& i also got the rest of my sko0l books. except de lit one.
de lit books are ALWAYS out of stock. irritating...
been readin history & chemistry.
history is niice. chemistry... i wanna give up already..
i dun understand de particle theory thingy...
anyway, now i got 2 calculators & 6 correction tapes.
ohh, & i start tuition on de 12th. stoopid chinese.
my mum got some teacher who taught in RI & ACSI b4.
$50 per session... i wish i could chase her away again. (:
went window shopping today again.
looked around for korr's 21st birthday present.
he's gettin a watch from mummy & daddy.
lookin at TagHuer[i dunno how 2 spell]
some of de watches were niice. but ex.
saw one tt was $10k+. korr wanted tt one. hahas.
saw niice bags.
helped jii-ken edit choir blogskin. tt iidiot..
he is damn lame larrhs.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
flying off on Sunday! (:
who wants wad for Christmas tell me!
i might buy for you. from China. (:

You Were 40% Naughty, 60% Nice
Okay, so you weren't *entirely* nice this year
But Santa doesn't expect a modern girl to be perfect
You were good enough - and you'll be rewarded for it
Were You a Naughty Girl or Nice Girl this Year?
Your Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled With a Stuffed Animal

Either Santa got your Christmas wish many years late...
Or he secretly thinks you're a bit immature
What Will Be In Your Christmas Stocking?
You Are a Creative Gift Giver

Your gifts are one of a kind, special, and well chosen.
Whether you've made it yourself or searched all over town...
There's really no one who has more of a personal touch than you.
What Kind of Gift Giver Are You?
for like de 4th time. heheh... (:
babyy-starrs. me favourite crackers. LOL
anyway, went for high tea today. at orchard hotel.
was ok bahhs. nuthin gr8.. but i ate quite alot.
ok, found another lump in nainai's throat.
but its not cancer. so good. (:
gonna fly off on sunday. to china. (:
gonna rebond my hair! yea! hahas.
my right ear hurts... ohh. i ate seafood today.
not sposed to but only rmb aft i ate finish my prawns...
IM BROKE. i paid my mum $200 for my phone.
owe her $10 for my piercing.
gonna owe her $60 more for my hair...
& i still hafta get Christmas presents..
how much? i dunno. forgot liiaos. LOL
$5+ i think.. blehhs. (:
it hurt. for a while. i couldnt feel my left ear.. lols.
now, i cant feel the ear stud, but my right ear's still hot. -.-"
I CANT EAT SEAFOOD! stupid open wound...
shiit. we're s'posed to spend our entire holiday next week eating seafood!
went shopping w/ me mum jus now. well, window shopping anyway.
not gonna buy anything til we come back from holiday.
pierced ear today, rebond hair next week! yea, miie liike. (:
oohhh, get new mani&pedi too next week. hahas.
went to me jiujiu's hse jus now, jus 2 return squash rackets.
jiujiu's new gate looks ko0l. hahas. yarr, i sound lame. (:
& i found out he now has 2 maids. good for them.
its jus a one storey bungalow[can you call it a bungalow if it's single storey?], but they have a garden & a pool & a pregnant woman.
lols. they need de 2 maids. anyway if they only had one, tt poor girl would be stressed.
oh, & i forgot de 2 kids...
my yipo has a two storey semi-d, 1 maid & 2 daughters who are nvr home. de maid's pretty relaxed then.. she doesnt even hafta cook.
nainai has a 3 storey semi-d. in tt hse: 2 elderly[luckily yeye works], 2 working adults, 2 kids & frequent lunch parties. oh, & 1 maid. poor maid. but nainai cooks.
she LOVES to cook. but she complains tt she has to cook when we're invited over for lunch. hahas. (: i love my nainai.
lols. crapping.. yay! we're probably gonna haf a Christmas party at me jiujiu's hse!
i've nvr been in2 his hse... i wanna swim.. i wan presents.
my mum has no idea wad to get me for Christmas cos i have no idea wad i want cos i want so much. did tt make sense? hahas. (:
i want ear rings or ear studs. *hint hint* i hate big things.
but she's startin next week.
very fast lorrhs.
tt means tt nainai yeye not going holiday w/ us...
siians. but nvm, aft nainai get better can go holiday liiaos. (:
hahas. tooks 2 pics of it. (:
this one is in de light, but not during de day larrhs. cos i not at home. (:
this one at night. GHOST! hahas.
de blue light is actually de light from de fish tank right beside it. (:
took them jus now, i'll take some more tmr bahhs. durin de day when w/o de lights on. (:
if i rmb lorrhs. blehhs.
on de way to meet me cuzzies at JE int, met cheanpin. sneak out again arrs? hahas.
i saw siaoyi 1st. was tryin 2 call jessie. jessie sms-ed me..
Dont call me lei. Msg me. MY prepaid getting lower=P
me & siaoyi were like LOL. hahas.
aft jasmine came. when we ALL finally came, we started arguing about de time.
it started when jessie said she wasnt late. she came at 2.07pm. meeting time 2.00pm.
hahas. was damn funny lorrhs.
my phone was 2.05pm
siaoyi's 2.07pm
jessie's 2.09pm
jasmine? 2.17pm
LOL! damn off larrhs. aft tt jessie reminded jasmine tt her phone spoilt when she dropped it.
like diiao larrhs. -.-" okayy...
so we go ice-skating. then jasmine asked y she, jessie & siaoyi all were black. i wear yellow.
i was like... you guys never tell me dress code mahhs. lols.
ok, de moment we walked in2 de place was like damn cold.
wrapped myself in jacket. (:
aft we rented de shoes, i was like. de laces looked damn complicated larrhs..
then i see jasmine. LOL. hahas.
so we hurry up go in2 de ring. was damn crowded. some kids were on a field trip.
ALOT angmohs lorrhs.
at first i kept holding on 2 de sides. aft found tt almost impossible cos soo many ppl.
so i venture. couldnt balance. so held on to jessie.
jasmine kept pushin me larrhs. almost fell soo many times.
kept goin in circles until de say wanna resurface de ice. so went out.
waited damn long. jasmine kept complainin. hahas.
when we went in, i went with jasmine. we skate halfway then some angmoh kid skate pass us.
he was on jasmine's side we=hen suddenly he trew out his hand and hit jasmine in de stomach.
we were like WTF. jasmine shouted. "OI! si angmoh..." hahas.
luckily he nvr hear. aft tt we told jessie & siaoyi then we skated around lookin for him.
jessie & jasmine found him. so jasmine pushed him from behind, but like no effect lorrhs.
then when jessie was skating, she say she saw de angmoh guy fall forwards.
as in whole body. he's chin hit de ice, but nuthin happened to it. we were like HUO GAI! (:
jasmine asked whether he got hit his nose. cos angmoh nose very long mahhs. hahas.
aft a while i damn tired liiaos. so i stopped skatin. i stopped in de middle of de ring.
i was watchin de figure skaters. learning. was damn niice larrhs.
plus, some of them werent even 5 years old. i saw a girl i think she's about 2yrs only larrhs.
also got one girl. older then me. bout 17 bahhs. China derrhs.
she skate damn fast can?! almost made jessie fall down larrhs.
like skate halfway aft tt she comin zoomin pass right in front of us larrhs.
saw her while twirlin hit de cones. was damn funny. even her coach laughed.
we left de ring at 5pm. skated bout 2hrs plus. hahas.
wanted to have dinner at first but then me mum say must be back by 6pm.
okayy lorrhs.. went down 2 mac's.
we kept eating jessie's fries. esp jasmine.
so in de end jessie hugged her fries. hahas. (:
oh. & when jessie order tt time say she member.
de iidiot manager thought she paying w/ ezlink.
so deducted. pay liiaos tt she realised. so she tell him she not payin w/ ezlink.
he was like sorry arr. so she ask whether can like cancel.
him: cannot. sorry arr. like soo damn insincere larrhs!
jasmine say complain 2 de HQ. -.-"
hahas. reached home at 6.10pm. late, but mummy not home. (:
anyway, came home and found de floor wet. so i though jem went swimming.
he did, sort of. he played catching around de pool. tt stoopid boy.
so he fell in2 de pool. -.-"
then he come home go bath, but he nvr dry himself den come my room watch kor play com.
i scolded him larrhs. i mean, even i dun come in2 my own room soaked. i always dry myself 1st lorrhs.
lols. i jus realised how much i missed my earphones.
its damn niice larrhs. i mean de effect when u listen is much niicer then when you hear de speakers..
hahas. im crapping here. (:
level 24ok, not new high SCORE. but i reached a higher lvl.
lines 238
score 164,208
my highest score is still 173,279. wahh. bout 10k more lehhs. hahas.
i realised singing helps. i jus sing & play ignoring everything else.
but now my hand hurts... dunno why..
Day 1
met cheanpin & limin early in sko0l & finished preparing our game.
cheanpin walked up and down de sko0l putting paper in the lockers.
we scrambled up the spelling for choir room CROOIHROM
something like tt i think, cant rmb. hahas.
had choir practice was ok bahhs. 'finished' learning de song Because We Believe.
its quite niice, but got one part, de alto part sounds like some old Egyptian song...lols.
ok, aft tt played games. was not soo fun bahhs. cos is we sec 2s organise one.. (:
angela's grp de game was ok. but my grp, Jermyn & Rosel were stuck in 'jail' from 6pm til de end of de game. about 6.30...
hahas. sorry never go fetch you guys horrhs. (:
aft games we had dinner. cant rmb wad we ate.. lols. den we go bath.
me cheanpin & syafiqah were de 1st who finished bathing.
then melina asked all of us gather outside canteen there, aft supper.
had night activities. went around de entire sko0l looking for numbers, was ok larrhs.
but then , wah liiao, we sweat some more. siians. jus bathe finish then sweat again.. -.-"
my dorm me yijun, limin, cp, sharon, syafiqah, sueyi stayed up.
at first we told gholst stories, aft tt cant fall asleep, so played Truth
slept about 3.45am i think... de boys slept at 5.30 am.
it was damn cold at night lorrhs.. plus we were in 3e2 classroom.
at least to whole walls are windows.. plus, yijun nvr bring sleeping bag. so she share w/ sueyi.
Day 2
woke up early, about 6.30 am.. so went to wash up. i think, our dorm was de 1st to wake up..
went downstairs and had PT. [physical training] played Cat & Mouse [& Barrier?] was fun. hahas.
once, yijun was cat & janice was mouse. they run run run until janice jus walked up to yijun cos tired liiaos..
aft tt had breakfast. nasi lemak. was niice bahhs.
then we went to West Coast Park w/ concert band. ms ngiam taught us greetings.
then played some ice breakers. veryy funn. (:
we played around de whole of east coast larrhs. we were almost de first grp for all de things..
but aft tt we couldnt find station 1.. so came in last, but finish all de stations.
actually, got 1 stn, err.. de guy let us not do de game, but her didnt haf a pen to sign our paper.
so he say we go play other stns 1st & some back in 10mins. den he will call de i/c or something...
shunyu's one arrs. abit wu liiao lorrhs. fill up a bottle w/ water until de blue line.
de bottle was full of holes.. aft we fill up, sposed 2 sqeeze all de water out.. waste time lorrhs.
shuan's game even more wu liiao. take pictures w/ passers-by. we even took w/ de sweeper lehhs..
aft de stn we ate at mac. den went back to sko0l.
was damn tired larrhs. so we bathed and then go rest. but still had 2 do a showtime item
so my grp, me roy, jermyn, joyce, asyiqin sung At The Beginning. roy & jermyn did piano accompanyment.[?]
but then during de performance we couldnt sync, so jus me joyce & asyqin jus sang w/ hp.
then choir & band played some games 2gether. hahas. veryy funn. (:
aft tt, we watched Ratatouille in our dorm. actually wanted to watch The Exorcism of Emily Rose, but then scared larrhs..
i tried to watch Ratatouille den fell asleep. hahsa. it was only about 12+ i think. (:
Day 3
hahas. we woke up at 6.30am again. but i went back to sleep until syafiqah bluff me got lizard. blehhs. hahas.
exco woke up at 7am lehhs. sleep more than me lorrhs.
had PT again. this time shaun & zhengyang lead. but ms seah not happy so we run around de quadrangel[?]
then had breakfast. chicken burger, or was it fish? cant rmb. my grp had 2 clean up.
aft cleaning, we went and cleaned up our dorms. thhen went 2 music room.
had sec 1 orientation. made finish de bookmarks. sposed 2 take bout 1h only. but went overtime lorrhs.
then we had speeches & prize giving.
1st Sharon's grpgood work everyone! hahas. so in the end we finished at 12.15pm. about 45mins late.
2nd Angela's grp
3rd my grp
4th Clara's grp
aft camp my mum fetched me. rushed home. dropped my stuff, change clothes.
& go balestier eat chicken rice. very niice. de chicken rice stall is chef used 2 work at Mandarin's hotel the Chatterbox Chicker Rice. so de food almost same standard & cheaper. small plate $3.80. big plate $5
Chatterbox is about $10 a plate i think.. but i hate tt there is a bus stop right outside de coffee shop.
aft tt went to see doctor. i was 1min late. appt was at 1.25pm. i reach & registered at 1.26pm. hahas. (:
finished at record time lorrhs. by 2.20pm we were out liiaos.
came home bathed and changed and read book. Strange Affair by Peter Robinson
read about 30mins bahhs. then went 2 sleep until 6. niice, sound sleep.
jem woke me up. he wanted me 2 go w/ him go buy slurpee.. -.-"
i dun care him go sleep. so he bring miie maid.
he go there look around then realised he nvr bring money. diiaos.
aft come back & go again. took $2, but then de 1-for-1 offer no more liiaos.
so he leave my maid there, run home take 80cents more & go back there.
lame larrhs. stupid boy jem.. but, nvm, i had slurpee 2 drink w/o having 2 move. hahas. (:
had soba for dinner. no appetite. ate 1bowl & a half. then read book the watch tv. then blog.
hahas. i go watch more tv now. (:
but err.. got prob larrhs. i cant skate. LOL. in fact i cant even roller blade.
de last time i went 'ice skating' [which was jus follow & watch] was manymany years ago. hahas.
my mum tried to teach me, but i see so many ppl fall down, then i scared liiaos.
heheh.. mabbe miie cuzzies will teach me, if i dare go on ice. (:

Sloth: 80%
Envy: 40%
Gluttony: 40%
Greed: 40%
Pride: 20%
Lust: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 31%
You will die with your hand down your underwear, watching Star Trek.
How Sinful Are You?

Occasionally you have perfectionist tendencies, but overall you're pretty normal.
You're sometimes hard on yourself, but you usually focus on what you're doing right!
Are You a Perfectionist?

Bit of a drama queen
Peacemaker, first to end a fight
Good at thinking up creative dates
Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily
Going with your gut instead of your head
Empathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault
Good at recognizing patterns in relationships
Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count
Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love
Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow
Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind
Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart
Are You a Right Brained or Left Brained Woman in Love?

Low maintenance, very friendly, and sturdy.
What Kind of Dog Should You Have?

You're the one who keeps your group laughing
And you've always got an idea for something fun to do
The party's not complete without you
And you wouldn't miss it for the world
What Kind of Friend Are You?

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you.
Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show.
People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate.
But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.
What Color Green Are You?

Congratulations! You take good care of yourself.
You're poised to live a long, healthy life.
What Age Will You Die?

Your manners are generally pretty good.
You know how to behave, but you don't always follow the rules.
A little extra effort on your part, and you could be the next Emily Post!
How Are Your Manners?

And being a little snobby every once and a while is totally allowed.
Because if no one was ever snobby, no one would ever try to dress up or look pretty.
And while you do enjoy the finest things in life (that you can afford), you tire of superficiality.
You know there's more to life than what's just on the surface.
Are You a Snobby Girl?

Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood.
You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.
You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.
This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wife!
Are You A Girl Or a Woman?

Why you'll love a Gemini:
Witty and sharp, a Gemini can keep up with your fast (and ever changing) mind.
You're both fun loving and free spirits. You and a Gemini can enjoy each other without expectations.
Why a Gemini will love you:
Not only can you keep up with a Gemini's sharp tongue, you can introduce a challenge or two...
You're appetite for fun and novelty will keep a Gemini interested - at least for a bit longer than usual!
What Sign Is Your True Love?

Engaging and energetic, you have a lot to offer the world - most of it they've never seen anywhere else!
You are the type of person who carves your own path in life... and you invite everyone else to come along.
The only thing predictable about you is that you could have anything up your sleeve.
You're all about sampling all of life's experiences. Both the savory and unsavory ones.
Deep down you are: Laid back and young at heart
Your partying style: Anything goes... seriously!
Your company is enjoyed best with: Smoked meats or spicy food
What Kind of Wine Are You?

You're serious enough to be dedicated to yoga...
But playful enough to keep it fun
Yoga will give you the lean yet curvy look you desire
How Should You Get Your Curves In Shape?

You are 80% Good and 20% Bad
Generally speaking, you're a very good girl.
(But you don't have us totally fooled!)
Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?

You aren't the cleanest person in the world, but you're definitely not a slob.
You clean up when you have the time, but you're realistic about what you can get done.
Generally, you're pretty organized and tidy - though you may have a few hidden messes.
You eventually get around to making things spotless, but you do it on your own schedule!
Are You Messy?

You've got a ton of energy - and need plenty of room to roam.
You tend to follow your whims, and it's hard for you to stick to one thing.
Specific jobs, loves, and friends are always changing and never a part of your life for long.
Very intuitive, you tend to know what people are thinking before they say a word.
You are most compatible with a Dog or Tiger.
What Year Should You Have Been Born Under?
ok, ytd went out for seafood dinner. hehehh...
celebratin mii yeye's 71st birthday [according 2 chinese calendar larrhs.]
had badd news. rmb, my nainai went for op?
ok, so she found a lump in her lungs close 2 a month ago, so went for op to check.
results came out sometime this week. nainai got lung cancer. sadded..
ok, nvm larrhs. go chemothearapy can liiao bahhs.
luckily nainai got 2 insurance for her medical bills..
de extras all daddy, xiaogu, ergu, dagu will pay.
+ my uncle, ergu's husband is a doctor,
so nainai got good doctor. some professor from SGH..
now, must see when de doctor say shud start chemo,
if start b4 our hol 2 China, then yeye nainai cant go.
cos once u start chemo, not allowed 2 travel..
hope nainai get well soon...
yea, i lurrve miie nainai. <3
ok, so stop with de depressing stuff.
back to dinner. hahas.
had niice fresh prawns, only daddy wouldnt peel them for miie. blehhs.
had steamed fish, was great! hahas. (:
w/ de chilli crab, mummy ordered 6 mantous, one for each of us [me, mum, dad, nainai, yeye, jem]
but, jem & daddy dun wan. HA! so i ate 3. i love mantou!
daddy kept goin on about how niice yeye's present was gonna be.
its a calendar for 2008 we made with family pictures in it. sentimental. (:
nainai & yeye kept tellin us bout kimberly, julian & jay [cuzzies]
kim got 4th in class. julian had psle this year.
he shocked himself with his prelims exams though. he got top in class.
nainai say his dad has been takin time to tutor julian tts why.
jay's results are sadd. he from top 10 in class drop to bottom 10.
he's probably gonna be grounded this hols. again. like de past few years...
so anyway, had a great dinner.
gonna go nainai's hse tmr to celebrate yeye's birthday with dagu, ergu & xiaogu.
ok, back to today. went to Sembawang Country Club. went to play arcade.
the stupid machine swallowed my 20cents coin.
i didnt even get to play anything with tt 20cents, cos de machine wouldnt spit it back out.
me & jem kicked it. (:
had wardening again today. but leonard wasnt there..
he was in sko0l according 2 some ex-warden..[the one who squishes leonard's hand]
warden was boring.. at least it was my last day.
de warden head guy was trying to persuade me to continue wardening.
as if. but the gospel reading was niice today. dunno whether bcos de priest made it sound better
or i was payin more attention...
saw a cute little baby. he was holdin on to his mum's hair.
it took his mum a minute or more of tugging to get him to let go of her hair. in the end she tied it up. hahas. (:
been playing comp all day. now gonna read my book.
Deficiency by Andrew Neiderman
3e2 is a mixed class. those who got combination 2b and 1a are in de same class.
2e1 got Akshaya, Wanxuan, Jiazhe, Junyan, Shaolun, Derrick, Yanjie and Roy, but roy is combination 1b.
2e1 got 13so 3e2 got 37 ppl. 17 are double science and double humans. 20 are triple science.
2e1 got 7
2e3 got 5
2e4 got 5
2e5 got 7
OMG! clarence is one of them! shiit. &sharon also. (:
wahh liiaos. all de smart ppl from 2e1 all same class siias.
next year cant get anywhere near top 10 liiaos. siians..

What's" Your Leprechaun Name?

For you, love is all about chemistry and attraction. You totally believe in love at first sight.If a relationship is right, you know it from the start. You're often sure of your feelings. And you're not afraid to express them.
What Rose Represents Your Love?

Maybe you need a bit more time to get over an ex. Or maybe you need a confidence boost to talk to new guys. Either way, you'll find a boyfriend in time... As long as you keep getting out there and meeting new guys
When Will You Meet Your Next Boyfriend?

You're steady, organizes, and determined to achieve your dreams.You tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones).You'll likely reach the top. And when you do, you'll be honorable and responsible.Focus on happiness. Don't let your goals distract you from fun!Don't be too set in your ways, and you'll be more of a success than you ever dreamed of
What Planet Are You From?

Scared? You? Not really. Everyone has a few normal phobias, and you're no exception.
It's okay to be afraid of a few things. You wouldn't be human if you weren't.
How Phobic Are You?

You are energetic, amusing, and always up for a good time.
Optimistic and genuinely happy, you help people see the sunny side of life.
And you're always up for a party... no matter how big or small.
You're usually the first one to celebrate a friend's success.
Anyone who's interesting or fun is welcome in you circle of friends.
You're not the type of person to exclude or make fun of someone who's a little different.
Your friends need you most when: They're down or depressed
You really can't be friends with: Anyone who's stuck up or chronically unhappy
Your friendship quote: "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
What Makes You a Good Friend?

You may not seem like you're flirting, but you know exactly what you're doing.
You draw people in, very calculatingly, without them even knowing.
Subtle and understated, you know how to best leverage your sex appeal.
A sexy enigma, you easily become an object of obsession.
What Kind of Flirt Are You?

A bit hardcore on the outside...
But sweet and sensitive on the inside.
"It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life"
Who's Your Inner Rock Chick?

You have a high level of emotion. This can mean passion, but it can also mean rage.
Usually, you don't take these emotions out on others. You just use them as motivation - and it works!
The purpose of your life: embracing all the wonders of the life, lots of travels, and tons of adventures
Famous reds include: Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lopez
Careers for you to try: Dancer, Boxer, Surgeon
What Color Is Your Aura?

You have a distinct style that you don't really have to work for. You're genuinely quirky, and people love your understated charm.
What Flavor Jelly Bean Are You?

Independent and aloof, you don't like to be dependent on anyone.
And as for other people, you can take them or leave them. You often don't care.
You live your life by your own rules. And you have deep motivations that no one truly understands.
Why you would make a great pet: You're not needy or greedy... unlike other four legged friends.
Why you would make a bad pet: You're not exactly running down to greet people at the door
What you would love about being a cat: Agility and freedom
What you would hate about being a cat: Being treated like a dog by clueless humans
What Kind of Pet Would You Be?

Your lies are somewhat believable, but sometimes you get caught.
Work on keeping your body language and emotions calm. And you'll be a better liar in no time!
Are You a Good Liar?

You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.
How's Your Attitude?

You're part lady, part modern woman.
Etiquette is important to you, but you brush aside rules that are outdated or silly.
Are You A Lady?
I GOT INTO 3E2!hahas. i got my combination! im in same class as shreya & liying! clara too! (:
hahas. damn happy here. (:
ok, so me leon, shreya, yijun & liying are in same class.
plus, angeline[hahas, my darrliing lao po], leonard, clara...etc.
dun wanna name all. hahas. but 3E2 only got like 17 ppl?
unless i missed out some larrhs.
2e1 got 5
2e2 got 3
2e3 got 4
2e4 got 2
2e5 got 3
no i didnt count wrong. 3e2 only got 17 ppl..

Confident, assertive, and dedicated - you know what you want in life and how to
get it.
Stubborn and opinionated, you can stand your ground... even if
And while you have strong views, you never overwhelm
people with
your opinions.
A true charmer, you subtly influence people
into seeing
things your way.
You do best when you:
- Work
according to your
own rules
- Can change the world with what you do
You would also be
a good lawyer or talk show host.What Should You Be When You Grow Up?
stay cute always! hahas. (:
yea. daddy came back today. & he's not gonna go overseas for long periods anymore.
hahas. tt means we can go cycling more often.
btw, rmb my my mum tt we could get a bicycle if jem's results were good enuff.
but now we're not gonna get one. why?
#1 no space to ride around with at my house.
#2 very mahh fan. cos when we go out hafta put in de car.
#3 cant find a bike tt is a suitable size for both me & jem.
fine. i accept tt. we can always go nainai's hse & ride miie cousins' bikes. (:
met shreya 2day. hahas. was fun. i was there like 30mins early.
so i walked around. was damn bored.
we were halfway through finishin up cheanpin's and limin's presents when cheanpin came.
hahas. she wanted 2 get her present. no way.
so she went 2 look for limin & sueyi.
then l8r she brought limin down. siians. limin saw her present on de chair.
iidiot cheanpin! ruin our briiliant plans! (: hahas.
choir was ok bahhs. 'learnt' a new song. i still cant get de err... itailian i think.
i cant pronunce de words. (: nvm. we'll practice next week.
got camp. 3D2N. my group
Roy [leader]
Me [asst. leader]
Shi Hao
...dunno who else liiaos. hahas. (:
i lurrve watchin tv. i lurrve eatin cheng tng! hahas.
totally random here. (:

You are fun and lighthearted.
hahas. i like this pic. (: monkey!
How Sarcastic Am I? same as cheanpin.
Am I a LA Girl or a NY Girl? same as cheanpin.
Am I An "It Girl"? same as cheanpin.
lols. im like giving cheanpins's blog free advertisement..
siians tmr got choir. gotta be there early.
got camp next week. i hate organising things. *sighs*
meeting shreya tmr. i shall not say where in case SOMEONE decides to come UNINVITED.
no, its not de national day one..
Home by Westlife
Another summer day,
Has come and gone away,
In Paris and Rome,
I want to go home,
Maybe surrounded by,
A million people I,
Still feel all alone,
I just want to go home,
Oh I miss you, You know,
And i've been keeping all the letters,
That I wrote to you,
Each one a line or two,
I'm fine baby how are you,
Well I would send them but,
I know it's that it's just not enough,
The words were cold and flat,
And you deserve more, Than that,
Another aeroplane,
Another sunny place,
I'm lucky, I know,
But I want to go home,
I've got to go home,
Let me go home
Im just to far,
From where you are,
I've got to come home,
Let me come home,
I've had my run,
Baby i'm down,
I want to come home,
And I feel just like,
I'm living,
Someone elses life,
It's like i just stepped outside,
When everything was going right,
And I no just why you could not come along with me,
'Cause this was not your dream,
But you always believed in me,
Another winter day,
Has come and gone away,
In either Paris and Rome,
And I Want To Go Home,
I miss you, You know,
Let me go home,
I've had my run,
Baby i'm down,
I want to go home,
Let me go home,
It'll all be alright,
I'll be home tonight,
I'm coming back home.
anyway, feeling abit err.. anxious larrhs.
our subject combination coming out on de 14th. tts wednesday.
two days away. jus two. scared i cant get my combination.
heyys. i hope twoEone can still stick together.
& hope i can get in2 same class as brawns & bing. hahas. (:
niite. *yawn*
i mean de readings are exactly de same as ytd,
but Father[errr..] made de gospel readin more fun. hahas. (:
the gospel said something bout Children of Resurrection do not need to get married &
Children of [err.. i cant rmb what] should get married.
anyway, since all de kids havin their 1st Holy Communion were all wearing white,
[btw, some of de girls WERE dressed like a bride
& i saw 1 boy wearin those white formal jackets.]
they looked like they were goin 4 a wedding.
so Father asked them about getting married. obvious reaction..
'ewww! i dun like girls/boys' typical reaction of 9 yr olds. hahas.
then Father gave them examples of God being our bread.
he asked them whether they ate bread for breakfast. few of them did.
so he was like gotta find eg. so he used McDonald's. was damn funny.
then he asked them whether God was their no.1. they said yes larrhs.
so Father said ' so how many of u will be nuns and priest'. aft no reaction lehhs.
was funny larrhs. see them. hahas.
miie mum ps us again. go play mahjong when she sposed 2 bring us out eat Swensen's.
haiiz... but nvm, i got 2 eat unagi 4 dinner instead. (: hahas.
i played DragonFable today. yarrh. i know. childish.
its called the boredom of the holidays.
ohh shiit. i 4got 2 buy miie crackers 2day.
sadded. no crackers for this week then.. haiiz..
How Deep Are You?
Carefree - you do not give anything much thought and live life as it comes
What Kind of Book Am I?
Science Fiction / Adventure - reality is not your thing, you want to break free of the bounds of your world and journey into the next as...
How Thin Is Your Skin?
Latin bison - you do not tend to put up with any bologna and will let people know it too. So long as people treat you right, you are okay.
Stress test: Discover what is causing you stress!
Choose three scenarios out of these four:
A group of people taking photographsA galloping horseA house with a gardenA statue of the goddess Venus
Group of people taking pictures: This means that you're very tired with your relationships right now.Galloping horse: This means that you are tired and stressed over work recently.House with the garden: This means that you are tired with some matters concerning your family or household lately.Statue of Venus: This means that you are stressed over matters of the heart. Not exactly relationship problems, but more to do with being tired of trying to settling things with your girlfriend/boyfriend.
Analyzing your dreams
Animals may represent one's parents and their relationship to a parent in particular. Domestic animals usually denote good fortune whilst wild animals symbolize trouble, fears or even misfortune.
ok, dunno y but speakin in monosyllabus today. hahas.
anyway, had wardening duty today at church. was BORING!
the only thing new is that now i know why wardens hafta stand beside de priest while he's givin out de Holy Communion.
it's jus 2 make sure tt de ppl dun pocket de err.. waffle-thingy. (: hahas.
i met colinn's friend 2day. coversation went like this.
him: ayy, err, u colinn's sister right?then he left. very err, enlightening conversation right. lols.
me: arrhh.
him: oh, im sam. u rmb me?
me: no
him: oh, i err, used 2 go 2 ur hse.
me: really?
him: err, yahh. so how colinn.
me: err, working.
him: oh, err, good.
[see, another monosyllable-bal-blehhs conversasion. (:]
i ate zhu zha tang. heheh.. its pig's liver soup.
yeahh, sounds gross but tastes really niice. (:
i stole jem's tie ban tofu. hehhes. he sulked alot. (:
my day today.
1. i screamed at jem for screamin and wakin me up.niice, peaceful day horrhs. iidiot boyy. this is y i totally hate boyys.
2. i screamed at jem for
not letting me get back to sleep.
3. i slapped jem w/ my shirt for screaming
while playin comp.
4. i screamed at jem for kickin and punching me after i
slapped him with my shirt.
no matter how 'niice' they are generally their jus like jem, totally annoying and spoilt.
but, this is jus a general observation. if u're not like that, well, good for you and everyone around u. (:
siians. tmr jem's First Holy Communion in church. but i lazy 2 go lehhs.
de only good thing bout goin is tt i can go buy miie crackers. haiizz.. ):
my mum say i cannot DUN go.. but, i mean, COME ON!
i jus did wardening for today's mass & tmr's mass is gonna be EXACTLY THE SAME?!
the only difference is tt a bunch of kids dressed totally in white will be takin their Holy Communion first!?
btw, it ver amusing seeing little Leonard Hio get his hand crushed
by de guy standing next to him & his hair being ruffled
by the guy standing next to the guy standing next to him.
do u understand what i jus typed? cos i dont...
btw, they were sposed 2 be singin some song tt i cant rmb
& givin peace to each other while they were crushing hands.
but, they did the same thing last week anyway. hahas.
try these. damn funny.
-Whose Buttock Is It Anyway
-Draco, The Babysitter [incomplete]
-A Day At The Spa
they're all harry potter humour fics. (:
actually not even tomorrow lorrhs. like 50+ minutes more?
hahas. soon de cow will get her bell & ribbon.
wad colour arrs? de ribbon? green horrhs. lols.
bored today lorrhs. damn bored. woke up at 11.30.
for once can sleep w/o ppl disturbing me.
ate sushi 4 lunch. yea! (: lols.
then went 2 eat swensen's ice cream. blehhs.
ate ramen for dinner. at some new place.
it sucked. de soup tasted more like chicken bone soup w/ soya sauce. urrgh.
so i ate miie mum's udon. was a little better bahhs.
came home & missed de 1st part of miie show. sadded.
there is absolutely nothin 2 do.
de books i borrowed are damn boring.
wanna go library but lazy.. siians.
I Would Like To Buy a Hamburger
The Dance
At The Door
Good Teamwork
lols. i jus made my new high score!
level 21
lines 201
score 173,279
yes, i know many ppl think its boring, but i like it.
i jumped 11 levels! my previous highest level was only 11. not even 110 lines lehhs.
lols. i play at freetetris.org. (:
ehhs. if anybody beat my score tell miie horrhs.
it is soo damn niice! de movie is touching & de songs are GREAT!
lols. jus watched it on youtube. (:
miie fave song in de movie. At The Beginning (Wonderful Journey)
1st i followed miie mum 4 lunch. SMASHED CHICKEN!
lols. sounds gross, yarr, i noe. (: but, its DAMN niise & de chilli is soo hot i finished my bottle of water+more b4 lunch was over...
then, we went for mani&pedi. i did de mani, miie mum did de pedi.
i like my mani. now fingers are pink & glittery. de sequins look like drops of water..
lols. ok. then i went 2 wait for my mum while she had her facial.
sat there for 1hour+ reading.. my book is niice.
its about hollywood ppl. & how de actresses there all love havin sex. lols.
ok, moving on. aft miie mum's facial, we went 2 visit miie nainai.
she had her op this aftnoon. she said was sposed 2 be this morning but didnt have lorrhs.
so her op was at 2.15pm. yeye was all worried cos over 1hour liiaos nainai still havent come out from de op.
turns out nainai inside de op room also spent most of de time waiting...
bought for nainai curry puff and [popia?] lols. but she only wan de curry puff..
reached home 7+ almost 8. den had dinner. leftovers. siians..
nvm larrhs. tmr gonna go eat Swensens' ice cream. (:
watched finish my tv. gonna eat my japanese pancake thingy.
den read myself 2 sleep. (: nites.
lols. nainai havin her op tmr.
jus a minor larrhs. went 2 see her just now.
she kept complainin bout de doctor takin her blood sample. lols.
say tt de other day took 4 small bottles liiaos.
today takin some more.
she also kept tellin us bout de jabs she received.
they all sound damn gross.. they stuck de needle liks 3-4 cm in lorrhs. urrgh..
and as usual she complained tt my entire family is skinny. except for daddy.
she say tt im taller than jiejie! yea! lols.
she also kept sayin how lousy jiejie's chinese is. (:
mummy's havin friends over for mahjong. again.
siians... louud, noisy. kinda crude too..
anyhow scold baby sandy pig. lols.
now sandy's hidin in my room lorrhs. (:
was watchin tv. there is absolutely nothin 2 watch on weekends.
so i go listen music instead.
oh. mummy help replenish my supply of Baby Star crackers. (:
heheh... now i got 2 and 1/3 packets left 4 de week.
until mummy go market next week. (:
the stars seem like tradition u know..
we can never NOT get stars for bing.
lols. yep, miie & shre bought her 3-inch high, bright orange & and yellow striped boots.
their size 6, i think. lols. (:
bing, i suggest u give up cos we're NEVER gonna tell u.. heheh.. (:
oh, btw
lols. our little petite giirl [who, btw likes really big accessories for her size...*hint hint*] has turned 14!
hahas. ehhs, bing. u'll prob get ur birthday present on de 13th when we meet 4 choir..
i think limin also.. (:
keeping darrrliing biing in suspense is SOOOOO fun!
lols. hahahs.
u wont noe wad miie & shre got 4 u til we gif u. blehhs.
might gif u tmr. might gif u next week. might gif u in dec when i see u 4 choir.
hehehh.. wont even tell u wad issit.
i think limin will get her prezzie earlier then u'll get urs. blehhhs. (:
had a monotonous day today. woke up 10+.
missed de 1st part of my show this morning, cos i took too long 2 bath.
went out for lunch. ate XO beehoon.
was niice, but i had no appetite.
went 2 ikea. bought DIY cardboard drawers.
but to put de stuff on my table, i cleared A space, and messed up every other space.
dinner was ok. my mum was pissed, cos jiejie had SUCH a WONDERFUL dinner in front of her,
but she went to eat her chicken abalone maggi mee. lols.
received badd news today.
a lump was found in my nainai's lung.
my uncle noticed tt nainai coughed then threw out blood, so took her 4 xray.
doctor say its likely to be cancerous..
going 4 op on monday to confirm, nainai's gonna be warded on sunday.
probably gonna visit her on sunday evening.
i love my nainai...
bing - 3rd nov
limin - 9th nov
on bus 2 vivo, there was this old china man.
he was talkin damn funny larrhs.
as in not accent funny, but jus weird funny.
was askin bout whr 2 stop if wanna go sentosa.
we were like dunno larrhs.
he kept stretchin n talkin damn loud lorrhs.
we talked alot on de bus.
bout camp, bout chalet.
bout clive & toothpaste. lols
i moved my camera away too fast...