by Guy Sebastian {at the moment}
Letter? J!
Number? 2
Gum? uhh, idk
Holiday? CHRISTMAS(: {presents galore!}
Season? autumn {cool, yet warm(:}
ToothPaste Flavour? eww, i hate toothpaste. {but i do brush my teeth}
Radio Station? 987FM(: {mutton mutton mutton mutton}
Perfume? LOL, i dun wear scents
Scent Besides Perfume? none {refer to the above}
Body Part On The Opposite Sex? uhh, none in paricular? LOL.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? idk {rocket scientist! zoom zoom zoom!}
How Do You Want To Die? doing something really exciting {like pressing a button, GASP!}
Turn ons: hot/cute guys {YOU SHALLOW CREATURE!}
Turn offs: annoying assholes
Which Of Your Friend Acts Most Like You? juju bhat!
Who’s The Loudest? juju bhat!
Who Makes You Laugh The Most? juju bhat!
Who Have You Known The Longest? umm, brintha?
Who’s The Shyist? dunno?
When Have You Cried The Most? dunno?
What is The Best Feeling In The World? being appreciated(: {i love me, you love me!}
Worst Feeling? umm,secret
Where do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? singapore(: {travel the world!}
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Will It Be?secret
How Long Do You Think You’ll live? very very very very long :DD
Let’s walk on the road {into the path of an oncoming car}
Let’s look at the clothes {YOU SHALLOW CREATURE}
What a nice boy {it is impossible for a BOY to be nice, yes, biased opinion}
Where did all the chickens go? {the flew! GASPS}
Why can’t we sleep together? {i mean we are both homos right?}
Silly, little iidiot boy {reference to AHEM}
Isn’t it weird that we say tuna fish but not chicken bird?
Never Under Any Circumstance will i kiss you {LOL, muaccks(:}
I wish i understood God better. {currently under th influence of Guy Sebastian}
Everyone has their own opinions {but you shud all listen to me, of course!}
I am a pretty fairy princess! {drop-dead gorgeous corpse}
Been In love? yea {myself(:}
Been to Juvie? no!
Mooned Someone? huh? {the cow jumped over the moon!}
Been Rejected? no? {i reject(:}
Ran Away from home? no!
Picture your crush naked? COOL, but no. {is half naked counted?}
Skipped School? no
Thought about Suicide? no! {live life to the fullest}
Slept Outside? outside where?
Laughed so hard you cried? umm, yea? idk.
Cried in school? yea
Thrown up in school? uhh, no.
Wanted to be a model? LOL, no {decked out in Elle, strutting to the coer of Vogue}
Cheated on someone? yes, i am seeing someone behind my seven darlings' backs. {note solemn voice}
Done Something Really stupid that you still laugh at it today? yea
Seen a dead body? no {is the pic in de news counted?}
Been Bitched Out? yea, lots.
Drank Alcohol? duhh. {never drink beer, it sucks}
Been on drugs? duhh, medicine! {i missed my daily dose today}
Eaten Sushi? duhh!
Been on Stage? no. {i wonder what my cca is..}
Gone Skinny Dipping? no, but COOL!
Shoplifted? no
Been Drunk? no
Been called a Tease? yea? idk.
Been beaten up? no {beaten up? yea}
Swear? what the hell, of course not!
Sing Well? no {once again, i wonder what my cca is}
Shower Daily? no {i shower annually}
Want to go to College? yea
Want to get married? yea {by 27}
Believe in yourself? yea
Get motion sickness? sometimes {note to self: do not read on a moving vehicle}
Think You’re Attractive? of course, drop-dead gorgeous as i said {COUGHCOUGH}
Get along with your parents? yea
Like thunderstorms? yea
Play an instrument? recorder counted?
Own an iPod? yea {my bro took it though..}
Pray? duhh!
Go to Church? duhh!
Sleep with a Stuffed Animal? duhh! lumpy(:
Keep a Diary/ Journal? no {i wonder what this is called}
Dance in the Rain? {it's raining men, alleluia!} nope(:
Sing in the shower? yea
Pepsi or Coke? neither. {drink-colour-cist}
McDonald’s or BK? mac
Single or Group Dates? depends
Chocolate or Vanilla? DARK CHOCOLATE!
Strawberries or Blueberries? either.
Meat or Veggie? meat!
TV or Movie? movie
Guitar or Drums? uhh, must i? guitar.
Adidas or Nike? what's the diff? they're all sports wear..
Chinese or Mexican mexican. {i eat chinese every weekend..}
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? cheerios
Cake or Pie? either.
MTV or VH1? mtv
Blind or Deaf? blind. {i need music}
Boxers or Briefs? boxers!
Do the splits no {oww, my groin..}
Write with both hands no {is hideous and illegible counted?}
Whistle yea
Blow a bubble yea
Roll your tounge in a circle yea
Cross your eyes yea
Walk with your toes curled yea
Touch your tongue to touch your nose eww, no
Dance no {is a booty dance counted?}
Eat whatever you want and not worry yea!
You touched literally? my mum. LOL.
