5:44 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
What I Go To School For
What I Go To School For by Busted
Her voice is echoed in my mind
I count the days till she is mine
Can’t tell my friends cos they will laugh
I love a member of the staff
I fight my way to front of class
To get the best view of her ass
I drop a pencil on the floor
She bends down and shows me more….
That’s what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
You can call me crazy
I know that she craves me
That’s what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
Girlfriends I’ve had plenty
None like Miss Mackenzie
That’s what I go to school for
That’s what I go to school for
So she may be thirty-three
But that doesn’t bother me
Her boyfriends working out of town
I find a reason to go round
I climb a tree outside her home
To make sure she is alone
I see her in her underwear
I can’t help but stop and stare
Everyone that u teach all day knows your looking at me in a different way
I guess thats why my marks are getting so high
I can see those tell tale signs telling me that I was on your mind
I could see that you want it more when you told me that I’m what you go to school for
I’m what you go to school for
She’s packed her bag it's in the trunk
Looks like she’s picked herself a hunk
We drive past school to say goodbye
My friends they can’t believe their eyes….
5:12 PM
i lurrrrvvee miiieee!!
this is my two hundredth and one post yay! im off numbers. i cant stand numbers anymore. blehhs. i lurrvveee miieee! did you know that? if you don't know that, you don't know me. ((:
i like chemistry. always did. yay! i love me.. *sigh* he is not going! blehhs. tt means i still wont get to see him. ): sadded.
i love chocolate and pie. apple pie. and chicken pie. and tianji. tt's frog leg, fyi. it's niice. sounds and looks disgusting, yes, i know, but it tastes really niice. yay! ((:
KellieJane shall rule the WORLD! LOVE ME! ((:
i like chemistry. always did. yay! i love me.. *sigh* he is not going! blehhs. tt means i still wont get to see him. ): sadded.
i love chocolate and pie. apple pie. and chicken pie. and tianji. tt's frog leg, fyi. it's niice. sounds and looks disgusting, yes, i know, but it tastes really niice. yay! ((:
KellieJane shall rule the WORLD! LOVE ME! ((:
6:27 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Stop and Stare
yay! comp! ((: kor left it on when he went back to camp. i went to church today. aloysius conducted the lesson. it was more pointless than usual. nvm... mass was errm.. different today. there's a 'relief' priest from another church. he looks like a lawyer type. and he nvr smiles. blurgghs. i dont like him.
LEONARD STILL OWES ME CHOCOLATE! yay! LOL. i hate chinese did you know that? blehhs. i had suki yaki for lunch today. it was niice.
LEONARD STILL OWES ME CHOCOLATE! yay! LOL. i hate chinese did you know that? blehhs. i had suki yaki for lunch today. it was niice.
Stop and Stare by OneRepublic
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shakin off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands, just take the wheel...
And every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can u see what I see
They're tryin to come back, all my senses push
Un-tie the weight bags, I never thought I could...
Steady feet, don't fail me now
Gonna run till you can't walk
But something pulls my focus out
And I'm standing down...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need
What u need, what u need...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do u see what I see...
3:41 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
New Skin!

