9:44 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
my car!
8:30 PM
yay! my own comp! ((: now, to my yellow car!

and pics of sandy playing w/ the little red ball. so cute lorrhs. hehehe...

and this is what happens in class during recess...

DONE! ((:
and pics of sandy playing w/ the little red ball. so cute lorrhs. hehehe...
and this is what happens in class during recess...
DONE! ((:
4:08 PM
i love today. there's absolutely no work to do, im just sitting down and reading my book, and my mum is sleeping so she wont bug me. yay! ((: i had lunch. had dim sum and fish and crab. i like crab and fish and dim sum. they're niice. and deception point is niice too. ((: i wanna go out. blehhs. i can play comp tonight. my own comp. cos my mum will be out at a wedding dinner. yay! ((: and sandy got a new little red ball to play with. she was pawing it jus now and accidentally pushed it into de space b/w de tv and de cupboard and couldnt take it out. heheh... so cute. ((: poor little shreya bhat decided to join jiazhe for flag day. hehhe... moving around Singapore trying to get ppl to donate money for little stickers w/ weird logos. hehhe... too badd for her! ((:
concert's tmr and i think we're still super under-prepared. siians.
concert's tmr and i think we're still super under-prepared. siians.
11:20 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
hurray to honey h2o!
we won! yay! ((: honey h2o works! LOL. and thanks to jiazhe for 'feeding' shreya. lols. he kept pouring it out so she had no choice but to drink it up. hehheh.... ((:
concert in 2 days. nervous? i have no idea.. i wanna get this over with and move on with our lives cos we seem to have been stuck here for the longest of times. and i hate the songs we're doing and the fact tt we're singing w/ de CO...
i got a yellow car. no, nt just a pic. but a car. but i will upload a pic of it. best of all, the car is all mine!!! even thought it isnt exactly the knda of car im looking for, but nevermind...
concert in 2 days. nervous? i have no idea.. i wanna get this over with and move on with our lives cos we seem to have been stuck here for the longest of times. and i hate the songs we're doing and the fact tt we're singing w/ de CO...
i got a yellow car. no, nt just a pic. but a car. but i will upload a pic of it. best of all, the car is all mine!!! even thought it isnt exactly the knda of car im looking for, but nevermind...
6:04 PM
damn that bitch.wont use so much vulgaritites this time... she's a damn iidiot. anyway, now i hafta sit down w/ my mum b4 each time she starts a new chapt and my mum will go thru de chapt w/ me. if i dun feel tt i understand better in 1 week, my mum's gonna write a letter requesting a change of teacher for me. which means, i either go to 3e1 or 3e4 or 3e5 during chinese lessons. yay! i hope things dun improve next week. things shud only improve when im out of her way, and when she's hopefully out of my way. i feel like slapping her. she didnt even want to return me my card lorrhs. say wad siit to my mum, in the end, you still knowno better. but, thankfully, my mum has finally realised how i actually feel about teachers like her. i absolutely hate teachers who think they are always right and think tt one method of teaching will suit all students and tt it is always the students fault when something goes wrong. that's the kinda bitch she is. damn her. tt's why she finally agreed to write the letter if things dun work out next week. i hope it wont. tt's why i love mrs goh. she relaxes w/ us and cracks jokes, and in the end i still learn everything im sposed to learn, and she's humble. LOL. she's my favourite teacher likve, almost ever. ((: btw, GOOD LUCK TO THE DEBATE TEAM! THBT Parents should be made to go for madatory parenting classes
9:14 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
i made a new pic! yay! LOL. it's completely random and i wont make it into a skin.

i was halfway through making a pic for shreya [see, im so nicie. doing it despite not having tt much time] but i became really random and didnt know wad to put there. so, LOL. ((:
today's oral was crap. not complete crap, but still crap. damn it. i couldnt read 2words and i had no idea wad to say during de 'conversation'. blehhs. i skipped lunch today. had no time. the iidiots, knowing tt sko0l only ends at 2pm and will probably drag, made the oral start at 2.15pm. brainless shit. *breathe in breathe out*. b4 i start cursing again. but you know, its niicer to have ppl actually sympathise w/ me than complain about my language, you know, when i post about something tt frustrated and angered me.
oh,ya. and liying is eviill!!!. she bluff-ed me!!! blehhs. :P

yellow car

i was halfway through making a pic for shreya [see, im so nicie. doing it despite not having tt much time] but i became really random and didnt know wad to put there. so, LOL. ((:
today's oral was crap. not complete crap, but still crap. damn it. i couldnt read 2words and i had no idea wad to say during de 'conversation'. blehhs. i skipped lunch today. had no time. the iidiots, knowing tt sko0l only ends at 2pm and will probably drag, made the oral start at 2.15pm. brainless shit. *breathe in breathe out*. b4 i start cursing again. but you know, its niicer to have ppl actually sympathise w/ me than complain about my language, you know, when i post about something tt frustrated and angered me.
oh,ya. and liying is eviill!!!. she bluff-ed me!!! blehhs. :P