You Talked to on the phone uhh, angeline
You Instant Messaged joshua
You Hugged my mum hugged me while i was sleeping last night
You yelled at little monstrocity
You played a sport with uhh, some ball game during pe last monday
Time you laughed YOUTH RALLY(:
Time you cried dunno? i almost cried ytd(:
Movie you watched dunno?
Flavour of Gum you chewed i dun like gum so much..
Joke you told there's a joke on my blog everyday
Song you sung RECEIVE THE POWER!
Life on other planets yea, if you say so..
Magic duhh, God is a miracle
Love at first sight umm, not really
Satan yea
Ghosts Holy Ghost(:
Santa if i get to dress my dad or grandpa up, yea
Evolution yea
Fav eye colour green or grey
Fav hair colour dark brown
Short or long hair halfway?
Height taller than me {reasonably of course}
Weight acceptable?
Best clothing style suit yourself, i shant control your style
tag cheanpin, juju bhat, maxi, adalia, etc
Name: kellie
Birthday: SEVENteen JANuary
Birthplace: Singapore
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 157 {i know im VERTICALLY CHALLENGED!}
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: caucasian {waddaya think?!}
My Worst Habit: being kellie {it's also my best habit}
Zodiac Sign: capricorn
Shoe Size: 6 or 7 {weird feet}
Pants Size: dunno?
Parents Still Together: duhh {forever and ever and ever and ever}
Shoes You Wore Today: none {i didnt go out tdy}
Your Weakness: dark chocolate!
Your Fears: lizards..
Your Perfect Pizza: i dun like pizza much..
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: uhh, LOTSA PREZZIES!
Your Most Overused Phrase In Instant Messenger: LOL
Your Best Physical Feature: uhh, i shall not be big-headed.
Your Bedtime: when i feel like?
Your Most Missed Memory: rgps days {sniff sniff}
Colours? undecided {pink, black, white, green, blue, red..}
Food? sushi! {jap in general}
Animal? sandy(: {no, she's not a dog, she's a chimpanzee}
Ice Cream? LEMON SORBET! {mago sorbet will do too!}
Store? uhh, dun have?
Salad Dressing? LOL, thousand island!
Actor? JOHNNY DEPP! {willy wonka! willy wonka!}
Songs? Receive the Power by Guy Sebastian {at the moment}
Letter? J!
Number? 2
Gum? uhh, idk
Holiday? CHRISTMAS(: {presents galore!}
Season? autumn {cool, yet warm(:}
ToothPaste Flavour? eww, i hate toothpaste. {but i do brush my teeth}
Radio Station? 987FM(: {mutton mutton mutton mutton}
Perfume? LOL, i dun wear scents
Scent Besides Perfume? none {refer to the above}
Body Part On The Opposite Sex? uhh, none in paricular? LOL.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? idk {rocket scientist! zoom zoom zoom!}
How Do You Want To Die? doing something really exciting {like pressing a button, GASP!}
Turn ons: hot/cute guys {YOU SHALLOW CREATURE!}
Turn offs: annoying assholes
Which Of Your Friend Acts Most Like You? juju bhat!
Who’s The Loudest? juju bhat!
Who Makes You Laugh The Most? juju bhat!
Who Have You Known The Longest? umm, brintha?
Who’s The Shyist? dunno?
When Have You Cried The Most? dunno?
What is The Best Feeling In The World? being appreciated(: {i love me, you love me!}
Worst Feeling? umm,
Where do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? singapore(: {travel the world!}
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Will It Be?
How Long Do You Think You’ll live? very very very very long :DD
Let’s walk on the road {into the path of an oncoming car}
Let’s look at the clothes {YOU SHALLOW CREATURE}
What a nice boy {it is impossible for a BOY to be nice, yes, biased opinion}
Where did all the chickens go? {the flew! GASPS}
Why can’t we sleep together? {i mean we are both homos right?}
Silly, little iidiot boy {reference to AHEM}
Isn’t it weird that we say tuna fish but not chicken bird?
Never Under Any Circumstance will i kiss you {LOL, muaccks(:}
I wish i understood God better. {currently under th influence of Guy Sebastian}
Everyone has their own opinions {but you shud all listen to me, of course!}
I am a pretty fairy princess! {drop-dead gorgeous corpse}
Been In love? yea {myself(:}
Been to Juvie? no!
Mooned Someone? huh? {the cow jumped over the moon!}
Been Rejected? no? {i reject(:}
Ran Away from home? no!
Picture your crush naked? COOL, but no. {is half naked counted?}
Skipped School? no
Thought about Suicide? no! {live life to the fullest}
Slept Outside? outside where?
Laughed so hard you cried? umm, yea? idk.
Cried in school? yea
Thrown up in school? uhh, no.
Wanted to be a model? LOL, no {decked out in Elle, strutting to the coer of Vogue}
Cheated on someone? yes, i am seeing someone behind my seven darlings' backs. {note solemn voice}
Done Something Really stupid that you still laugh at it today? yea
Seen a dead body? no {is the pic in de news counted?}
Been Bitched Out? yea, lots.
Drank Alcohol? duhh. {never drink beer, it sucks}
Been on drugs? duhh, medicine! {i missed my daily dose today}
Eaten Sushi? duhh!
Been on Stage? no. {i wonder what my cca is..}
Gone Skinny Dipping? no, but COOL!
