10:43 PM
Saturday, May 31, 2008
i like my legs. so i shall post them again. LOL.

muahahah! Thou who critisizes my legs shall die a horrigible death!
i ate thai express today.
drank too much tomyam soup[THE WHOLE BOWL!!]
owwww.. my poor tummy. >.<
muahahah! Thou who critisizes my legs shall die a horrigible death!
i ate thai express today.
drank too much tomyam soup[THE WHOLE BOWL!!]
owwww.. my poor tummy. >.<
4:35 PM
1.By wat age do u wish to marry?
27 dun ask why. It just seems like a niice age to get married...
2.Wat do u want the most now?
*muaccks* to be sponsored to buy de white dress!!
3.Who is the person u trust the most?
Shreya. bedwarmer
4.Do u thinkk u have enough confidence?
dunno? Hmmm...
5.If u have a dream to come true, wat will it be?
dunno. My penthouse andyellow lamborgini.
6.Do u believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
7.Wat is ur goal for this year?
top 10% in lvl.
8.Do u believe in eternity love?I dunno?
Hope so((:
9.Have u broke someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
10.Wat feeling do u love the most?
BEDWARMER! when nobody tries to judge me.
11. If one day... u realise that the world is going to end, & only u can save the world, wat will u do?
riighhhtt... fly into a black hole
12.Wat feeling do u hate the most?
when ppl who dun really know me judge me.
13.Do u cherish every single frenship of urs?
duhh. If not Brains&Brawns would just be Kellie
14.Wat do u think is most important in ur life?
Dunno? me
15.Hu do u hope to be always there with u?
16.Who are ur best frens?
18. Would you rather have $1billion or BFF?
1st, I’ll take de $1billion, then, I’ll redeem my BFF.
If they dun want money, I’ll take BFF.
19.If a genie grant u 3 wishes, wat will it be?
ask for more wishes. Then, a penthouse and yellow Lamborghini((:
20. What do you think of the person who tagged you?
dunno. supperrr hospitable. Not.
instructions:Remove one of the qns and add in ur personal qn, make a total of 20 qn. then tagged ppl in ur list, list them out at the end of ur post. Notify them in chatbox, that he/she has been tagged. Whoever do this tagged... will receive blessing from all...
27 dun ask why. It just seems like a niice age to get married...
2.Wat do u want the most now?
*muaccks* to be sponsored to buy de white dress!!
3.Who is the person u trust the most?
Shreya. bedwarmer
4.Do u thinkk u have enough confidence?
dunno? Hmmm...
5.If u have a dream to come true, wat will it be?
dunno. My penthouse andyellow lamborgini.
6.Do u believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
7.Wat is ur goal for this year?
top 10% in lvl.
8.Do u believe in eternity love?I dunno?
Hope so((:
9.Have u broke someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
10.Wat feeling do u love the most?
11. If one day... u realise that the world is going to end, & only u can save the world, wat will u do?
riighhhtt... fly into a black hole
12.Wat feeling do u hate the most?
when ppl who dun really know me judge me.
13.Do u cherish every single frenship of urs?
duhh. If not Brains&Brawns would just be Kellie
14.Wat do u think is most important in ur life?
Dunno? me
15.Hu do u hope to be always there with u?
16.Who are ur best frens?
18. Would you rather have $1billion or BFF?
1st, I’ll take de $1billion, then, I’ll redeem my BFF.
If they dun want money, I’ll take BFF.
19.If a genie grant u 3 wishes, wat will it be?
ask for more wishes. Then, a penthouse and yellow Lamborghini((:
20. What do you think of the person who tagged you?
dunno. supperrr hospitable. Not.
instructions:Remove one of the qns and add in ur personal qn, make a total of 20 qn. then tagged ppl in ur list, list them out at the end of ur post. Notify them in chatbox, that he/she has been tagged. Whoever do this tagged... will receive blessing from all...
3:22 PM
random. LOL.