yellow car
10:01 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
new skin
I LOVE MY NEW SKIN! LOL. it goes with my new 'motto/goal'. kellieJANE shall rule the world!!! muahahhaha! ((: note the beauti-fool carr! I WANT A YELLOW CAR. okkay, not tt car specifically, but it was the only niice yellow tt i could find tt wasnt an ugly beetle car! :P it toookk suppperrrr damn loongggg to make tt image lorrhs. cos the brushes itself were jus outlines. i had 2 go and select then colour the bg, then must make sure everything still can see and all tt. one grp of buildings took almost 10mins each!!! blehhs. and NO WAY SHREYA PADMANABHA BHAT. i will NOT make one for you. cos it took me damn long, and im tired. ((:
GOODNIGHT! and sorry ttp! ((:
GOODNIGHT! and sorry ttp! ((:
4:02 PM
pissed off
pissed. suupper fucking pissed. why cant anyone have the brains to do things. anything at all. nothing happened this week. so far. there's chinese oral tmr. dunno who is de teacher. coudlnt care less as long as it isnt the fucking bitch. there was pe ytd. i couldnt run finish. felt like vomitting. sadded.. there was debate today. complete crap. surprised tt we could even win. completely unprepared.
fuck clarence. why cant you ever think before speaking. precisely why television kills conversation. cos ppl like you watch so much tv, watch so many stupid brain-cell-killing shows that you think ur living in anime world. fuck you. as if you can do any better than tt. HA. as if you can do anything even close to wad they are capable of. i'll you ,then, wad is de fucking point of putting in our best in something as fuckingly shiity as a debate within class if ppl like you only know how to fucking critisize and nvr give any constructive critism. and please open ur fucking small eyes and see that an N is still an N no matter how you turn it. talking as if if i turn myself upside down i wont be myself anymore. fuck you. some brainless shit who thinks he's damn good in science but cant even pass physics which u claim is ur best subject. then i wonder in wad condition are ALL your other subjects. you must be scrapping F9s...did i ever mention how i fucking hate 3E2? if u havent heard me say tt, u'd better go have ur ears checked. or your eyes. everyone is sooo bloody superficial. fuck. i feel like TTP. i read his blog and he said he was ashamed to be in 4E3 where every1 is superficial. i can relate. 3E2 is fucking superficial and damn annoying. let's use de one beside me in chinese for example. issit so fucking hard for you to help me with something which im not sure of? fuck you. and then one behind me too. no, not qinli. the other one. collects hw when he does it. doesnt collect hw when he hasnt done it. then why the hell do we do any work in the 1st place!? fuck. I HATE 3E2 they fucking suck.
4:49 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
realistic dream
fine. i shall come up with a more realistic dream. ((: muahahhaha! ((: ps: read my profile. MARS BARS! ((:
i want a condominium but i do not want a swimming pool view. i will STILL have cosy and colourful rooms full of bean bags and i will have a huge closet all for myself. i'll have lotsa clothes and pants tt fit niicely[not tailor-made] and lotsa heels and sneakers. i will have a bathroom with a makeup counter and a shelf full of cosmetics. i may not have a bath tub. i will STILL have a PINK apple laptop but may not have the macintosh desktop. i will STILL have at least one golden retriever or a terrier or a short-haired jack russel cos i think the long-haired ones are ugglllyyy. the dogs need not be smart enough to fetch my slippers for me but they will be smart enough to shake hands/paws with me. ((: i wanna have 2 kids a boy older thn a girl. and tt boy will be smart and will take good care of his little sister. the boy will only be 1 or 2 years older than the girl. my husband will be smart handsome and niice. and he will earn at least $10000 a month. i will not be a housewife, cos i hate cooking and cleaning ,instead, we will have a maid or at least a weekly cleaner and i will earn at least $5000 a month. oh,yea. and i will drive around in a yellow car!yay! this is do-able! ((: now i jus needa find myself a guy and we can get married when im 27! yay! LOL. i've said all this but i dun even know wad i wanna work as... ((: I HAVE A DREAM!!! and kellieJANE shae huiyi shall rule the world!!!
7:23 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
One Way by Hillsong Unitedgo see this skin. ((:
I lay my life down at Your feet
Cause your the only one I need
I took to You and You are always there
In troubled times its You I seek
I put You first thats all I need
I'm humble all I am all to You
Here we go
One Way
You're the only one that I could live for
One Way
You're the only one that I could live for
You are always always there
Everyhow and everywhere.
Your grace abounds so deeply within me
You will never ever change
Yesterday today the same.
Forever till forever meets no end
Here we go
One Way
You're the only one that I could live for
One Way
You're the only one that I could live for
You are the way the truth and the life
I live by faith and not by sight for You
We're livin' all for You
One Way
You're the only one that I could live for
One Way
You're the only one that I could live for
6:06 PM
and i sall rule the world!
AND I SHALL RULE THE WORLD! yea. fat hope. LOL. well, i can dream? i want a yellow car i dunno why. i dun even actually like the colour yellow, but i've always dreamt of driving around in a yellow car. i think it has to do with the car racing games i used to play when i was smaller. the yellow 'banana' car was always the best and fastest car. and i nvr got to use the yellow car cos i could nvr control the car... ((:
had choir today. was quite okk, but i absolutely hate the CO conductor. he is sooo damn irritating! arrrggghhh! there's church tmr. it's at 7.30AM.... damn it. and i hafta make my own way to church cos my parents might not be awake. mabbe i'll jus go to their room tmr morning and scream so tt they would wake up and send me to church... hmmmm.... ((:
i want a penthouse. a niice 2-storey apartment. my house will be cosy and colourful with lots of bean bags every where and a mini fridge full of my favourite snacks and mars bars in every room. i will have a walk-in closet with lotsa niice colourful dresses and tailor-made pants[cos i cant find anything tt fits me] and many many billabong shirts. i will have many different coloured skirts too. and lotsa lotsa shoes. from heels to sneakers to boots. ((: i will have a huge jaccuzi in my huge-r bathroom/makeup counter and drawerfuls of cosmetics. i will have a Macintosh desktop and a pink Apple laptop. i will have 2 golden retrievers who are really really smart and will get me my slippers. i wanna have two kids, a boy and a girl. the boy will be older and really smart and will set a great example for my little girl. and my husband shall be really smart and handsome and niice and he'll earn $1000000 a year. ((: DREAM ON.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is an extremely interesting read. as in the point of view and the way things are expressed, but it is also very irritating. my maid got a new handphone. it's the Samsung J700. and jem's tooth jus dropped out. eww...
had choir today. was quite okk, but i absolutely hate the CO conductor. he is sooo damn irritating! arrrggghhh! there's church tmr. it's at 7.30AM.... damn it. and i hafta make my own way to church cos my parents might not be awake. mabbe i'll jus go to their room tmr morning and scream so tt they would wake up and send me to church... hmmmm.... ((:
7:42 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
wonderful day...