Shoplifted? no
Been Drunk? no
Been called a Tease? yea? idk.
Been beaten up? no {beaten up? yea}
Swear? what the hell, of course not!
Sing Well? no {once again, i wonder what my cca is}
Shower Daily? no {i shower annually}
Want to go to College? yea
Want to get married? yea {by 27}
Believe in yourself? yea
Get motion sickness? sometimes {note to self: do not read on a moving vehicle}
Think You’re Attractive? of course, drop-dead gorgeous as i said {COUGHCOUGH}
Get along with your parents? yea
Like thunderstorms? yea
Play an instrument? recorder counted?
Own an iPod? yea {my bro took it though..}
Pray? duhh!
Go to Church? duhh!
Sleep with a Stuffed Animal? duhh! lumpy(:
Keep a Diary/ Journal? no {i wonder what this is called}
Dance in the Rain? {it's raining men, alleluia!} nope(:
Sing in the shower? yea
Pepsi or Coke? neither. {drink-colour-cist}
McDonald’s or BK? mac
Single or Group Dates? depends
Chocolate or Vanilla? DARK CHOCOLATE!
Strawberries or Blueberries? either.
Meat or Veggie? meat!
TV or Movie? movie
Guitar or Drums? uhh, must i? guitar.
Adidas or Nike? what's the diff? they're all sports wear..
Chinese or Mexican mexican. {i eat chinese every weekend..}
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? cheerios
Cake or Pie? either.
MTV or VH1? mtv
Blind or Deaf? blind. {i need music}
Boxers or Briefs? boxers!
Do the splits no {oww, my groin..}
Write with both hands no {is hideous and illegible counted?}
Whistle yea
Blow a bubble yea
Roll your tounge in a circle yea
Cross your eyes yea
Walk with your toes curled yea
Touch your tongue to touch your nose eww, no
Dance no {is a booty dance counted?}
Eat whatever you want and not worry yea!
You touched literally? my mum. LOL.
You Talked to on the phone uhh, angeline
You Instant Messaged joshua
You Hugged my mum hugged me while i was sleeping last night
You yelled at little monstrocity
You played a sport with uhh, some ball game during pe last monday
Time you laughed YOUTH RALLY(:
Time you cried dunno? i almost cried ytd(:
Movie you watched dunno?
Flavour of Gum you chewed i dun like gum so much..
Joke you told there's a joke on my blog everyday
Song you sung RECEIVE THE POWER!
Life on other planets yea, if you say so..
Magic duhh, God is a miracle
Love at first sight umm, not really
Satan yea
Ghosts Holy Ghost(:
Santa if i get to dress my dad or grandpa up, yea
Evolution yea
Fav eye colour green or grey
Fav hair colour dark brown
Short or long hair halfway?
Height taller than me {reasonably of course}
Weight acceptable?
Best clothing style suit yourself, i shant control your style
tag cheanpin, juju bhat, maxi, adalia, etc
2:27 PM
kellie is niice :DDD
hahahs, i feel damn niice :DDD
i just gave away a niice skin(: hero heroin [js*]

gave it to Alan. i was making it
when he asked me to make for him one. so give lorrhs, hahahas
SEE! kellie is niice(:
&kellie is bored
and hungry..
i just gave away a niice skin(: hero heroin [js*]
gave it to Alan. i was making it
when he asked me to make for him one. so give lorrhs, hahahas
SEE! kellie is niice(:
&kellie is bored
and hungry..
What About Now by Daughtry
Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading,
From all the things that we are
But are not saying.
Can we see beyond the scars
And make it to the dawn?
Change the colors of the sky.
And open up to
The ways you made me feel alive,
The ways I loved you.
For all the things that never died,
To make it through the night,
Love will find you.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
The sun is breaking in your eyes
To start a new day.
This broken heart can still survive
With a touch of your grace.
Shadows fade into the light.
I am by your side,
Where love will find you.
Now that we're here,
Now that we've come this far,
Just hold on.
There is nothing to fear,
For I am right beside you.
For all my life,
I am yours.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
11:54 AM
YD08 rawks!! :DDDDD
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses. Acts 1:8
i love YD08
someone from maxi's group brought glowsticks, YAY(:
joan stuck the glowsticks onto her huge hoops
making them huger &heavier. LOL mine's the red one :DD

kellee, joan, me gosh i look stupid

our ACTIVATION CHIP! LOL, lame name, i know.
it says "RECEIVE THE POWER" Acts 1:8

we had some ice breakers stuff in church in de aftnoon.
lols, me &zac kept eyebrow-ing each other.
then had P&W. abit weird.keenan cant sing XDD
got on the bus, was abit rushing, so had to eat on the bus.
but we got on the bus, gave out the food
&realised that we didnt have cutleries..
so rebecca, eva, kat, amanda, zac, andrea, etc. ate with their hands.
they ate beehoon with their hands.
i kept staring at zac. he looked completely disgusting.
reached toh payoh, ate &andrew treated me to a drink! :DDD
went into the sports hall, me &joan were superr high LOL
kept running arnd all over the place. me &leo found angeline &alloy.