my sis taught me how to do ionic equations. so shre's more or less off de hook. blehhs. oh, yea! i have a new baby cousin! Ryan Shae! i dunno his chinese name. it's 'bing' something. same 'bing' as my bros.
anyway, i jus realised i have flying fish in my world. i guess the song Year 3000 has done too much to me... my world has flying fish ((: yay! LOL.
i took pictures! of my baby cousin. sandy. my lit big blue book. my table. my lollipop whistle. and err... my piggies! oh, yea. LEONARD OWES ME CHOCOLATE! again. ((: yay!
11:15 AM
pigges turned to chocolate?!
yay! i can use the com! ((: i missed 2 days of sko0l. *sigh* there goes my perfect attendance. LOL. anyway, i missed a DAMN lot larrhs. went back to sko0l ytd. 10mins into sk0ol and i was bombarded with homework courtesy of shreya padmanabha bhat thanks. missed ionic equations. damn it. now shre has to teach me [THE HORROR!]. but i still dun get it. but u didnt hear me say tt cos if u did shre would be killed by birdshit and shre would kill me. ((:
kiss my feet, leonard! muhahahha! LOL. I TOLD YOU THE PIGGIES ARE NIICE~! HA! now you hafta kiss my feet! wait, eww... fine, this isnt the most hygienic reward/punishment. so.... YOU OWE ME CHOCOLATE! yay! ((:
btw, medicine makes water taste sweet. i found out. it's disgusting. in a way.. hmm... nvm.
anyway the niicest person so far was MOB she's so niice. im sick for 2 days and miss out on homework and suddenly i purposely fell ill!? HELLO! no1 told me. and i did ask FYI. it's not MY fault tt YOUR students decided not to tell me.i crapped out on maths. the test was shit. i've never gotten so low b4. but tt's my own fault. didnt study and couldnt rmb. nvm....
i have NEVER had such bad results IN MY LIFE NEVER. no matter how crappy my chinese was, i'd never got below 45. until now. why? and you think you're helping me improve?! get a life. FYI, my chinese is now worst than worst. it's an F9. below 40. almost 30. great improvement not.
kiss my feet, leonard! muhahahha! LOL. I TOLD YOU THE PIGGIES ARE NIICE~! HA! now you hafta kiss my feet! wait, eww... fine, this isnt the most hygienic reward/punishment. so.... YOU OWE ME CHOCOLATE! yay! ((:
btw, medicine makes water taste sweet. i found out. it's disgusting. in a way.. hmm... nvm.
Investors for Brains&Brawns Inc.
2 Mars Bars and 2 Snickers Bars a month
10:58 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
yay! i posted on de 2Binc. blog! LOL. i just watched Step Up again. it's niice. i wanna watch it. again. LOL. i went to church today. went there really early. saw shaun. offered him a nougat. he doesnt eat sweets but eats chocolates, but not sweets. why? braces. says he. lols. xavier sat next to leonard. when i smsed leonard, xavier looked over at me. so much for being in missionary. he probably peeked over to leonard's phone. i asked leo to ask him when Brother would become Father. leo was shy. lols.
damn it. i still cant find my textbooks. so, i did amaths this weekend. there's a test coming up anyway. open-book maths test, like huh!? how the hell can you have and open-book maths test!? nvm... mrsgoh's crazy ideas. LOL.
has anyone been to de 2Binc. blog? shre says we need investors. cos we're a company. i say we need advertisers. VISIT OUR BLOG! come on, even if u dun like us, couldnt u go there for the sake of the skin i spent err... 1+hrs on? i think it's a errmm... niice skin. well, the image is weird, and i dun like the layout. but, my profile is niice! ((: LOL. i sond despo.
oh, yea. there's parish camp coming up. soon. in july. LOL. it's over the weekend. over a sko0l week weekend. but, it's compulsory. well, at least it's not a sarimbun anymore. i wanna go.
i didnt do any work today. unless u count doing 2qn for amaths. actually, 1&-ahalf. i stopped halfway cos i couldnt get the graph right cos my scale was all wrong and i was sick of drawing it again and again.
i am bored
damn it. i still cant find my textbooks. so, i did amaths this weekend. there's a test coming up anyway. open-book maths test, like huh!? how the hell can you have and open-book maths test!? nvm... mrsgoh's crazy ideas. LOL.
has anyone been to de 2Binc. blog? shre says we need investors. cos we're a company. i say we need advertisers. VISIT OUR BLOG! come on, even if u dun like us, couldnt u go there for the sake of the skin i spent err... 1+hrs on? i think it's a errmm... niice skin. well, the image is weird, and i dun like the layout. but, my profile is niice! ((: LOL. i sond despo.
oh, yea. there's parish camp coming up. soon. in july. LOL. it's over the weekend. over a sko0l week weekend. but, it's compulsory. well, at least it's not a sarimbun anymore. i wanna go.
why i like church campsi havent seen him in a while. shaun told me he's actually always in the parish youth office. but where's the youth office?! damn. LOL.
cos P&W is funn-er there. and to see someone
i didnt do any work today. unless u count doing 2qn for amaths. actually, 1&-ahalf. i stopped halfway cos i couldnt get the graph right cos my scale was all wrong and i was sick of drawing it again and again.
i am bored
shre posted about her ambition on de 2Binc. blog. historian!? come on! tt's like the most boring job in THE WORLD. but, i dunno wad i wanna be. but, i dun wanna end up like my church priest. i cant rmb his name. i think its err... .... ... nvm. anyway, he said he was actually a normal teenager, who had the church right at the back of his mind. but when he asked himself wad would make him happy in life... Now, ur stuck here with me for 1hour tt's all he said. more or less LOL. i dun wanna grow old then question my happiness then become a nun. i dunno wanna do science. but i dun wanna do arts either. mabbe i'll go into go into finance like my sis... hmm... nvm.
9:47 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
got a blog!
yay! we have a blog! LOL. 2Binc yay! now, all we gotta to do is get a decent skin. blehhs. prob go make one when i got time...