horrigible day. woke up and couldnt find anything to eat, so dad scolded me for being fussy. then we went to lunch at Coca it's a buffet steamboat place. got sore throat so cant have tom yam soup. kor complained tt he doesnt want chicken soup so they split the tables. so fucking irritating cos they almost acted like me and jem had some contagious disease and they were isolating us. fuck it. then came home. and jus cos i told jem tt he had died in gunbound, my mum tot i was using de comp when i was sposed to be doing my work. then, jus now aft dinner i was watching tv. iidiot jem had to go and take de damn control and change the channel saying tt he has not watched tv for de whole of today. yea right. he's either been watchin tv or playing the comp since we came back from lunch at 3. plus, he's not sposed to be watching while eating cos all he'll do is get up stand right in front of the tv, with his nose like an inch away from the screen and stop eating. i screamed fuck at him so mum scolded me. fuck. i've not touched the comp or tv the whole day and they have to be such irritating assholes. fuck.
damn it. choir starts at 9 tmr. hafta wake up 7+. damn tired larrhs. at least my nose isnt leaking anymore. siians. i cant even use my own comp lorrhs. hafta use the useless 'common' comp, which is only used by jem when he's playin games and my dad when he wants to check out the football matches playing that night. this comp completely sucks. the keyboard is hideous, the screen is ridiculously big and it doesnt even have sound. it is complete shiit.
what a wonderful day...
damn it. choir starts at 9 tmr. hafta wake up 7+. damn tired larrhs. at least my nose isnt leaking anymore. siians. i cant even use my own comp lorrhs. hafta use the useless 'common' comp, which is only used by jem when he's playin games and my dad when he wants to check out the football matches playing that night. this comp completely sucks. the keyboard is hideous, the screen is ridiculously big and it doesnt even have sound. it is complete shiit.
what a wonderful day...
9:01 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
todayy was a funn day. why? cos there was no fucking bitch. yay! had physics. omg. soo damn boring can. i mean, i understand it all, but i was like falling asleep.. blurrgghh.
lit. errmm... i havent read the book... oops? LOL. i havent even done the holiday hw. though i did bring my books back home everyday in hope that i may suddenly feel like doing it. ((: chem. wad happened? cant rmb... LOL.
recess. ahhh... my favourite lesson of the day. i learnt how to eat a ham and cheese sandwich. and tt kriss is not comfortable with me using my hands to eat his food. ((:
eng. DEBATE. oohhhh! the proposition was crap. well, they didnt seem prepared and didnt exactly know wad a debate was sposed be structured like. their argueemtn was also kinda weak. no facts to back up their points. the oppo, well, kellee, vinnee and derrick were good. but, actually kc's arguement was not badd, it was just his presentation tt made it look weak. but good effort to all! ((:
maths. I FINISHED MY HOMEWORK! yay! LOL. SS. errrmmmmm!? i actually listened and took notes. omg. ((:
aft sko0l had data logger. heheheh.... shre left early for debate.
lit. errmm... i havent read the book... oops? LOL. i havent even done the holiday hw. though i did bring my books back home everyday in hope that i may suddenly feel like doing it. ((: chem. wad happened? cant rmb... LOL.
recess. ahhh... my favourite lesson of the day. i learnt how to eat a ham and cheese sandwich. and tt kriss is not comfortable with me using my hands to eat his food. ((:
eng. DEBATE. oohhhh! the proposition was crap. well, they didnt seem prepared and didnt exactly know wad a debate was sposed be structured like. their argueemtn was also kinda weak. no facts to back up their points. the oppo, well, kellee, vinnee and derrick were good. but, actually kc's arguement was not badd, it was just his presentation tt made it look weak. but good effort to all! ((:
maths. I FINISHED MY HOMEWORK! yay! LOL. SS. errrmmmmm!? i actually listened and took notes. omg. ((:
aft sko0l had data logger. heheheh.... shre left early for debate.
had choir aft data logger. errr... have a horrigible sore throat. couldnt really sing. oww...
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
i like you(:
kellieSHAE says:
yay. ily.
the l is love not like.
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
kellieSHAE says:
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
that looks eew
kellieSHAE says:
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
kellieSHAE says:
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
i love you tree
kellieSHAE says:
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
kellieSHAE says:
no wait. ily9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
i love you,tree
kellieSHAE says:
wad about ily6?
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
i love you,sex!
kellieSHAE says:
i love you, sex???!?
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
ily6 what
kellieSHAE says:
fine. idly6
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
huh.ur husband will be a sad man
kellieSHAE says:
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
i dont love ur ass,sweetie
kellieSHAE says:
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
ass.head prefect
kellieSHAE says:
wanna be ass head prefect??? *perfectly innocent look on face hinting that there is no hidden agenda*
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
yep*blinking madly like there is smthing in my eye*
kellieSHAE says:
lols. ((:
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
mdm yaw?
LOL' and clarence?
kellieSHAE says:
*quaking sound* be a self-directed learner.
btw, u left ur ws on de bench when u left for debate.
it's in my locker.
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
oh ok
was it fun?
kellieSHAE says:
aft u left we found de pH value of coke.
its 2.6...
suppperrr acidic. tell ur bro to stop drinking.
plus, rmb tt acids are sposed to be sour, but coke is all sweet? it shows how much sugar they put into it.
coke causes stomach cancer and diabetes.
HoarseBronzeBrawns says:
bloody hell
5:31 PM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
unfortunate gayness...
yea! i can FINALLY use the comp! ((: it's been a horrigible week...
17th March ;; Monday
blehhs. damn bitch screamed again. fuck her. i want to call your parents! GET ON WITH IT THEN! you have the fucking number, just call it! asshole. wtf is de use of presenting a powerpoint, when all you do is stop it halfway EVERY SINGLE TIME and complain that it is wrong!? all you do is complain and then give us the answers. PLUS if u ask us IMPROMPTU questions how the hell are we sposed to answer you?! and you knowing that my chinese is poor, cant be bothered to wait for me to process the fucking question before expecting my ans! fuck you.
btw, that is just one day.
i showed my mum my results. i agree, it was complete crap. only one A and most of the others were Cs. damn it. i'm now grounded and not sposed to use comp unless for hw. btw, im here on lit research, though i cant rmb wad issit im sposed to find...
18th March ;; Tuesday
damn it. got back physics test. crap larhhs. mother fucker was at it again. too bad larrh bitch, that i got choir til 6+. 6.45, actually. and that i cant do your shiit. fuck you.
choir was not badd. i actually sang Somewhere Out There more or less correctly. i rushed during de alto solo and went out of tune, but came back, eventually... ((: tried on de choir gown. omg. hideous, but very fitting. cheanpin is suupppperrrr skinny. omg. a stick in an killer whale's skin. LOL. ok not that badd. but not that good either. ((:
19th March ;; Wednesday ;; TODAY
the fucked mother did it again. haiiz... wa liiao. made me stay back then nvr tell me wad she want me to do. then she say go do ytd's hw. so i do finish then give her. she go say that got some more. WTF. dun have lorrhs. but was too lazy to argue w/ her. so qinli helped me do most of it. yay! qinli is niice. and easy to talk to. and unusually neat for a guy. hmmmm... LOL.
had chem prac. damn it. i did complete crap. did 4 titrations and ALL of them overshot. =.= actually, the 3rd and 4th was jus by a few drops only lorrhs!!! omg. my 2nd was suppperrr stupid. i turned de tap de wrong way. omg. damn it. only managed to finish til a. was gonna start b when she say time' up. damn it.
we had an intersting maths lesson today. LOL. leonard was sitting on aloysius' lap and teaching him maths. they looked sooooo passionate and in love. so, i took photos of their lurrrvvvve. LOL. this are all really mild...