{Our Lady Of Perpetual Succour; pronounced as sucker!}
the rally was wonderful/ stupendous/
breathtaking/ fantabulous/ stunning/ etc. etc.
LOL, yea it was great. damn funn :DDDDD
the skits were great, the band was great, the emcees were great.
Brother Derrick, one of the emcees, kept saying YOU SHALLOW CREATURE
to the other emcee for going on abt cute guys heheheh(:
the Bishop of the Phillipines was great.
he was freaking funny, &cool in a very very very weird wayy..
mass was scary. Father John Wong was the priest.
Brother Xavier was swinging the smoke thingy
&Timothy was one of the altar boys.
towards the end, when Father was walking arnd the hall,
someone start screaming. she sounded possessed.
joan's friend says tt she got touched
by the Holy Spirit so started screaming..
damn freaking scary &angeline says
someone from her church fainted during mass
they could see the whites of her eyes
&when she woke she screamed too..
&someone from the church beside SMOTA cried during the reading.
apparently lotsa ppl wanted to cry during mass, i dunno why..
i love praise&worship the only wrong from ytd's P&W was no One Way!!
the entire hall, 1800 youths from 25 parishes arnd Singapore,
were screaming our heads off for the band to play One Way. LOL.
in the end, we started singing on our own, w/o the music. COOL :DD
aft P&W i couldnt feel my finger tips for lifting my hands too long..
we activated the Holy Spirit! :DDD
yea, it sounds weird, but yea! YD08(:
we took a group photo, well, two group photos.
one was of Group 10 another was our ice-breaker grp.
WHERE IS MAXI!!? the G10 photos are with him!!
the IB one is with keenan, i think hafta go SMOTA webbie to get.. poop
&here's a completely random pic i found on my phone.
taken during the chinese concert thingy we had to go to..

tag replies
jared: waddiya choose??!
shre: damn you..
josh: !!!i shall see you on friday, heheheh..
i love YD08
Receive the Power by Guy Sebastian & Gary Pinto
Every nation, every tribe,
come together to worship You.
In Your presence we delight:
we will follow
to the ends of the earth.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Receive the power,
From the Holy Spirit!
Alleluia, Alleluia!
Receive the power
To be a light unto the world.
As Your Spirit calls to rise
we will answer and do Your will.
We’ll forever testify
of Your mercy and unfailing love.
Lamb of God, we worship you.
Holy one, we worship you.
Bread of Life, we worship you.
Emmanuel, we worship you.
Lamb of God, we worship you.
Holy one, we worship you.
Bread of life, we worship you.
Emmanuel, we will sing forever:
someone from maxi's group brought glowsticks, YAY(:
joan stuck the glowsticks onto her huge hoops
making them huger &heavier. LOL mine's the red one :DD
kellee, joan, me gosh i look stupid

our ACTIVATION CHIP! LOL, lame name, i know.
it says "RECEIVE THE POWER" Acts 1:8
we had some ice breakers stuff in church in de aftnoon.
lols, me &zac kept eyebrow-ing each other.
then had P&W. abit weird.
got on the bus, was abit rushing, so had to eat on the bus.
but we got on the bus, gave out the food
&realised that we didnt have cutleries..
so rebecca, eva, kat, amanda, zac, andrea, etc. ate with their hands.
they ate beehoon with their hands.
i kept staring at zac. he looked completely disgusting.
reached toh payoh, ate &andrew treated me to a drink! :DDD
went into the sports hall, me &joan were superr high LOL
kept running arnd all over the place. me &leo found angeline &alloy.
{Our Lady Of Perpetual Succour; pronounced as sucker!}
Gimme an SSMOTA {St Mary of the Angels}
Gimme an M
Gimme an O
Gimme an T
Gimme an A
What's that spell? SMOTA!
the rally was wonderful/ stupendous/
breathtaking/ fantabulous/ stunning/ etc. etc.
LOL, yea it was great. damn funn :DDDDD
the skits were great, the band was great, the emcees were great.
Brother Derrick, one of the emcees, kept saying YOU SHALLOW CREATURE
to the other emcee for going on abt cute guys heheheh(:
the Bishop of the Phillipines was great.
he was freaking funny, &cool in a very very very weird wayy..
mass was scary. Father John Wong was the priest.
Brother Xavier was swinging the smoke thingy
&Timothy was one of the altar boys.
towards the end, when Father was walking arnd the hall,
someone start screaming. she sounded possessed.
joan's friend says tt she got touched
by the Holy Spirit so started screaming..
damn freaking scary &angeline says
someone from her church fainted during mass
they could see the whites of her eyes
&when she woke she screamed too..
&someone from the church beside SMOTA cried during the reading.
apparently lotsa ppl wanted to cry during mass, i dunno why..
i love praise&worship the only wrong from ytd's P&W was no One Way!!
the entire hall, 1800 youths from 25 parishes arnd Singapore,
were screaming our heads off for the band to play One Way. LOL.
in the end, we started singing on our own, w/o the music. COOL :DD
aft P&W i couldnt feel my finger tips for lifting my hands too long..
we activated the Holy Spirit! :DDD
yea, it sounds weird, but yea! YD08(:
Laughter: The Best Medicine!
A wife buys an enormous birthday present for her husband. He opens it and looks rather confused.