our name!

name & logo!

our multiple attempts at logos. LOL.

our name!

name & logo!

our multiple attempts at logos. LOL.
7:21 PM
you blink, we wink
LOL. Brains&Brawns Inc. You blink, We wink. check out shreya's blog for our 'logo' LOL.
5:14 PM
shit. i lost my maths tb. shit. lost my ss tb too. shit. supect someone stole it. shit. damned iidiots. shit. i have homework to do. shit. ARRGGGHHHH!
7:03 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
saddistically emo...
To fight to say something is immature. Suddenly, from the simple instructions of one by one, it becomes a chaotic mess of five by five. Sure, how organised. To scream for a petty reason such as touching your leg is simply childish and stupid. Once, again, i see where your 'face' has gone. Pretending to be something you're not is not cool and it will not make you popular, more people will simply dislike and/or hate you. Disappointing. Screaming and pretending to be in control, wanting to be in charge. Prove yourselves, or just give up that idealistic thinking. I'll Be There For You Something i have never seen in you. Something you need to prove to me. Even when you're wrong, you still think you're right and even scold others for doing what is right. A big fuss over little petty things, are repeatative and absolutely annoying. A little stuckup, a little noisy, but extremely loyal. Uncommon, rare, a good friend. I expect trust and confidentiality. I see how some people are sure to get what they want. With such kinds of standard, i don't blame them for using other people instead, i would do it too. Saddistically emo.
7:38 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Secret Love by Jojo
Boy you’re so hard to believe
Boy you’re so hard to believe
[Verse 1:]
Just a friend
That’s all I’ve ever been to you
Oh just a girl
Who wants to be the center of your world
But I ain’t got much to offer
But my heart and soul
And I guess that’s not enough
For you to notice me
I’m just a girl
And I guess that’s all I’ll ever be to you
To you
I try to smile when I see other girls with you
Acting like everything is ok
But ohh
You don’t know how it feels to be so in love
With someone who doesn’t even know
My secret love
[Verse 2:]
In my dreams
I see us both together constantly
Why can’t you see
This love that’s here for you inside of me
What do I have to do
For you to notice this
You look at her with love
With me it’s just friendship
I’m just your girl
And I guess that’s all I’ll ever be to you
To you
I try to smile when I see other girls with you
Acting like everything is ok
But ohh
you don’t know how it feels to be so in love
With someone who doesn’t even know
My secret love
What do you see in her
You don’t see in me (don’t see in me)
Boy you’re so hard to believe
Why do you show her love
But there’s none for me
Boy you don’t make sense to me
Cause I don’t have much to offer
But my heart and soul
And I guess that’s not enough
For you to notice me
I’m just your girl
And I guess that’s all I’ll ever be to you
To you
I try to smile when I see other girls with you
Acting like everything is ok (everything ain’t ok)
But ohh
you don’t know how it feels to be so in love (so in love with you baby)
With someone who doesn’t even know
My secret love
Boy you’re so hard to believe
On Eagles Wings
You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord,
Who abide in His shadow for life,
Say to the Lord, "My Refuge,
My Rock in Whom I trust."
And He will raise you up on eagle's wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His Hand.
The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
And famine will bring you no fear;
Under His Wings your refuge,
His faithfulness your shield.
You need not fear the terror of the night,
Nor the arrow that flies by day,
Though thousands fall about you,
Near you it shall not come.
For to His angels He's given a command,
To guard you in all of your ways,
Upon their hands they will bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
And hold you in the palm of His Hand.
5:42 PM
Brains&Brawns Inc.
i saw him today. hhmmmm... does he know my name? or does he only know my face? oops.. LOL.
this is my 180th post. LOL. i took more photos again. didnt want to at first, but anhua reminded me tt he was afraid of my camera.. ((: anyway, i took a photo of hoexian, so he tried bribing me to delete it. offered me all de cash he had on himeslf, his atm card w/ his passcode and the piece of silver he made during nanochem. oohh... sadly, i only took more photos ard refused de offer, well, everything but the silver.. ((:
alan is stingy he wouldnt gimme his biscuits thingy. he said he's stingy, but every time i stick my hand out, he'll jus put another bisuit in it and say last one. tt went on for several biscuits. LOL. how stingy.