and here comes the best one
the threesome. LOL.

btw, hz was actually counting money he collected for some donation... u can see all de coins he got on de table...
oww... my head hurts. ttp. iidiot. today, he hit my head twice, pulled my hair once, and almost tripped me down the stairs. damn him. i dun lend u my tys liiao!!!
17th March ;; Monday
blehhs. damn bitch screamed again. fuck her. i want to call your parents! GET ON WITH IT THEN! you have the fucking number, just call it! asshole. wtf is de use of presenting a powerpoint, when all you do is stop it halfway EVERY SINGLE TIME and complain that it is wrong!? all you do is complain and then give us the answers. PLUS if u ask us IMPROMPTU questions how the hell are we sposed to answer you?! and you knowing that my chinese is poor, cant be bothered to wait for me to process the fucking question before expecting my ans! fuck you.
btw, that is just one day.
i showed my mum my results. i agree, it was complete crap. only one A and most of the others were Cs. damn it. i'm now grounded and not sposed to use comp unless for hw. btw, im here on lit research, though i cant rmb wad issit im sposed to find...
18th March ;; Tuesday
damn it. got back physics test. crap larhhs. mother fucker was at it again. too bad larrh bitch, that i got choir til 6+. 6.45, actually. and that i cant do your shiit. fuck you.
choir was not badd. i actually sang Somewhere Out There more or less correctly. i rushed during de alto solo and went out of tune, but came back, eventually... ((: tried on de choir gown. omg. hideous, but very fitting. cheanpin is suupppperrrr skinny. omg. a stick in an killer whale's skin. LOL. ok not that badd. but not that good either. ((:
19th March ;; Wednesday ;; TODAY
the fucked mother did it again. haiiz... wa liiao. made me stay back then nvr tell me wad she want me to do. then she say go do ytd's hw. so i do finish then give her. she go say that got some more. WTF. dun have lorrhs. but was too lazy to argue w/ her. so qinli helped me do most of it. yay! qinli is niice. and easy to talk to. and unusually neat for a guy. hmmmm... LOL.
had chem prac. damn it. i did complete crap. did 4 titrations and ALL of them overshot. =.= actually, the 3rd and 4th was jus by a few drops only lorrhs!!! omg. my 2nd was suppperrr stupid. i turned de tap de wrong way. omg. damn it. only managed to finish til a. was gonna start b when she say time' up. damn it.
we had an intersting maths lesson today. LOL. leonard was sitting on aloysius' lap and teaching him maths. they looked sooooo passionate and in love. so, i took photos of their lurrrvvvve. LOL. this are all really mild...
and here comes the best one
the threesome. LOL.
btw, hz was actually counting money he collected for some donation... u can see all de coins he got on de table...
oww... my head hurts. ttp. iidiot. today, he hit my head twice, pulled my hair once, and almost tripped me down the stairs. damn him. i dun lend u my tys liiao!!!
9:30 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
new skin!
8:18 PM
[new?] house!
i loove today! LOL. went to church this morning. designed a church. my grp's church had a cottage w/ a cross on top, an apple tree w/ 'newton' sitting below it and 'happy' children saying 'i am happy!' =.= lame yes. worst of all, aloisious made ME present it. damn him. LOL.
came home and had tepanyaki for lunch. dad cooked. i spent time playin comp. yay! watched tv and errr... went out. made a new image. gonna make it into a skin...

i saw de condo my dad and uncle bought in sentosa. IT IS GORGEOUS too badd i 4got to take photos. me and my cousins went there to swim. omg. de hse is DAMN niice. it's about de same size as my hse. but, EVERY room has a balcony, there is a terrific sea view and the lifts open straight in the apartment omg. it was damn niice. pls de pool is great. my 1st swim since last june. omg. my dad and uncle are gonna rent it out. soo ko0l. btw, it costs 3mil. y? the address and view. plus, there are many landed properties there, each costing about 7mil. all of them freshly sprouted out from de ground. all de owners did was buy the land and build de hse. every hse is beautifull. plus, de street is soooo damn private. there's a security post just to enter the street. omg. i wanna live there.
i have a dream hse. landed property. 2storeys + a basement. basement will either be a cinema or a swimming pool. prob a swimming pool. heated swimming pool. i have no idea wad to put in de other 2storeys yet. hmmm... i was at first thing of to floors underground and only 1 above ground. but de hse would be soo dark, so nvm... LOL.
came home and had tepanyaki for lunch. dad cooked. i spent time playin comp. yay! watched tv and errr... went out. made a new image. gonna make it into a skin...

i saw de condo my dad and uncle bought in sentosa. IT IS GORGEOUS too badd i 4got to take photos. me and my cousins went there to swim. omg. de hse is DAMN niice. it's about de same size as my hse. but, EVERY room has a balcony, there is a terrific sea view and the lifts open straight in the apartment omg. it was damn niice. pls de pool is great. my 1st swim since last june. omg. my dad and uncle are gonna rent it out. soo ko0l. btw, it costs 3mil. y? the address and view. plus, there are many landed properties there, each costing about 7mil. all of them freshly sprouted out from de ground. all de owners did was buy the land and build de hse. every hse is beautifull. plus, de street is soooo damn private. there's a security post just to enter the street. omg. i wanna live there.
i have a dream hse. landed property. 2storeys + a basement. basement will either be a cinema or a swimming pool. prob a swimming pool. heated swimming pool. i have no idea wad to put in de other 2storeys yet. hmmm... i was at first thing of to floors underground and only 1 above ground. but de hse would be soo dark, so nvm... LOL.
12:53 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008
i like it
i made a new skin! yay! LOL. i like it. ((:

i woke up early today. ytd, i woke up late. woke up at 11+. ((: went to de library ytd. got niice books. To Have and To Hold by Jane Green and Ice Blue by Anne Stuart. To Have and To Hold is a romance novel. quite niice. about affairs and stuff. Ice Blue is a thiller! ((:
im bored. i have hardly done any of my sko0l hw. but too lazy to do... blehhs.