“What am I supposed to do with a rocket?”
“You wanted space,” she replies. “Now get lost.”
we took a group photo, well, two group photos.
one was of Group 10 another was our ice-breaker grp.
WHERE IS MAXI!!? the G10 photos are with him!!
the IB one is with keenan, i think hafta go SMOTA webbie to get.. poop
&here's a completely random pic i found on my phone.
taken during the chinese concert thingy we had to go to..

tag replies
jared: waddiya choose??!
shre: damn you..
josh: !!!i shall see you on friday, heheheh..
10:59 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
shoot 'em down!
i made a new skin! bang! bang! bang! [js*]

i need something more to do with my time.
some one lend me Twilight!
im sick of everyone getting so crazyy over it.
tag replies
shre: good thing you know, not tt it's gonna help anw with your big mouth..
liying: LOL, thanks? XD
derrick: LOL, go join her lahhs, she does in regularly, unfortunately..
limin: wahh liiao, still say some more.. my COOKIES are the darlings!!
i need something more to do with my time.
some one lend me Twilight!
im sick of everyone getting so crazyy over it.
tag replies
shre: good thing you know, not tt it's gonna help anw with your big mouth..
liying: LOL, thanks? XD
derrick: LOL, go join her lahhs, she does in regularly, unfortunately..
limin: wahh liiao, still say some more.. my COOKIES are the darlings!!
Make Some Noise by Krystal Meyers
Yeah you're so convinced
Of how it's supposed to be
I know you're confused
Don't take it out on me
I'm free to try
I'm free to dream
When it all goes wrong
We're not afraid to scream
Cause the future now is ours babes
Oh, oh, shout it out
Get ready 'cause I get loud
Cause we're born to make some noise
Don't tell me we should turn it down
We were born to make some noise
Make some noise
We're not the enemy
You might be surprised
Don't need hypocrisy to open up our eyes
We don't need your mood
Don't need a uniform
This is who we are
We won't be ignored
Cause the future now is ours babes
Nobody's going to shut us out, yeah
Cause we're born to make some noise
Great time, so figure out
Come on girls and boys
Make some noise
8:12 PM
a promise
All my life I have craved. Not for anything huge or extravagant, but simply what I deserve. Respect. Is that too much to ask for? In fact, it’s not respect, even. Only recognition; no, acknowledgement.
Mmm... The smell of home-made waffles and sweet honey syrup wafted up to my room. I opened my eyes and squinted slightly as the sunlight peeked through from a gap in the curtains. I turned away from the window and looked around the room. White walls with a splash of colours as bits and pieces of art hung from the wall; pleasant, simple and yet, sophisticated. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, towards my room. I looked to the door, watching the doorknob turn expecting mum to come bursting in inviting me down to a warm homely breakfast. I braced myself as the door opened for her to come dragging me out of bed – literally. I heard the click of the doorknob and a screech filled the air.
“Mia, come here now and help get your siblings ready for school!” came the high-pitched voice, dragging me roughly out of sleep.
It was only a dream, I told myself as I quickly got ready for school. It will never come true. In the kitchen, the smell of stale cigarette smoke hung in the cool morning air. I glanced around the small room. The walls were patched and dirty with crayon drawings, the tiled floors were stained yellow and brown, the table tops were also losing their colour. The small trailer was cluttered with pots, pans, children’s books and littered with bits of paper and stationary from Joe and Sue’s art and craft attempt last night.
My heart sank. It was a dream and nothing can change that fact. No, it can, I can. I will. One day I shall leave all this behind me. A two-storey home with a garden and a puppy. I’ve never had a pet before; mother would never allow them, not with three children and a good-for-nothing husband under her belt.
But I will, I swear I will.
Mmm... The smell of home-made waffles and sweet honey syrup wafted up to my room. I opened my eyes and squinted slightly as the sunlight peeked through from a gap in the curtains. I turned away from the window and looked around the room. White walls with a splash of colours as bits and pieces of art hung from the wall; pleasant, simple and yet, sophisticated. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, towards my room. I looked to the door, watching the doorknob turn expecting mum to come bursting in inviting me down to a warm homely breakfast. I braced myself as the door opened for her to come dragging me out of bed – literally. I heard the click of the doorknob and a screech filled the air.
“Mia, come here now and help get your siblings ready for school!” came the high-pitched voice, dragging me roughly out of sleep.
It was only a dream, I told myself as I quickly got ready for school. It will never come true. In the kitchen, the smell of stale cigarette smoke hung in the cool morning air. I glanced around the small room. The walls were patched and dirty with crayon drawings, the tiled floors were stained yellow and brown, the table tops were also losing their colour. The small trailer was cluttered with pots, pans, children’s books and littered with bits of paper and stationary from Joe and Sue’s art and craft attempt last night.
My heart sank. It was a dream and nothing can change that fact. No, it can, I can. I will. One day I shall leave all this behind me. A two-storey home with a garden and a puppy. I’ve never had a pet before; mother would never allow them, not with three children and a good-for-nothing husband under her belt.
But I will, I swear I will.