this is my 180th post. LOL. i took more photos again. didnt want to at first, but anhua reminded me tt he was afraid of my camera.. ((: anyway, i took a photo of hoexian, so he tried bribing me to delete it. offered me all de cash he had on himeslf, his atm card w/ his passcode and the piece of silver he made during nanochem. oohh... sadly, i only took more photos ard refused de offer, well, everything but the silver.. ((:
we had cme today. it was crappy. i took keneth's file, then kavitha said tt we had 2 do some page and then hand it up to her. i was like uh-oh, cos it wasnt my file, but luckily, keneth had alrdy done tt page. so all i had to was to take it out and give to kavitha. but still it wasnt mine..i took photos during cme and i took photos of shreya and our tables. underneath them and on top of them.. i love the shreya pics. Brains&Brawns Inc. love that name. ((: ily! *hint hint* u're sposed to say ily2 back!
aft cme, we discussed CIP. all 3e2 students please check to class blog for details! great. LOL. ((:
alan is stingy he wouldnt gimme his biscuits thingy. he said he's stingy, but every time i stick my hand out, he'll jus put another bisuit in it and say last one. tt went on for several biscuits. LOL. how stingy.
why is it, when you hang out often with someone of the opposite sex, people immediately assume you're going steady? that is so shallow. i would have expected more from some people, but in the end i find out that they are all the same, shallow and narrow-minded. i hate that. and, by the way, i also hate those kind of girls who like to think they are kawaii and start acting all cute when they are obviously not. and, the pose, where you open your eyes all big and puppy-dog, is not niice. it simply looks stupid, cos you are just showing off the fact that you have small eyes but like to pretend otherwise. irritaing. and, for your information, gossiping is not cool just because everyone is doing it, it's brainless and stupid.me and shreya talked today. as in, about why we're best friends. apparently, we got absolutely no idea. some ppl asked shre b4 why she's bf's w/ me. we all have no idea. but i love her. LOL. ily brawns! ((:
people nowadays got no proper sense of humor. when you tell them something genuinely witty and funny, they give you some stupid blank look. completely slow and useless. however, when someone says something completely stupid and pointless, they laugh themselves senseless. that's why i prefer the people in the school debate team. they have a real and witty sense of humour. but i don't really like the sec1 girls, maybe cos i dont really know them yet. but i like the boys in the debate team. boys + shreya[in case she feels left out. LOL] this simply proves how girls fail to amuse me