i woke up early today. ytd, i woke up late. woke up at 11+. ((: went to de library ytd. got niice books. To Have and To Hold by Jane Green and Ice Blue by Anne Stuart. To Have and To Hold is a romance novel. quite niice. about affairs and stuff. Ice Blue is a thiller! ((:
im bored. i have hardly done any of my sko0l hw. but too lazy to do... blehhs.
8:42 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Witch Doctor by Alvin and the Chipmunks
Yeah! In The Place To Be!
Chipmunks On The M I C!
Witch Doctor!
Everybody Get In To It!
(get in to it)
Come On People Let's Get To It!
(let's get to it)
Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!
Everybody Hit The Floor!
Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!
Here's The Chipmunks Here We Go!
I Told The Witch Doctor I Was In Love With You!
I Told The Witch Doctor You Didn't Love Me Too!
And Then The Witch Doctor He Told Me What To Do!
He Said That:
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Everybody Get In To It! (go! go! go!)
(get in to it)
Come On People Let's Get To It! (go! go! go!)
(let's get to it)
Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!
Everybody Hit The Floor!
Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!
Here's The Chipmunks Here We Go!
I Told The Witch Doctor You Didn't Love Me True
I Told The Witch Doctor You Didn't Love Me Nice
And Then The Witch Doctor He Gave Me This Advice
He Said To Me, Whoa! Ya He Said To Me!
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ya You've Been Keeping Love From Me,
And That's Not Very Smart! (not very smart)
So I Went Out And Found Myself Someone
Who'd Tell Me How To Win Your Heart!
(Whoa! Yeah!)
My Friend The Witch Doctor He Told Me What To Say
My Friend The Witch Doctor He Told Me What To Do
I Know That You'll Be Mine When I Say This To You Whoa! Oh Baby Baby!
Everybody Get In To It! (go! go! go!)
(get in to it)
Come On People Let's Get To It! (go! go! go!)
(let's get to it)
Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!
Everybody Hit The Floor!
Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!
Here's The Chipmunks Here We Go!
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the walla walla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the walla walla bingbang
Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang
5:16 PM
10000 BC is damn niice. very real, somehow... watched it last night. i think de storyline is kinda true our human history. as in, the Hunters and the Hunted kinda thing. it's niice. ((:
had chem this morning. so boring, plus everything she said i alrdy know... sounded jus like some stupid duck lost and irritating, standing in front there quacking like shiit.
just came home from choir. siians. i didnt do my audition. yay? dunno lehhs. somewhere out there is the only song tt im not sure of. sadded. anyway, we spent more time standing today.
had quite a good practice w/ ms yee. but de combined w/ CO part was total crap. we stopped at every other line of all de songs so tt de stupid CO conductor could scold de CO ppl. while we, the poor choir, stood there as the CO conductor 4got we dun have seats like de CO. iidiot...
W I L L I A M ! LOL. so funn. teasing dear cow like tt. SBF. hmm... hidden meaning? LOL ((:
had chem this morning. so boring, plus everything she said i alrdy know... sounded jus like some stupid duck lost and irritating, standing in front there quacking like shiit.
just came home from choir. siians. i didnt do my audition. yay? dunno lehhs. somewhere out there is the only song tt im not sure of. sadded. anyway, we spent more time standing today.
had quite a good practice w/ ms yee. but de combined w/ CO part was total crap. we stopped at every other line of all de songs so tt de stupid CO conductor could scold de CO ppl. while we, the poor choir, stood there as the CO conductor 4got we dun have seats like de CO. iidiot...
W I L L I A M ! LOL. so funn. teasing dear cow like tt. SBF. hmm... hidden meaning? LOL ((:
3:18 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I LOVE SINGAPORE! omg. i love my bed. yea, HK was niice but inactive. as int, there was nuthing to but shop! and once u've seen one shop, u've seen every shop. urrgh. plus, it's cold there. it's spring, but it feels like winter. so all their clothes are either spring or they're still clearing out the winter stock. sadded. anyway, i bought i star necklace, a jacket, brown pants[finally] and a denim skirt. it has those 'army' prints on them.

i wanna go to DisneyWorld you see, hk disneyland has only 1/3 of the rides in Tokyo disneyland. and tokyo disneyland has only 2/3 the rides in disney world! i forgot whr disneyworld is... i think it's in LA. I WANNA GO THERE! btw, we finished almost all de rides at HK disneyland within 2hrs. plus, we rode some rides twice.
i love the Space Mountain. tts a roller coaster type ride. rode tt twice. the thing made my hair all messy. blehhs.
took de Astroblaster ride twice too. jus sit down in this thingy and spin all u want while shooting the eviil Zurg. yay! LOL. was quite funn until jem decided to play w/ de joysitck controlling our spinning. urrgghh...
we watched Mickey's magic show thingy. cant rmb wad it's called. was niice. it was sposed to be 3D. but it was 4D. there were smells and stuff and they even sprayed water at you! i hate de smells. it doesnt smell niice.
oh ya, the hotel we stayed in, me and my bros shared one room. the room had 2 single beds. and a sofa, and 2 TVs. one of which was a plasma TV. so kor slept on de sofa watching de plasma TV. LOL. met hongyan, went shopping, ate steamboat. yay!
i hate flying. i can nvr stand de pressure. so damn irritating...
i wanna go to DisneyWorld you see, hk disneyland has only 1/3 of the rides in Tokyo disneyland. and tokyo disneyland has only 2/3 the rides in disney world! i forgot whr disneyworld is... i think it's in LA. I WANNA GO THERE! btw, we finished almost all de rides at HK disneyland within 2hrs. plus, we rode some rides twice.
i love the Space Mountain. tts a roller coaster type ride. rode tt twice. the thing made my hair all messy. blehhs.
took de Astroblaster ride twice too. jus sit down in this thingy and spin all u want while shooting the eviil Zurg. yay! LOL. was quite funn until jem decided to play w/ de joysitck controlling our spinning. urrgghh...
we watched Mickey's magic show thingy. cant rmb wad it's called. was niice. it was sposed to be 3D. but it was 4D. there were smells and stuff and they even sprayed water at you! i hate de smells. it doesnt smell niice.
oh ya, the hotel we stayed in, me and my bros shared one room. the room had 2 single beds. and a sofa, and 2 TVs. one of which was a plasma TV. so kor slept on de sofa watching de plasma TV. LOL. met hongyan, went shopping, ate steamboat. yay!
i hate flying. i can nvr stand de pressure. so damn irritating...
9:07 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008

nainai has recovered! yay! de cancer cells are contained. now, her hair will grow back and she wont be so pale anymore. ((:
i made a new image. but i cant use it or make it into a skin. cos i dunno how to do image mapping... siians.
flying off to HK tmr. gonna see my cuzzie! ((:
sposed to be made for bing. until i couldnt find anywhr to put in 'bing' =.=

bing said she got tired of bang bang. so changed it to bing bing. LOL.

congrats to debate team!
5:08 PM
my feet are aching. siians.
6th March ;; Thursday
damn it. ms dianah took our books on wed. came to sko0l and found them all over the front few tables. i still cant find my shouce... anyway, ms lau came in and was all angry tt we were all crowded around de teacher's table. LOL. had lit. hongzhang makes a horrgible vinod. leonard is muchh better. then had chem.. learnt stuff.
ms kavitha didnt come, so sharon used de eng period to give out de class tees. urrgh. i dun like it. de design at de back looks like moss. eww... had physics. i did filing. LOL. i didnt bring any of my worksheets. heheh... so i finished filing in a bout 1min. all i had to do was to put in de content page and fill it up w/ none existent SPAs.
AARRRGGGHHH! add maths ct. i could do everything but i 4got wad method to use for 5b!!!! damn it! i know how to do it. i jus 4got what to do w/ it. blehhs. ):
errrmm.. had choir. was ok. had combined w/ CO. i dun wanna do de concert any more. not if we're gonna do it w/ CO. it was complete crapp larrhs. it's sooo different from every normal practice. they even changed de song. took out a line here, add in a CO solo, take out another line there, so CO wont have to write xtra. iidiotic. stayed back til 6.30 larrhs. so late...
7th March ;; Friday ;; Today
had Xcountry!! yay?? LOL. left home early, mummy dropped me at de bus stop. ((: i almost missed de stop to meet shre. heheh... little bhat was almost late. went to de garden place. and realised i 4got my no. tag. =.= siian. so had 2 buy de tag. $1. iidiot sko0l. we spent sooo much money on those tags uh-huh. as if.
i was abused today. by shreya and cp. shreya got overexcited w/ de songs they played. my left knee suffered. cp got overexcited when shreya got overexcited. my right kee suffered. then i took bus w/ cp home. she was high over the one my left knee suffered. poor thing. it's red... ):
had a heart-to-heart with bing-the-boobs. the one LOL.cant believe i didnt guess at 1st lorrhs. =.= his hair is NOT niice. there is nothing there to ruffle. LOL.
went to see doctor today. waited for 3mins. went in for 5mins. waited again for 8mins to pay. waited again for 15mins. then left. went there at 3.15pm. left there at 3.47pm. reached home 4.48pm. =.= spent more time travelling then anything else. but i've nvr took such a short time for doctor's b4...
my feet hurt. from stnading on de bus. i stood de whole time. plus i ran during Xcountry. oh ya, LEWIS WON!!! yay!
6th March ;; Thursday
damn it. ms dianah took our books on wed. came to sko0l and found them all over the front few tables. i still cant find my shouce... anyway, ms lau came in and was all angry tt we were all crowded around de teacher's table. LOL. had lit. hongzhang makes a horrgible vinod. leonard is muchh better. then had chem.. learnt stuff.
ms kavitha didnt come, so sharon used de eng period to give out de class tees. urrgh. i dun like it. de design at de back looks like moss. eww... had physics. i did filing. LOL. i didnt bring any of my worksheets. heheh... so i finished filing in a bout 1min. all i had to do was to put in de content page and fill it up w/ none existent SPAs.
AARRRGGGHHH! add maths ct. i could do everything but i 4got wad method to use for 5b!!!! damn it! i know how to do it. i jus 4got what to do w/ it. blehhs. ):
errrmm.. had choir. was ok. had combined w/ CO. i dun wanna do de concert any more. not if we're gonna do it w/ CO. it was complete crapp larrhs. it's sooo different from every normal practice. they even changed de song. took out a line here, add in a CO solo, take out another line there, so CO wont have to write xtra. iidiotic. stayed back til 6.30 larrhs. so late...
7th March ;; Friday ;; Today
had Xcountry!! yay?? LOL. left home early, mummy dropped me at de bus stop. ((: i almost missed de stop to meet shre. heheh... little bhat was almost late. went to de garden place. and realised i 4got my no. tag. =.= siian. so had 2 buy de tag. $1. iidiot sko0l. we spent sooo much money on those tags uh-huh. as if.
the fcuking sko0l acts as if we owe them a living or something. every student must raise a minimum of $150 or else we will just continue to extend the deadline.like HELLO. we don't owe you anything we're here mostly not of choice and we paid the stupid sko0l fees. we don't owe you any fcuking shit. we do not need to give you anything. the school, ya, it's for us, but as if we're actually gonna get to use it. anyway, the fcuking thing probably won't even be done by next JUNE. so damn slow. assholes. if you keep saying you're raising money for the sko0l building why the hell do you keep signing us up for useless courses, that we never follow anyway, and then subsidising us?! save the damn money for the piece of shit sticking out of the ground.
sec3 girls started running at close to 9am. i jogged almost the whole way. sprinted de last part. again. only this time it was horrigibaly painful. oww... but i came in no. 33. so ok bahhs. hmmm...nvm.
i was abused today. by shreya and cp. shreya got overexcited w/ de songs they played. my left knee suffered. cp got overexcited when shreya got overexcited. my right kee suffered. then i took bus w/ cp home. she was high over the one my left knee suffered. poor thing. it's red... ):
Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
It's getting late
I'm making my way over to my favourite place
I gotta get my body moving
Shake the stress away
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way
Possible candidate, yeah
Who knew
That you'd be up in here looking like you do
You're making staying over here, impossible
Baby, I must say your aura is incredible
If you don't have to go, don't
Do you know what you started?
I just came here to party
But now we're rocking on the dance floor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music, DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the music
I wanna take you away
Let's escape into the music, DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the, please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music
Baby are you ready cause it's getting close
Don't you feel the passion ready to explode?
What goes on between us no-one has to know
This is a private show
Do you know what you started?
I just came here to party
But now we're rocking on the dance floor, actin' naughty
Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
Please don't stop the music
had a heart-to-heart with bing-the-boobs. the one LOL.cant believe i didnt guess at 1st lorrhs. =.= his hair is NOT niice. there is nothing there to ruffle. LOL.
went to see doctor today. waited for 3mins. went in for 5mins. waited again for 8mins to pay. waited again for 15mins. then left. went there at 3.15pm. left there at 3.47pm. reached home 4.48pm. =.= spent more time travelling then anything else. but i've nvr took such a short time for doctor's b4...
my feet hurt. from stnading on de bus. i stood de whole time. plus i ran during Xcountry. oh ya, LEWIS WON!!! yay!
10:05 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
arent these images jus simply beautiful. so full of character. so elegant and class i mean, messy but original. yay! LOL.

note hideous rainbow butterfly.

note line 'big butt'.
and err... sorry leonard, cant resist. look how manly and artistic these images are. showing off the two sides of manlihood. LOL.

note contrast and irony between words.

note big butterfly behind the words.

note hideous rainbow butterfly.

note line 'big butt'.
and err... sorry leonard, cant resist. look how manly and artistic these images are. showing off the two sides of manlihood. LOL.

note contrast and irony between words.