7:28 PM
i have another darling(: number seven <3<3<3<3

we cleared up the music room today.
we did stupid things today.
i read my book today. IT RAWKS! bloody hell,
all zoe had to do was to just ADMIT i love you to brad.
i mean, it was not like he expected anything from her!
&why didnt she? to protect him !!!
then when she decided to, she proposed!!
&IMMEDIATELY she found the key!
okayy.. my explanation is crap, i know. LOL
my juniors are evill proven fact
i went to the hall during recess, it was HOM day..
adalia grabbed my RIGHT arm &tried to drag me to her class' booth..
not enough right? so, jiayu came
&grabbed my LEFT arm to drag me to HER class' booth
best of all.. kaizhong came with jiayu &stood in front of me,
effectively blocking out all possible escape routes.
a particularly stupid shreya
we cleared up the music room today.
we did stupid things today.
i read my book today. IT RAWKS! bloody hell,
all zoe had to do was to just ADMIT i love you to brad.
i mean, it was not like he expected anything from her!
&why didnt she? to protect him !!!
then when she decided to, she proposed!!
&IMMEDIATELY she found the key!
okayy.. my explanation is crap, i know. LOL
my juniors are evill proven fact
i went to the hall during recess, it was HOM day..
adalia grabbed my RIGHT arm &tried to drag me to her class' booth..
not enough right? so, jiayu came
&grabbed my LEFT arm to drag me to HER class' booth
best of all.. kaizhong came with jiayu &stood in front of me,
effectively blocking out all possible escape routes.
Laughter: The Best Medicine!
The pastor asks his flock, “What would you like people to say when you’re in your casket?”
One congregant says, “I’d like them to say how I was a fine family man.”
Another says, “I’d like then to say I helped people.”
The third responds, “I’d like them to say, ‘Look! I think he’s moving!’”
a particularly stupid shreya
9:49 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
my darlings <3<3<3
now, go be an seventeen-year-old iidiot
cycle for 35km and get your damn butt sore again :DDD
yea, i love my darling
the skinny one. the tall one.
the tall&skinny one. :DDD
i have six darlings
uhh,j***** very drama today.. irritating
i don't care, with or without you,
the choir is going in as a SATB choir
we won't die just because you're not there
don't act like such a bigshot, cause you're not
i'm broke this week
thanks to someonetall&skinny
my favourite joke from Readers' Digest
HAHAHA! leonard gotta come back on his birthday for choir prac!
23rd December fyi. damn, hafta get him sth..
no wait, he didnt get me anything, so no obligation :DDDD
ohhyea, josh, i shall hug you when i see you,
it'll be your bday prezzie :DDD
i will NOT get you cycling gloves, or wdv..
now, go be an seventeen-year-old iidiot
cycle for 35km and get your damn butt sore again :DDD
yea, i love my darling
the skinny one. the tall one.
the tall&skinny one. :DDD
i have six darlings
Hamilton<3<3<3<3<3the hearts rate the hotness level <3<3<3
Choco Peanut Chewy Jumbo<3<3<3<3
i don't care, with or without you,
the choir is going in as a SATB choir
we won't die just because you're not there
don't act like such a bigshot, cause you're not
i'm broke this week
thanks to someone
my favourite joke from Readers' Digest
Laughter: The Best Medicine
Four men go on a hunting trip. The only hotel in the area is almost full, so they have to bunk two to a room. No-one wants to share with Joe because he snores, so the others decide to take turns.
The first man stays with Joe and comes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes bloodshot.
“What happened to you?” ask his friends.
“Joe snored so loudly I just sat up and watched him all night,” he moans.
The following evening, it is the second chap’s turn. He also looks awful the next morning.
“Oh, man, that Joe shakes the roof,” he says. “I sat up and watched him all night too.”
The third night is Frank’s turn, a burly ex-rugby player: a man’s man. Next morning he comes down to breakfast looking very fresh.
“Good morning,” he says brightly.
The first two men are incredulous. “Wow, what happened?”
“Well,” says Frank. “We got ready for bed, I tucked Joe in wished him sweet dreams and kissed him on the forehead. He sat up and watched me all night.”
HAHAHA! leonard gotta come back on his birthday for choir prac!
23rd December fyi. damn, hafta get him sth..
no wait, he didnt get me anything, so no obligation :DDDD
ohhyea, josh, i shall hug you when i see you,
it'll be your bday prezzie :DDD
i will NOT get you cycling gloves, or wdv..
Keeps Gettin' Better by Christina Aguilera
Step back gonna come at ya fast
I'm driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won't stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man
So baby yes I know what I am
And no I don't give a damn
And you'll be loving it
Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better
Kiss kiss gonna tell you right now
I'll make it sweet on the lips as it can knock you out
Shut up I don't care what you say
Cuz when we both in the ring you're gonna like it my way
Yeah baby there's a villain in me so sexy sour and sweet
And you'll be loving it
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
In the blink of an eye
In the speed of the light
I'll hold the universe up
And make your planets collide
When I strap on my boots
And I slip on my suit
You see the vixen in me
Becomes an angel for you
Chorus x2
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
8:57 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
famous last words
thy dying words
So I push this button and...?
The plumber fixes a leak in the doctor’s house –then bills him for $1000.
“This is ridiculous!” says the doctor. “I don’t even charge that much.”