10:16 AM
Friday, May 30, 2008
yay! i'm niice((: & cute. & sweet. & straightfoward. & smart. yay! LOL. i'm niice
i am eating an IKEA hotdog bun. it's niice. ((: yay! LOL.
i like babyys. & bedwarmers. & mee. & my star necklace. & dark chocolate. & mee. & shreya. & viren. & mee. & chilli crab. & yellow lamborginis. & mee. oh, and not forgetting mee. ((:
i love me ((: yay!
i'm am quote:=.=
1.is a true,blue friend. OMG! ROMANTIC SCENE! aawww...
2.OMG! ZAARA HAS A FIANCE! NOOOO!!! she's funny!(kellie, i mean...not zaara)
3. Veer's crushed...*sniff* Kellie's super friendly...she'll talk to ani1...
i am eating an IKEA hotdog bun. it's niice. ((: yay! LOL.
i like babyys. & bedwarmers. & mee. & my star necklace. & dark chocolate. & mee. & shreya. & viren. & mee. & chilli crab. & yellow lamborginis. & mee. oh, and not forgetting mee. ((:
i love me ((: yay!
12:30 AM
boys suck. ok. fine. im stereotyping. but this one SERIOUSLY is a complete UTTER ****er. sorry. not you guys. but HIM. i feel like URRGHHH! nvm. nvm.
had a niice converstion w/ kevin. hahas. ALWAYS BE MY BABY! I kissed a girl and I liked it. LOL. beauti-fool song. ((: yay! it's settled FINALLY.
goodnight shre! & viren. at least u FINALLY get to sleep. LOL. nigghhtt! muaccks. ily&youtoo! ((:
had a niice converstion w/ kevin. hahas. ALWAYS BE MY BABY! I kissed a girl and I liked it. LOL. beauti-fool song. ((: yay! it's settled FINALLY.
goodnight shre! & viren. at least u FINALLY get to sleep. LOL. nigghhtt! muaccks. ily&youtoo! ((:
1:31 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Instructions: Remove 1 question and add in a personal question to make it 20. Choose 8people 5people to do this quiz and list them out at the end of the quiz.
LOL. now, who to taggg... hmmm...
1. Did you do this in a hurry
2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
the whole world outside SEA.
3. What’s your favourite thing to do?
sing at the top of my voice & shopping w/ BFFs.
4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
nope. you cant buy real friends&family with money. you buy sluts&jerks with money.
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
hhmmm.. good question. ((: i'll think about it.world peace>.< yahh riighht.
all the MOST EXCITING thrillers in the world woohhooo!
6. Can you survive without money?
yes&no. money isnt everything, but in a materialistic world, i guess..
7. Where in the world would you choose to live, if you had the money to?
Hollywoodmaterialistic.Japanexpensive. Singaporebabyy!
8. If you win $1million, what would you do?
buy my penthouse & yellow lambogini, though i dun think $1mil is enough...
fine. i'll give 10% to charity. and 25% to my parents.
9. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you recently?
hhmmmm.. i dunno. i'll reflect for a while 1st...
i cant think of anything. what do u rmb me doin??
I kissed a girl and I liked it
10. List out 3 good point of the person who tagged you?
tall. niice hair. love starrs, like mee!! ((:
btw, mee am beauti-fool!
11. What makes you happy?
alot of things. doya really want me to list them?
dogs, stuffed toys, yellow car, bedwarmer, music... etc.
12. What type of person do you hate the most?
two-faced ppl.
petty ppl.
13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
in a penthouse with my HOT bedwarmer.
14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
control everything in the world with my mind. muahahahah!
be like Bill Gates
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
16. What do you do when you’re alone?
sing at de top of my voice, mostly out of tune.
play photoshop. read.
17. If you had a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
ahhh.. but im perfect! there's nuthing to change! LOL.
im short-tempered, i guess. poop.
18. If you could turn back the clock, which period would you like to return to?before jem was born.
nap time in kindergarten.
19. What would you do if some weird foreigner asks you for money?
irritate him with my Singapore talk until he goes away bald.
stuff S$2 note in his hands.
20. Complete the sentence. “I’d run wild and naked if....”
my bedwarmer turned into micheal jackson halfway during sex.
i turned blind and felt something creeping up my leg while im in de shower.
LOL. now, who to taggg... hmmm...