note big butterfly behind the words.
5:43 PM
Holiday by Green Day
Say, hey!
Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!)
The shame
The ones who died without a name
Hear the dogs howling out of key
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery" (Hey!)
And bleed, the company lost the war today
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday
Hear the drum pounding out of time
Another protester has crossed the line (Hey!)
To find, the money's on the other side
Can I get another Amen? (Amen!)
There's a flag wrapped around a score of men (Hey!)
A gag, a plastic bag on a monument
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday
(Say, hey!)
"The representative from California has the floor"
Sieg Heil to the president Gasman
Bombs away is your punishment
Pulverize the Eiffel towers
Who criticize your government
Bang bang goes the broken glass and
Kill all the fags that don't agree
Trials by fire, setting fire
Is not a way that's meant for me
Just cause, just cause, because we're outlaws yeah!
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
This is our lives on holiday
More Than Useless by Relient K
I feel like, I would like
To be somewhere else doing something that matters
And I'll admit here, while I sit here
My mind wastes away and my doubts start to gather
Whats the purpose? It feels worthless
So unwanted like I've lost all my value
I can't find it, not in the least bit
and I'm just scared, so scared that I'll fail you
And sometimes I think that I'm not any good at all
And sometimes I wonder why, why I'm even here at all
But then you assure me
I'm a little more than useless
And when I think that I can't do this
You promise me that I'll get through this
And do something right
Do something right for once
So I say if I can't, do something significant
I'll opt to leave most opportunities wasted
And nothing trivial, that life could give me will
Measure up to what might have replaced it
Too late look, my date book
Is packed full of days that were empty and now gone
And I bet, that regret
Will prove to get me to improve in the long run
And sometimes I think that I'm not any good at all
And sometimes I wonder why, why I'm even here at all
But then you assure me
I'm a little more than useless
And when I think that I can't do this
You promise me that I'll get through this
And do something right
Do something right for once
I’m a little more than useless
And I never knew I knew this
Was gonna the day, gonna be the day
That I would do something right
Do something right for once
I notice, I know this
Week is a symbol of how I use my time
Resent it, I spent it
Convincing myself the world's doing just fine
Without me
Doing anything of any consequence
Without me
Showing any sign of ever making sense
Of my time , it's my life
And my right, to use it like I should
Like he would, for the good
Of everything that I would ever know
I'm a little more than useless
When I think that I can't do this
You promise me that I'll get through this
And do something right
Do something right for once
I’m a little more than useless
And I never knew I knew this
Was gonna the day, gonna be the day
That I would do something right
Do something right for once
4:21 PM
yay! i can use de com! LOL.
3rd March ;; Monday
blah blah blah. cant rmb wad happened. =.=
4th March ;; Tuesday
had pe. we didnt run cos it was raining. YAY! but we trained our NAPHA. i can do everything but sit and reach. i didnt try inclined pullups. tt one dun needa say.
had sex ed. ms kavitha came into class and said time for sex! something is seriously wrong w/ tt statement. unfortunately, de little horny girl beside me shouted yay! damn it. LOL.
had leadership training. was funn bahhs. until sharon and clara told me hafta go choir aft de workshop. damn it larrhs. dun wanna go choir anymore. so damn URRGGH! everything scold scold scold. none of de other seniors ever treated us this way lorrhs. screaming at us was always a last resort. they almost never actually did resort to tt...
5th March ;; Wednesday ;; TODAY
had chinese today. she came in happy threatened us w/ de usual. drop to CLB. call parents. lianbilianzi. =.= out of all my assignments. i only handed up 1. so she said bei shang wo de ke then she said ni you mei ting dao wo jiang shen me? damn bitch. 1st she say dun take my lessons. then she say u got listen anot. like omg!? iidiot bitch.
had a compo test during eng today. was okk bahhs. Begin your story with "The door opened slowly and my father walked in..." i wont tell u wad i wrote. soo cheesy. LOL. had history. in de music room. errmmm? i prefer mdm nora. actually, i prefer ms leong. haiiz... add maths. i dunno how to do hire purchase. 4got everything liiaos. blehhs. ((: CME. wahha liiao. i ran down to 3e1 jus to borrow CME file from keneth, in de end nvr use. i was crazy during CME. wore jackets many jackets. LOL.
leonard and hz signed a treaty
YUE FU DA REN! i want chocolate. LOL. had chemistry test today. i didnt finish it. 8qn in 30mins. wahh liiao. some more is all long qns lehhs. i will DIIE!!!
i used to look forward to this day. now, i dread it.
3rd March ;; Monday
blah blah blah. cant rmb wad happened. =.=
4th March ;; Tuesday
had pe. we didnt run cos it was raining. YAY! but we trained our NAPHA. i can do everything but sit and reach. i didnt try inclined pullups. tt one dun needa say.
had sex ed. ms kavitha came into class and said time for sex! something is seriously wrong w/ tt statement. unfortunately, de little horny girl beside me shouted yay! damn it. LOL.
had leadership training. was funn bahhs. until sharon and clara told me hafta go choir aft de workshop. damn it larrhs. dun wanna go choir anymore. so damn URRGGH! everything scold scold scold. none of de other seniors ever treated us this way lorrhs. screaming at us was always a last resort. they almost never actually did resort to tt...
5th March ;; Wednesday ;; TODAY
had chinese today. she came in happy threatened us w/ de usual. drop to CLB. call parents. lianbilianzi. =.= out of all my assignments. i only handed up 1. so she said bei shang wo de ke then she said ni you mei ting dao wo jiang shen me? damn bitch. 1st she say dun take my lessons. then she say u got listen anot. like omg!? iidiot bitch.
had a compo test during eng today. was okk bahhs. Begin your story with "The door opened slowly and my father walked in..." i wont tell u wad i wrote. soo cheesy. LOL. had history. in de music room. errmmm? i prefer mdm nora. actually, i prefer ms leong. haiiz... add maths. i dunno how to do hire purchase. 4got everything liiaos. blehhs. ((: CME. wahha liiao. i ran down to 3e1 jus to borrow CME file from keneth, in de end nvr use. i was crazy during CME. wore jackets many jackets. LOL.
leonard and hz signed a treaty
Treaty of BBSS=.= it is sooo completely biased. LOL. hz cannot nipplelize leonard. but he can dicktate him, he can boobalize him. =.=
Nation OHZ will not touch Nation Leonard's nipples or nipplize Nation Leonard's states.
Nation Leonard will give Nation OHZ sweets at least three times a week.
Signed by Nation Leonard and Nation OHZ
Witnessed by Aloisious.
YUE FU DA REN! i want chocolate. LOL. had chemistry test today. i didnt finish it. 8qn in 30mins. wahh liiao. some more is all long qns lehhs. i will DIIE!!!
Dear Wift,LOL. siians. tmr got amaths CT. got choir too..
Love, Wife
i used to look forward to this day. now, i dread it.
10:14 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
heyys. im bored and tired. i went to church this morning. Father was wearing rose pink today. it symbolises hope. he told us a story today. something about having faith and hope...i saw a cute doggy on de way to church. it was crossin de road w/ it's owner. it had a frisbee in it's mouth. SOO CUTTTEE!! omg. LOL

i gave all my money to aloisius [guy in church, not fat-boy]. it was to make him open the 'mystery box'. it contained all the happiness you need in the world. my entire grp gave him our money. sarah gave him her gameboyDS. he spent the entire time while some ppl were talking to us, while we were supposed to be listening, lookin at our EZlink cards. so, err.. this SJI guy, whose name i dont know, stole aloisius' wallet and EZlink card. yay! anyway, the happiness was actually a piece of paper. as expected. but with a beatitude on it. i had no idea wad it meant. LOL. in the end he gave us back our wallets. y? cos it said so on de instrutions. if not, he would have kept all our money. joan had taken out all her money, $70, from her wallet b4 givin it to him. to think de lesson was on trust. =.=
came home aft church. had lunch. sat on de comp de whole day. played gunbound with jem. made a new skin.

made it only cos i realised how to use de history brush. =.= anyway, if u cant recognise, de flower on de top, the one with de mushroom beside it, was drawn by dear Qinpei. rmb, she transferred to clementi town? haiis... she is niice.

kor came back from chalet today. he was wearing a hat and wouldnt show us his hair. my mum demanded he removed de hat. LOL. she shouldnt have. he had holes, as in bald patches, all over his head. he and his friend tot tt since he was going to NS soon, all will become bald, mite as well do up his hair. LOL.they didnt even us a shaver or a barber scissors. they used art scissors. as in de ones with de curvy edge. LOL.
i gave all my money to aloisius [guy in church, not fat-boy]. it was to make him open the 'mystery box'. it contained all the happiness you need in the world. my entire grp gave him our money. sarah gave him her gameboyDS. he spent the entire time while some ppl were talking to us, while we were supposed to be listening, lookin at our EZlink cards. so, err.. this SJI guy, whose name i dont know, stole aloisius' wallet and EZlink card. yay! anyway, the happiness was actually a piece of paper. as expected. but with a beatitude on it. i had no idea wad it meant. LOL. in the end he gave us back our wallets. y? cos it said so on de instrutions. if not, he would have kept all our money. joan had taken out all her money, $70, from her wallet b4 givin it to him. to think de lesson was on trust. =.=
came home aft church. had lunch. sat on de comp de whole day. played gunbound with jem. made a new skin.
made it only cos i realised how to use de history brush. =.= anyway, if u cant recognise, de flower on de top, the one with de mushroom beside it, was drawn by dear Qinpei. rmb, she transferred to clementi town? haiis... she is niice.

kor came back from chalet today. he was wearing a hat and wouldnt show us his hair. my mum demanded he removed de hat. LOL. she shouldnt have. he had holes, as in bald patches, all over his head. he and his friend tot tt since he was going to NS soon, all will become bald, mite as well do up his hair. LOL.they didnt even us a shaver or a barber scissors. they used art scissors. as in de ones with de curvy edge. LOL.
9:30 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
whoohooo! back from MALAYSIA! funn. woke up early. 5.45am. blehhs. dad drove me to sko0l. yea. drove to malaysia. quite a long drive. stopped for breakfast. i had chachos for breakfast... ((: went on to de chocolate factory. did see any chocolate making but saw alot of chocolate on shelves. hehheh... was sooo damn tempted. but it was soo expensive!!! damn it. LOL. went to err... cant rmb whr lehhs. LOL. oh yea! pewter factory!!! lols. boring larrhhs. not interested. went to de museum[?] too. saw de palace. it was niice.
so, anyway, went to kukup. long long long drive. 1hr++. slept through most of it. i realised i've been to kukup b4. went there sometime last june. family trip to one of de chalets there. shre went there too. we even went to de same resturant as she did de last time she came. well, the chilli crab was not badd. vegetables were niice. my table was very err... well, i felt like 'light bulb' LOL.
went to fish farm aft lunch. clarence was like i bet the girls wont dare go on de boat blahblahblah... WOW. im soooo scared! screaming my head off! uh-huh. yarr right. iidiot. anyway, we saw expensive fish, small fish, big fish, smart fish, stupid shark, jelly fish, horse-shoe crab and friendly seahorse. LOL. didnt touch anyway. smart fish y? it shoots down it's bait/prey by shpitting water. stupid shark y? i got caught. =.= friendly seahorse y? the male get pregnant. LOL.
went to the southern most tip of mainland Asia. well, actually the southern most tip of Asia is actaully the southern most of Singapore. but cos it's mainland Asia, its the south of Malaysia. walked err... 2(400+120)m. LOL. count tt. lazy. ((: saw monkeys. Ms kavitha and shreya hugged each other. lols. saw the globe. and signs pointing all de way to london. it was low tide and the view was terrific.

drove back to de checkpoint. de drive was DAMN long. urrgh. at de malaysia checkpoint, shre needed de toilet. but coudnt go. HAHAHA! so we ssshhhhh-ed her on de bus all de way til Singapore checkpoint. then from immigration to sko0l, we akky-ed akshaya. hehehe... you know, every single time we see wasin he's like can i see ur passport, shreya? LOL. he nvr got to. HAH! though i was tempted to show it to jiazhe. hmmm... ((:
junyan's mum sent me home. yay! saved time. i didnt like de dinner mummy cooked. some fried/steamed rice tt was all dried up and grainy. so i had TOM YUM BEEHOON! with beansprouts! yay! ((:
my ipod i hanged. dunno wad happened. shreya was listening to it...

the iidiots. ((:

my shaky hand.

trying to act 'bing-ed' failed terribly. LOL

so, anyway, went to kukup. long long long drive. 1hr++. slept through most of it. i realised i've been to kukup b4. went there sometime last june. family trip to one of de chalets there. shre went there too. we even went to de same resturant as she did de last time she came. well, the chilli crab was not badd. vegetables were niice. my table was very err... well, i felt like 'light bulb' LOL.
went to fish farm aft lunch. clarence was like i bet the girls wont dare go on de boat blahblahblah... WOW. im soooo scared! screaming my head off! uh-huh. yarr right. iidiot. anyway, we saw expensive fish, small fish, big fish, smart fish, stupid shark, jelly fish, horse-shoe crab and friendly seahorse. LOL. didnt touch anyway. smart fish y? it shoots down it's bait/prey by shpitting water. stupid shark y? i got caught. =.= friendly seahorse y? the male get pregnant. LOL.
went to the southern most tip of mainland Asia. well, actually the southern most tip of Asia is actaully the southern most of Singapore. but cos it's mainland Asia, its the south of Malaysia. walked err... 2(400+120)m. LOL. count tt. lazy. ((: saw monkeys. Ms kavitha and shreya hugged each other. lols. saw the globe. and signs pointing all de way to london. it was low tide and the view was terrific.
drove back to de checkpoint. de drive was DAMN long. urrgh. at de malaysia checkpoint, shre needed de toilet. but coudnt go. HAHAHA! so we ssshhhhh-ed her on de bus all de way til Singapore checkpoint. then from immigration to sko0l, we akky-ed akshaya. hehehe... you know, every single time we see wasin he's like can i see ur passport, shreya? LOL. he nvr got to. HAH! though i was tempted to show it to jiazhe. hmmm... ((:
junyan's mum sent me home. yay! saved time. i didnt like de dinner mummy cooked. some fried/steamed rice tt was all dried up and grainy. so i had TOM YUM BEEHOON! with beansprouts! yay! ((:
my ipod i hanged. dunno wad happened. shreya was listening to it...
the iidiots. ((:
my shaky hand.
trying to act 'bing-ed' failed terribly. LOL