The plumber says, “Neither did I when I was a doctor."
So I push this button and...?
The plumber fixes a leak in the doctor’s house –then bills him for $1000.
“This is ridiculous!” says the doctor. “I don’t even charge that much.”
The plumber says, “Neither did I when I was a doctor."
7:03 PM
thou areth juju
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane
Kellie Jane Leanne Shae
Leanne means Gracious Plum in English
YAY(: obama is leading!
Obama: 48%
WhiteGuy: 44%
{dun ask me how tt adds up, it was on the news..}
i will NOT call myself JUJU or JEWEL
the library is niice
hah, shre was early
laugh it off
you are very very optimistic. you dont care about what others think of you and like to joke about yourself all the time.. you are great company and you never have a worry in life..... you greatest strength is your ability to laugh at your problems.. very few ppl can do that.., some people adore you for this quality while some think you are plain mad!!! but you dont cae abt wat others think and are always in your own world....
Oops. You seem to be in the center of the greater good and evil. When your parents say no, you sometimes want to have your way! But other times, you listen to them. Decide which path you wish to take and focus on it! I hope you don't turn out to be a rotten apple though. Good luck! =D
Someone Who is Outgoing
You belong with someone unafraid to show their wild side. At first they may seem shy, but once you truly get to know them, you see their true colors.
The Drama Queen
You are most likely to be a dreamer, a drama and a flirt. You relish attention and the finer things in life. The grass always seems greener on the other side and you will never stop moving on and heading for the next goal or challange. When it comes to problems you usually hope they'll eventually just go away and you tend to put most things off till tomorrow, so there is more time for you naturally darling! Friends are drawn to you because you dive into situations head first causing a big splash and send waves throughout your networks. If there's any gossip it usually includes you or was made up by you. You must tame your wild side so that work can actually go ahead, living for today is fine, but be careful not to burn the candle at both ends or you'll end up sad and alone - your two most hated things.
Deep down whether you like it or not, you have tendencies to be a little psycho which is ok even if it freaks some of us out
Just Right
You're perfect, stay just the way you are!!! Don't change a thing!!!
you are silent, calm and composed. you always think a 100 times before doing anything.which is not always a good thing cause u find others going ahead of you.its time you see the light and dance to those lively tunes that you hear...cmon ! get alive...
Open Book
You feel obligated to share your every experience with those around you. You care what others think about who you are, but you never change for anybody. You are capable of sharing, although it is difficult to know when to stop. Everybody knows what to expect from you and your opinions are usually publicly known.
Light On by David Cook
Never really said too much
Afraid it wouldn't be enough
Just try to keep my spirits up
When there's no point in grieving
Doesn't matter anyway
Words could never make me stay
Words will never take my place
When you know I'm leaving
Try to leave a light on when I'm gone
Something I rely on to get home
One I can feel at night
A nake light, a fire to keep me warm
Try to leave a light on when I'm gone
Even in the daylight, shine on
And when it's late at night you can look inside
You won't feel so alone
You know we've been down that road
What seems a thousand times before
My back to a closing door and my eyes to the seasons
That roll out underneath my heels
And you don't know how bad it feels
To leave the only one that I have ever believed in
Sometimes it feels like we've run out of luck
When the signal keeps on breaking up
When the wires cross in my brain
You'll start my heart again
When I come along
8:30 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i don't care, but i still want cookies
we had like 3 lessons today. or less, cant rmb..
uhh, had chinese, physics and maths, yea..
ss, lit, uhh, &PG was free period.
i wanna watch James Bond
uhh, i cant rmb what the movie's called..
im not going choir camp well, not for the whole camp anw..
i'll go friday aftnoon, then go tgif. sat whole day,
MIGHT stay over, but leave 1st thing sat morning.
YAY((: P&W's coming :DDDD
&youth rally on sat. i shall see angeline there..
damn, angeline didnt gimme my cookies.
she owes me chocomint cookies!!
&darling almost finished off my darling today..

thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain
lols, fancy me teaching leonard the Ten Commandments.
thou shalt not admit to adultery
i hate posers
i like black roses but i have never seen a real one.
i like fiona she's niice to talk to.
uhh, had chinese, physics and maths, yea..
ss, lit, uhh, &PG was free period.
i wanna watch James Bond
uhh, i cant rmb what the movie's called..
im not going choir camp well, not for the whole camp anw..
i'll go friday aftnoon, then go tgif. sat whole day,
MIGHT stay over, but leave 1st thing sat morning.
YAY((: P&W's coming :DDDD
&youth rally on sat. i shall see angeline there..
damn, angeline didnt gimme my cookies.
she owes me chocomint cookies!!
&darling almost finished off my darling today..
thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain
lols, fancy me teaching leonard the Ten Commandments.
thou shalt not admit to adultery
i hate posers
i like black roses but i have never seen a real one.
i like fiona she's niice to talk to.
I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy
Say my name, and his in the same breath, I
Dare you to say they taste the same,
Let the leaves fall off in the summer
And let December glow feel flames
Brace myself and let go,
Start it over again in Mexico
These friends, they don't love you
They just love the hotel suites, now
Chorus: x2
I don't care what you think
As long as it's about me
The best of us can find happiness
In misery
Oh, take a chance, let your body get a tolerance,
I'm not a chance, but a heat wave in your pants
Pull a breath like another cigarette,
Palms up, I'm trading 'em (trading 'em)
I'm the oracle in my chest,
Let the guitar scream like a fascist,
Sweat it out, shut your mouth,
Free love on the streets, but
In the alley and I ain't that cheap, now
Chorus: x2
Said-a, I don't care just a-what you think,
As long as it's about me, you said-a
I don't care just what you think,
As long as it's about me, you said-a
I don't care (I don't care)
You said I don't care (I don't care)
I don't care x4
I said-a
I don't care
Chorus: x2
6:19 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
sex is..
sex is a funn&exotic workout
how much do you agree with this statement?
how much do you agree with this statement?
5:06 PM
prezzies :DDD
i made a new skin! :DDD &i really like it(:

it was completely random .__.
Overall SA2 results are out.. stupid crappy shitty marks.
1 A1, 4 B4s, 1 C5, 1 C6, 1 D7
to shocked
hammy is not edible!!
he's my darling(:
i have three darlings
hamilton, cheanpin &cookie :DDDD
it was completely random .__.
Overall SA2 results are out.. stupid crappy shitty marks.
1 A1, 4 B4s, 1 C5, 1 C6, 1 D7
English B4
Chinese D7
A Maths B4
Maths A1
Chemistry C5
Physics C6
Literature B4
to shocked
hammy is not edible!!
he's my darling(:
i have three darlings
hamilton, cheanpin &cookie :DDDD
T Shirt by Shontelle
Hey, ohh,
let me tell you no.
Oh baby.
Trying to decide, trying to decide if I,
really wanna go out tonight.
I never use to go out without you,
I'm not sure I remember how to.
I'm gonna be late gonna be late but,
all my girls gonna have to wait cause,
I don't know if I like my outfit.
I tried everything in my closet.
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you,
sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.
Taking them off cause I feel a fool,
trying to dress up when I'm missing you.
Ima step out of this lingerie,
curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
In that I lay, with nothing but your t-shirt on.
Oh, with nothing but your t-shirt on.
Hey, gotta be strong gotta be strong but I'm,
really hurting now that you're gone.
I thought maybe I'd do some shopping,
but I didn't get past the door and,
now I don't know now I don't know if I'm,
ever really gonna let you go and I,
couldnt even leave my appartment.
I'm stripped down torn up about it.
Trying to decide, trying to decide if I,
really wanna go out tonight.
I couldn't even leave my appartment,
I'm stripped down torn up about it.
Chorus x2
In nothing but your t-shirt on x2
9:21 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
cookie baby :DDDD
joshua sucks
dunno what is mummy crackers
LOL, deprived childhood
ARRGHHH! my darling hamilton
is being insulted by horrigible heartless @#$^$%& reporters!!
HAHHAHA! he is still leading! he is still leading! YAYAYAY :DDDD
joshua mark teoh owes me bubble tea
why else would a guy &a girl hold hands and pull each other around?
to shocked
LOL, i am flattered
*bats eyes seductively with a sexaye pout*
&josh, obviously you agree, you take CLB! loser~
i bought a cookie it cost me S$2.00 oops :DDD

dunno what is mummy crackers
LOL, deprived childhood
TALK TO ME! i'm on de verge of effing the ac
Sry i was eating. Effing e ac? Wouldn't a wine bottle be more effective? Lol.
!!!EWW. Josh you are a completely sick and disgusting freak.
LOL. I'm Sry. It was e only thing i could think of when u said effing the ac. Y do u even wanna do tt? Lol.
Eww, sick boy. Divorce.
Lol. U started it lor. With e ac thing. Lol. Y did u even say tt? Lol.
Cos i was freezing
Oh.... Lol. I thot u were so bored u were thinking of wad u could do with e ac. Lol.
!!!i might be a bitch, but i'm not horny!
ARRGHHH! my darling hamilton
is being insulted by horrigible heartless @#$^$%& reporters!!
HAHHAHA! he is still leading! he is still leading! YAYAYAY :DDDD
joshua mark teoh owes me bubble tea
why else would a guy &a girl hold hands and pull each other around?
to shocked
LOL, i am flattered
*bats eyes seductively with a sexaye pout*
&josh, obviously you agree, you take CLB! loser~
i hate chinese
&if chinese had a brain or life,
it would hate me too
but as we all know,
chinese is a brainless &lifeless thing
i bought a cookie it cost me S$2.00 oops :DDD
The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script
Going Back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
saying, "if you see this girl can you tell her where I am"
Some people try to hand me money, they don't understand
I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man
I know it makes no sense but what else can I do
How can I move on when I'm still in love with you
Cuase If one day you wake up and find your missing me
and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on our corner of the street
So I'm not moving, I'm not moving
Policeman says, "son you can't stay here"
I said, "there's someone I'm waiting for If it's a day, a month, a year"
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go
People talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world
Maybe i'll get famous as the man who can't be moved
Maybe you wont mean to but you'll see me on the news
And you'll come running to the corner
cuase you'll know it's just for you
Im the man who can't be moved
Chorus x2
Going Back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move