ShreyaLOL. done. these poor souls shall do THE QUIZ muahhah! ((:
11:34 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
HE BULLY ME! nvm, i wont elaborate. but viren is my witness!! muahahah! i shall suan u next time. in case some ppl say some more things. >.< i hate ISPL. im DAMN far behind larrhs. havent finished a single one, unless u count history, whr im pretty sure i got half de thing wrong. damned.
I like you! You're funny! ((:*yawn. goodnight. ((:
10:45 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
i feel random & high & BLUE! yay! ((:
Blue by Eiffel 65
Yo listen up here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue like him inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and hisself
And everybody around
Cos he ain't got nobody to listen to
I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...
I have a blue house with a blue window.
Blue is the colour of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.
I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...
I have a blue house with a blue window.
Blue is the colour of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.
I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...
Inside and outside blue his house
With the blue little window and a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and hisself
And everybody around cause he aint got
Nobody to listen to
I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...
I'm blue (if I was green I would die)
9:56 PM
IRON MAN ROCKS! LOL. okayy, i know this is kinda belated, but jus went to watch iT jus now. lols. it rawks. 10% does tt.. i wonder whether this kinda things can be made real... I WANNA WATCH CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN! ((: LOL. i wanna watch it REAL bad.
yay! grad party is FINALLY over. well sec4s, wish us the best of luck! we are SOOO gonna need it. choral exam, syf... damnit. choir prac this morning was funnn LOL. understatement. BBSS HAS A CREED! LOL. de almost all the sec3s were late, except syafiqah & suchi. blehhs. so we had to do The Creed.
now, to de PARTAY. funn. LOL. played Chicken Scissors Paper Stone heheh... WINNERS KANA FORFEIT! fyi, it's SHARON's idea. ((: passing down. hhmmm... YingQi passed down to meee. sorry horrhs. my present damn cheapskate derrhs. lols. ((:
this was wad happened err... last week. during lit, while mr latiff was at faculty assembly. me&shre sat w/ leo&ql. and hz&leon were behind us sitting on tables screaming out the window at de lower sec boys playing soccer. =.= damn hot and boring. leo slept. shre, ql, leon, hz played hp games. i listened to de radio. aft a while, shre fell asleep. LOL.

yay! grad party is FINALLY over. well sec4s, wish us the best of luck! we are SOOO gonna need it. choral exam, syf... damnit. choir prac this morning was funnn LOL. understatement. BBSS HAS A CREED! LOL. de almost all the sec3s were late, except syafiqah & suchi. blehhs. so we had to do The Creed.
Long live Ms Yeemuahahahah! LOL. sadly, i was one of those who were late. LOL.
Ms Yee is the greatest
BBSS choir is the greatest
I'm sorry I'm late
now, to de PARTAY. funn. LOL. played Chicken Scissors Paper Stone heheh... WINNERS KANA FORFEIT! fyi, it's SHARON's idea. ((: passing down. hhmmm... YingQi passed down to meee. sorry horrhs. my present damn cheapskate derrhs. lols. ((:
this was wad happened err... last week. during lit, while mr latiff was at faculty assembly. me&shre sat w/ leo&ql. and hz&leon were behind us sitting on tables screaming out the window at de lower sec boys playing soccer. =.= damn hot and boring. leo slept. shre, ql, leon, hz played hp games. i listened to de radio. aft a while, shre fell asleep. LOL.
11:08 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
yay! went to some marine fish shop ytd. saw some beauti-fool fish. really damn niice. took some photos. they're mostly coral fish, which my hse fish tank cant have, cos corals and coral fish, need a/c in their tank. PAMPERED! even my room doesnt have a/c 24/7! stupid fish. stupid beauti-fool fish. hmpf. fish are great. really bright and colourful. & they're low-maintainence unless u're like my dad who wants all de really niice & expensive coral fish, even thought he knows tt our fish tank has too high temperatures. *sigh* LOL.

oh yea. i believe u saw the inside of my little brother's mouth in the middle of all that. oops? i 4got it was there. LOL ((:
oh yea. i believe u saw the inside of my little brother's mouth in the middle of all that. oops? i 4got it was there. LOL ((: