2 bosters
2 blankets
2 stuffed toys
2 pillows, well, actually 4 pillows.
my bed is over flowing..
i need a new bed.
a slightly bigger one.
super single at least.
my bosters are pushing me off the bed.
so now, my boster is my new pillow.
& my pillow is my back rest.
i sleep on my boster.
& lean on my pillow while reading.
im so gonna hurt my neck..
Starfish can push their stomach out their mouth to digest large items of food outside their body. eww..
Frogs pull their eyeballs into their mouth when they swallow, to help push food down their throats. urrgh!
Adam Rainer is the only person in medical history to ave been classed as a dwarf AND a giant. Aged 21, he was only 1.19m. By the time he died, he had grown to 2.33m! late bloomer?
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust found in volcanoes. It is the longest word in the Oxford English Dictonary. pronunciation please?
On average, a person shrinks by 19mm each day as their joints in their spine compress. uh-oh.
Women generally have a better sense of smell then men. no wonder..
The Dead Sea is the lowest place on land - 417m below sea level. It would take over 2,000 steps to climb back up to sea level from its shores. my feet hurt.
Why do men have nipples?While still in the womb, all babies begin life as females, until they're about six or eight weeks developed. That means that all babies have nipples, ready to feed their own young when the time comes in adult life. However, male babies get a super-shot of male a hormone which start to change their physical development to form male features, by which time, is too late to get rid of the nipples.
makes it feel as if we're all gonna die durin de hols..
anyway, i decide 2 say some 'last words' too.
yijun- heyy giirl. dun be emo horrhs. must cheerup. be like miie, happy! (:
wanxuan- wahh. 2nd in class. stop beating miie in class lehhs. let me overtake u abit? (:
florence- yo! quiet & pretty giirl. (:
sohee- hiies. i dunno how 2 say hello in jap larrhs. tok abit more ok? will miss ur shouts. (:
akshaya- u & wanxuan de same derrhs. always beat miie! hmmph! get in2 triple science horrhs. (:
jingyi- yo! u damn niice lorrhs. & smart too. hope we get in2 same class. (:
liying- yea! de giirl hu improved de most horrhs? u maths beat miie!! (:
yanjie- heyys. must stay niice always horrhs. lookin forward 2 our performance! (:
liyee- yo! u also another quiet one arrs. must tok more. be like sohee. SHOUT! (:
huiwen- ahh.. my 'guai' nuer. now hols must be 'guai'-er horrhs. dun do illegal stuff horrhs. be niice 2 lux. (:
yunling- heyys. u very pretty quiet 'little' girl! (:
shreya- brawns! let me think.. shrill, loud, flirty. oh, & i 4got, niice. miie bestie! hope we get in2 same class. Shrellie&theBing! (:
suchi- ahh.. u arrhh. mixed lorrhs. love sports, act like boy, and yet ur in2 celeb gossip.. well, must study harder & do well horrhs. (:
cheanpin- bing! i prefer boobs.. my ticklish little cock-eyed friend. lols. hope we get in2 same class. Shrellie&theBing! (:
limin- yea! u very responsible & niice.. sorry i keep bullyin u arrs. love ur sotong horrhs. (:
veron- heyys. yea, i noe we started rough, but now we're good friends rite? friends forever! (:
it wont be niice & i'll hafta think.
i dun like thinkin...
anyway, hope tt de enthu0nes will still be very close nxt year!
she's 3years old! lols.
from kindergarten all de way till now!

i think this is nursery.

this one had paushali(until now, i still dunno how 2 spell her name)

this is P1. we're all small n cute. (:

i think this shud be P3. i rmb my teacher. & Lisha. (:

secondary 1 2nd sem. w/ ms leong!

look at mrs chiew! pointin at shi cheng. lols. yes, & in case u didnt notice, de picture is inverted. (:

this was taken recently w/ dick. but only half de class is here.
well, i didnt scan de rest of dem.
lazy. hehh. (:
cards & farewells. (:
shud haf brought it 2 sko0l today.
so anyway. i rmb de saw de song Yueru wrote in it.
cute right!? u hear 2 voices? their twins. (:
here are de lyrics
Cuppy Cake Song
You're my hunny bun,
sugar plum,
pumpy upmy upmy upmkin.
You're my sweetie pie.
You're my cuppy cake,
shyummkums pure,
The apple of my eye!
And I love you so,
and I want you to know
that i'll always be right here.
And I love to sing this song to you
Because you are so dear!
Yueru uased 2 sing this song 2 her sis. (:
so what? y de hell is everyone acting
as if we're graduatin & gonna go off 2 some overseas place?
hello! its not like we wont see each other anymore.
ok, so we're not gonna be in de same class anymore.
tt doesnt mean we hafta stop being de enthu0nes.
so we're 'seperated' in2 different CLASSES!
we will still see each other.
still be able to tok 2 each other.
plus most of us are in de same CCA's as each other!
so we'll see each other, if not in between classes,
then aft sk0ol every now and then right?
at most, we can make a deal to sit together
every morning & during recess or something!
wth's de big deal tt makes ppl cry!?
if im gonna cry, it'll be cos of de stress increase
n not bcos we're in different classes.
seeing u guys act like this,
i think at least 3/4 of de level will cry when actually graduate.
had faculty assembly, as usual ruth is first in level.
ok, mabbe not as usual larrhs. but expected.
spent de rest of de day playin pokemon, readin.
watched finish de mummy show. cant rmd wad its called..
ok, pokemon update now.
im at de 4th gym. training 1st.
cos de gym leader's pokemon r all above lvl 30..
mankey involved. i've now got primape.
i also involved clefairy with me moonstone.
so now i have 32 pokemon. so little lorrhs.
bervyn is lousy at pokemon.
isnt it like common sense tt electric pokemon are useless against rock?!
and yet he went n fought brock(rock gym leader) with pikachu.
lousy right? haiiz..
i received 2 notes today. one's from veron.
one's from yanjie, wanxuan, jingyi & akshaya.
u noe their entire grp r de tops n our class?
1st: akshaya
2nd: wanxuan
3rd: yanjie
i think jingyi's no.4 or no.5. cant rmb..
i jus locked sandy up. sadd..
but de locksmith's FINALLY comin 2 change my doorknob.AGAIN.
this is de 3rd time my doorknob has broken down.
each time de doorknobs were chosen by them.
this time my mum chose de doorknob
n got some1 NOT from Castilla 2 change it.
i jus realised tt EVERY SINGLE doorknob in my hse,
since de renovation in Dec 2006
has been changed once. all except my jiejie's.
lucky her. she get the good doorknob.
but she had her room done last...
& her ceiling fan is creaking.
wad if it drops while she's sleepin?!
wad if it drops on sandy now!?
no, wait, i didnt on de fan when i locked her in jiejie's room..
i ate lor mai kai jus now. the chilli was not hot. at all..
i jus rmb something. cheanpin owes me a BIG hug.
be bored.
play pokemon.
be bored-er.
disturb cheanpin.
be super bored.
go library with shreya.
be super bored-er.
read book.
such a colourful and intersting day, right? not.
i played pokemon 2day. (: i caught dugtrio! (i dunno how 2 spell..)
it was lvl 29. (: lols. now its lvl 32.
i got 3 badges now. yea! lols.
yes, im damn slow. i like 2 take my own sweet time.
no point rushin when i play pokemon jus 2 pass time in class mahhs.
ooh! de books i borrowed r niice. (:
but i only borrowed 3. y? cos of fred.
he has my last book. i wanted 2 borrow 5 but fred havent returned my book.
so cant. de other book dunno wad happen.
couldnt scan so nvm lorrhs.
2 of de books i have are thrillers. i like thrillers.
murder, rape, mystery. niice. (:
de last one's bout marriage. & love.
i love pokemon. i love pikachu.
no, huiwen, i not referin 2 u.
u are my 'guai' nuer. (:
but every other pokemon are below 20. i think mankey's 19...
anyway, i got a charmander. gonna get a baby bulbasaur!
once i find my way 2 de daycare center..
i now got 2 badges. but i 4got 2 take whirlwind..
lols. i shud start haf like a daily pokemon update..
today sko0l was EXTREMELY boring.
ABSOLUTELY nothin 2 do. maths was borin cos we were doing, well, maths.
last period was most boring cos my phone was almost flat
so i couldnt play pokemon anymore & fred didnt bring de book..
so i had totally nothing 2 do. shreya was sleeping.
took bus home with junyan, keneth, sachin ,jz & wanxuan.
but sat w/ keneth & junyan only.
sachin jz n wanxuan got pushed 2 de back of de bus..
oh ya.. my mum jus scolded miie 4 playin too much pokemon.(:
going library tmr! at least gonna haf somethin 2 read soon..
i wan Cathy Hopkins' books!! the Dates Mates series is DAMN niice! (:
siians. i had jus got 2 de Burned Tower & was soo close 2 findin Suicine..
sadded. nvm.. i downloaded new version. now i got Crystal, Gold and Silver.
also got Red, Blue and Yellow (:
got back results 2day. mrs chee told us our overall results. mine sucks.
English - 71 A2
Chinses - 53 C6
Science - 68 B3
Maths - 74 A2
History - 71 A2
Literature- 74 A2
Geography - 69 B3
D&T - 67 B3
Home Econs- 66 B3
Art - 55 C5
Music - B
shit right? not even one A1. well, at least i didnt fail chinse..
btw, onli me, shre, cp, zacc, n josh got B for music.
everyone else got C for not doin de MV. hahahs.
Overall - 66.8 B3
Class Position - 14
Level Position - 65
i did completely lousy this time..
now, i hafta pay my mum $199 for my phone.. haiiz..
i am completely broke this hols.. ):
veron got chocolate again today. i smell something...
cp - clarence IS cheap. so AH BENG.
akshaya - hiies. ehhs, y u so badd get 1st in class arrhs!?
well, sort of. de edges r correct now,
but still gonna let bryan fix. (:
reply to clarence:
at least I dun go around calling myself SIR or alberto EINSTEIN or wadeva. i have some dignity unlike yourself. & spam all you want. my blog is dead either way. as if would trouble myself by a TRIVAL matter such as spamming. in fact, i welcome your spamming with open arms. & i play pokemon out of boredom. at least i have somethin better to do than spending time thinkin up names like you do.
i've got a level 24 Croconaw.
i have won 2 gym badges and lost to my rival 3 times, though i saved the game before each battle so they never counted. (:
i have also defeated Team Rocket once, and am trying to find some new pokemon.
my pokedex: 50 seen. 23 caught.
its lousy right?
anyway i've been playing for about 5hours already. (:
lols. cant believe i spent more or less the entire day on my phoneplaying pokemon.
i had steamboat for luch.
the chilli my maid made was very niice.
though its not as hot as mummy's.
had prawns and beef and tofu and err...
i dunno wads all the other food called. but lunch was niice.
i jus finished dinner. baked rice.
i think once puberty ends,
im gonna be a very fat person judgin by all the food i've been eating.. (:
so far i havent put on any weight for the past year.
im 40kg. since who-knows-when.
i was bout 35-37kg at de biginning of sec1.
now at the end of sec2 im still only 40kg.
i think i will be underweight next year..
i notice tt i only put on weight during hols.
so for me 2 be a healthier person, we shud have more hols. (:
i have been playing with my Rubik's Cube.
i cant get it right, so i stopped tryin.
mabbe i'll bring it 2 sko0l tmr n ask bryan 2 help miie...
oh. i hope no1 from our class has dropped 2 NA,
actuall, i do hope tt one certain person will,
but tt is being very mean. but i am very mean. (:
found this skin very suitable to what's going on in class...
i think its damn niice & damn true.
felt like it.
i downloaded games in2 miie phone.
lols. i got pokemon in there too.
lame rite? i like 2 play larrhs.
downloaded Crystal version.
chose totodile. it water. n cute.
lols. also downloaded sudoku.
i like sudoku.
its fun. (:
im damn lame.
tt previous one was URRGH!
had sec2 faculty meetin 2day.
siians. first.
hafta submit by monday. rush rush...
but i alrdy decided wad i wanna take. but dun wanna submit til aft tmr.
gif myself more time 2 reconsider..
but probably i wont chage my options..
1st choice: 2B (8 subjects)
Maths D
A Maths
SS + History
2nd choice: 1B (8 subjects)
Maths D
A Maths
SS + History
3rd choice: 3C (7 subjects)
Maths D
A Maths
SS + Literature
4th choice: 3A (7 subjects)
Maths D
A Maths
SS + History
dunno whether wanna change anot...
so i over de weekend den i key in...
now, second.
Sec 3 Adventure Camp 2008
sound fun lorrhs de camp.
got archery & kayaking...
i wanna try archery. only tt i scared i cut myself.
1st day of sko0l lehhs. de camp. 2nd to 4th.
but this time limin cp, veron dey all all coming.
so gonna be more fun.
if they dun come den hafta do 3 book reviews 2 be presented when lessons start.
btw, does havin 2 wear specs count as poor vision?
next year sec 3 dean is Ms Dianah.
she's strict. but niice. (:
but i dun think im gonna take bio. so no fear.
watched Scary Movie 4. its DAMN lame.
got one part whr this guy ACCIDENTALLY swallowed 1 WHOLE bottle of Viagra.
then his you-know-what grew like 100times bigger. damn funny lorrhs.
in de end he died cos of it...
played w/ miie camera during Ms Kavitha's lesson..
wow.. i wonder where is CHEANPIN.
HUIWEN trying to run away.
thats LIMIN tryin to cover her face.
in case you CANT see. thats LIMIN. close up.
VERON trying to hide behind LIYING.
VERON. her reaction too slow.
HUIWEN running. again. lols.
took videos also. lols. but lazy 2 load up.
huiwen n cheanpin spent time singing behind a piece of vanguard sheet.
sleek right? lols.
had choir. siians. melina made us sing ONE BY ONE.
luckily, huishan tested us. (:
plus it was onli ONE ON ONE.
spent de last part of choir was spent with melina asking us de no. of As we got.
cecila;senior got highest in class for chinese.
qiaowen;senior got highest in level for SA2.
jiayu;junior got 7As. 5A1s and 2A2s.
pro right dey all?
oh ya, shreya got highest in level for lit. 80something%.
pro lorrhs. blehhs. (:
hafta choose subject combination sometime this week or next week.
we'll be told our classes by de end of next week.
as according to last year larrhs. dunno whether its gonna be de same this year..
i probably will take 8subjects..
double science(physics&chemistry)[pure]
double humanities(pureliterature&electivehistory/electivegeography)
double mathematics(Amths&Emaths)
if i take 7subjects[unlikely]..
double science(physics&chemistry)[pure]
elective history
double mathematics(Amths&Emaths)
i WILL NOT/WILL NEVER take combined unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.
i hope it will not come to that...
but i still wanna take triple science. mabbe tt will be my 2nd option.
7subjects will be last.
im hungry. hardly ate any lunch.
ate abit den had no appetite.
go eat dinner now...
den we goin their hse 2 swim.
they got a pool in their bungalow.. i oso wan.
cousins also haf their own FULL drum set.
u have no idea what im talkin bout rite?
its The Death Collectors.
Calypso is supposed 2 be this woman who killed herself
in de middle of a courtroom in 30+ years ago.
but now she has returned as a lawyer's secretary.
she kills the lawyer n many other people.
she loves having sex. n used 2 have sex for a week at a time.
n its always with de same guy. the FAMOUS artist Marsden Hexcamp.
whom she also killed. Marsden Hexcamp killed for an ART.
"Art of the Final Moment". by slowly torturing the victim to death.
so as to capture their agony on canvas.
sounds damn ko0l, but its damn gross.
y am i saying all this? cos im bored.
its fun makin skins. plus im DAMN bored.
i'd rather there were exams.
it could at least counter de BOREDOM problem.
blehhs. i havent finished
The Death Collectors yet.
i was gonna read it last night.
but my mum asked me to go sleep.
it was past midnight.
it sounds like a waste of time.
no offence shreya. (:
all u did was play with de ruler.
& whack yourself.
so much 4 learning how to dance w/o breakin in2 a sweat.
i found this. read it. its true.

bored. gonna try read finish my book now..
lols. (:
watch this. damn funny. esp de ending.
niice? bout an invisble girl who is actually a boy in de end.
i wanna take pure lit nxt year. lols.
pure lit sounds very appealing now.. hehheh...
gonna take double humanities.
pure lit n elective history.
stupid bio killed my chances of triple science.
blehhs.sadded. lols.
watched miie tv finish.
nothin left 2 do but read.
The Death Collectors!
surprising? not very.
wads more surprising
is tt i made this skin completely by myself!
hehhe... i very happy w/ miie. lols.
like it? (:
down to business.
got back results today.
sadd sad day.
& boring too..
English - 66% B3
Mathematics - 74% A2
Science - 59% C5
Chinese - 48% D7
History - 80% A1
Literature - 79% A1
Art - 69% B3
D&T - 68% B3
sadd. damn sad results.
im happy w/ my humanities. but only tt.
yep, thx 2 miie 'chers. THANKS JASON! hehhe..
sadd w/ everything else. esp. sci n chi.& english.
2 A1s
1 A2
3 B3s
1 C5
1 D7
sadd. drownin in misery...
OK. got over my misery. moving on.
im reading
The Death Collectors by Jack Kerley.
niice. damn niice.
so far 2 r dead n one is marked.
oh ya. n one is missing. usually i dun read this kinda books.
its very slow moving.
but de exception is tt there is a lot of suspense in this.
no sko0l mon. miie bro got no sko0l nxt whole week.
no fair. *pouting*.
wanna go out on mon.
needa buy bdae prezzies. (:
4 CheanPin&LiMin.
dunno wadda buy.
limin very easy actually, get a cat can liiaos.
cp arrs... bit more difficult. wan a dairy? :)
OK! now i go read The Death Collectors.
gonna see more ppl die. & more 'beautiful' artwork.
beautiful yet deadly...
can u imagine tt?
him: 2moro wat rooms being used for the maths thing ?blurr. kpo. annoying. *cersored*
me: dunno? teachers' rm i dunno. we in different stations.
him: which room is urs ? who is doing the sudouku ?
me: dunno? we meetin ms ng in de library i think. wad sudoku? got mehhs. i wanna play.
him: i dunno. ms ng in charge ?
me: lols.
him: i dunno. i was told to do something
me: do wad?
him: in that case, can i not do a thing ? man a station
me: lols. probably watch us larrhs.
him: watch u? for wat ?
me: a teacher in de room makes de students behave.
him: i'd rather watch TV
me: lols. i oso. wanna go home aft sko0l but got math day. cant even haf lunch cos no time.
him: go home do what ?
me: sleep. play comp. watch tv. variety of things. go swimming.
him: i wanna go for my NCC(SEA) training. to kpo
me: lols. wad dey gonna do?
him: some theory stuff. ropework
me: lols. sounds like boringwork
him: maybe it is. maybe it is not. would u prefer drills ?
me: wow.. how specific. none. i dun like UGs. standinn in de hot sun in a thick uniform
guess wad he started on him again. surprise surprise.
GOD! its been a year. actually over a year. n he still cant get over it!
he might be gay... think about him all the time.
heheh.. no offence.
could you make him shut up? its annoying.
jus tell him ur totally over it. arrgh. lols.
ok bahhs. spent time bullyin Yogesh,
well, it was mostly de 2E2 girls.
he wore this gay white jacket.
he n Alan kept flirtin. i think their gay..
sko0l tmr. sadded.
gonna spend curriculum time doin HOM.
aft sko0l is Math Day. sadded..
sko0l finish 2. Math Day start at 2.30
no lunch. hafta eat heavy recess..
Shreya's got a 'secret admirer'
People die younger, because GOD loves them so much...You are still on Earth, because there is someone who loves you more than GOD.
BEAUTY is the ART of LIFE.
I am *****.
I am not rich, but i have a rich heart. I am not smart, but i have a smart mind. I am not always right, but I am not wrong in choosing you as my "SWEETHEART"
*vomit blood.*
BEAUTY is the ART of LIFE.
I am Kellie Shae.
People die younger, because GOD loves them so much...You are still on Earth, because there is someone who loves you more than GOD.
Impossible. No one can love you more than GOD.
I am not rich, but i have a rich heart. I am not smart, but i have a smart mind. I am not always right, but I am not wrong in choosing you as my "SWEETHEART"
Actually, I am rich and smart, but will you still accept me as your "SWEETHEART"?
i wonder hu is *****
i did not make all this up.
shreya's hair grows bigger by the day. ytd it was bigger den mon. 2day it is bigger den ytd. BIG HAIR DAY.
well, actually, i finished it last night/ this morning.
it was 12.45am. lols.
zoe is lesbian n every1 is goin back 2 their old partners.
leah might be lesbian too. zoe likes her anyway.
lols. damn niice.
my mum shouted this morning. i jumped. i was sleeping.
i screamed last night. at my bro.
to get out of my room n install warcraft in his own comp.
he shouted back. blehhs.
from tonight onwards i will lock the door b4 going 2 bed.
well, not from 2night but as soon as de door knob is changed.
it isnt changed yet. so i cant lock de door.
cant even close it properly. hafta put a chair there.
to prevent Sandy from pushin it open.
blurrgh. Pytho l8r. hafta eat lunch damn early.
cos Pytho is at 12.30... sadded.
sec1 better beware. we set killer questions.
well, actually, no, their not killer. unless your maths totally sucks.
plus, most of de questions r 4m tbs.
btw, sec1 only haf a max of 8secs per question.
at least i not doin MarketingCom any more.
this friday JZ goin BTPS. hahahs.
I EDITTED IT! plus i said tt its Version 2.0
yours is 1.0.
ok. now i go change.
(Jamie has just bought a bag of tomato-flavoured Twisties from 7-11)
Jamie: Arrgh!
(pulling at the bright, yellow bag with all he might¦which isn’t actually saying much)
Jamie: Arrgh! Why am I so weak and helpless? Why can’t I be strong like my best friend and role model, Shreya!?
(starts sobbing. Tears are running down her chicken-poxed scarred face and her tiny nose has ballooned up, like Shreya’s ugly hooked nose when she cries. Snot and boogers are popping out of her nose.)
(she turns to Shreya sitting beside her)
Jamie: Oh, Shreya,Will you please help me open this bag of yummy Twisties? I know how strong you are. Oh why cant I be more like you? Beautiful as well as smart.
Shreya (trying, and failing miserably, to smile modestly): Oh, don't flatter me! I know I'm drop-dead gorgeous with my trim figure and pimple-free face, despite my hideous hooked nose, humongous butt and ugly poofed up hair. I know I'm smart too, much cleverer than Sandy, Kellie's dog. But you didn't need to say all that!
Jamie: Of course, I do! You're perfect! You're my role model! I wanna grow up and be like you!(drooling uncontrollably)
Shreya: DON'T YOU DARE! There's only one Shreya and that's me!
Jamie: Oh, sorry I didn't mean to anger you! Don't be angry!
Shreya: Hmph!(turns away)
Jamie (sobbing): Oh please! Forgive me! I'll massage your back and shoulders and give you free facials and spy on Yi Jun and Veronica for you if you-
(Kellie walks in)
Kellie: Jamie, stop crying. You don't need to waste your time on such hypocritical people. You got real friends like me. Let me get that for you.
(takes away the bag of Twisties and opens it with ease)
Jamie: Oh thank you so much! How can i ever repay you?
Kellie(shaking her head and smiling kindly): No need for repayment.
Jamie: I know! I'll give you free facials and rebond your hair for you! Free of charge!
Shreya: Hmph! Hypocritical! Look who's talking!
Kellie: Well, actually, you're the one talking.
(Jamie and Kellie walk away together eating Twisties and laughing loudly, leaving Shreya to her hypocritical ways)
lols. hows my story. much better than shreya's isnt it? lols.
waited damn long 4 shreya. she was bout 10mins late...
borrowed books.
The Last Virgin by David Belbinim readin de last virgin. its nice. no porn detected.
The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch
The Death Collectors by Jack Kerley
cp left early. den miie n shreya went 2 JEC.
bought a drink.
finished it in like 3mins.
shreya tried on a dress again.
Shreya destroys the nicest dressestook neos!
sorry cp, but u had 2 leave early, n we had de sudden urge 2 take some.

shrellie. designed by shreya.

shrellie&theBoob. designed by miie.

lamers. designed by miie.

no.1 retarrd. designed by miie.

frens4eva. designed by shreya.
lols. we were damn lame larrhs. wasted one too...
stupid jap words.
had ABSOLUTELY no idea wad de damn thing was sayin..
talked bout UNpopular girls WITH brains
& POPULAR girls W/O brains.
which would u wanna be?
brains tt give u a future.
or sawdust with no future?
i'd rather be ugly w/ brains.
but de person we were tokkin about is ugly W/O brains.
badd combination much. lols.
sadded. tmr is PYTHO. 12.30 to 4. haiiz.
i cant wait for Adventures of Jamie The Funky Princess- part (2) by Shreya Bhat
lols. hehheh... heard its coming out 2nite.
*hint hint* lols.
lols. but cp's coming over 4 lunch.
den l8r we're gonna meet shreya at de library.
Shrellie&theBoob outing. lols.
siians. gotta go get cp 4m de bus stop.
oops. i jus rmb tt i nvr gave de reports to mr samuie.
ahhs.. anyway only 2 reports were given 2 me.
even my own grp havent do yet. haiiz..
my half-eaten cheng tng. niice
my Rubik's cube.
my table. while playin comp n eatin n readin at de same time.
my side table.
de table w/ all my tbs. stacked up on top on my old laptop.
underneath my table.
miie handphone pouch cum wallet.
picture of sandy. n a dried flower which i left in de book 4 too long.
this was wad i took in my sudden urge to use my phone camera.
in de morning i helped Melina gif out cards.
den we had some talk bout piracy n LEGAL FREE softwares.
dey were givin out penguins..
den went to JP. watched a movie. An Arctic Tale.
quite niice. we played w/ popcorn b4 de movie started.
was about survival of polar bears n walruses n effects of global warming.
de polar bear was cute. lols.
den miie shreya n cp went shoppin!
looked at hair accessories.
& presents 4 some ppl. *ahem ahem*
bought a birthday card. miie n shreya shared. for *ahem ahem*
den went lookin 4 accessories to represent Shrellie&theBoob.
saw some niice bracelets n necklaces. (:
den shreya had a sudden impulse 2 buy a dress.
so we asked her to try on this cute white n brown tube dress.
it looked niice on her. abit loose, but niice.
but, it was $38.61 aft discount.
n shreya wasnt comfortable in it. haiiz...
den went 2 eat KFC. left JP bout 2.00
on de bus we spent time abusing *ahem ahem*
my rating. -5 out of 10.
shreya. -infinite of 10.
cp. 4 or 5 out of 10.
den had pytho in sko0l. we were a little late i think.
spent time checkin questions. cuttin n stickin paper.
JZ was very NICE. highlight de word "NICE"
conclusion: nothing nice ever comes out of JZ's mouth.
came home. MY DAMN DOOR KNOB SPOILT! again!
de stupid thing is stuck.
advice to all : NEVER let de group called Castilla choose your door knobs. Or even let them do your renovation, for that matter.
our renovation finished ONE MONTH late! den when we moved back in, we kept havin 2 call dem back cos of de flooring n all tt.
PLUS, dey painted my room wall de wrong colour.
i chose purple dey painted pink. den, when we asked them 2 re paint de wall cos of leakage.
dey charged us xtra $15 to changed back to de ORIGINAL colour. de one tt i chose.
now, my wall still isnt de correct colour...
brawns' hair is now bigger n poofier then b4.
n boobs' hair is punk. (NOT pang. i have no idea how hair can be fat...)
brawns= puffy
boobs= punk
brains= messy
de classroom door was locked. but de window was opened.
so Juliana got Germaine 2 climb through de window.
n she unlocked de door 4m de inside.
damn funny arrs. cos Germaine was complainin bout her jeans slippin de entire time.
had beef noodles for lunch.
den went 2 orchard road.
bought a new hp pouch cum wallet. its pink n white.
$4.70... broke. cos i've been buyin alot...
went 2 Takashimaya. bought Yakitori chicken 4 dinner.
also bought Japanese pan cake thingy. chocolate fish!
met Mrs Chee. she was w/ her son.
he is cute. n shy. lols. he was sort of hidin behind Mrs Chee.
came home. my mum left 4 dinner.
n i locked Jem out of my mum's room. he sleeps there.
did de 10 maths questions. they're all algebra.
so sec 1s, if ur algebra sucks, then too bad.
but if u looked through ur tbs, shud be ok. hehehe..
jus unlocked my mum's room. Jem called my mum...
now jus gotta chase ppl 2 do Dick's report. it's de Art Enrichment Programme one.
i gotta give de 4 reports 2 Mr Samuie tmr. haiiz.
anyway, if u dunno wad 2 write inside
jus write out your script n all de research u did n what u 'learnt'
gonna go eat my cheng tng now.. heheheh...
err... i dunno y, but i had de sudden urge bout chocolate
& to change by blog's url.
so changed it to this...
miie mem0ries 0f ch0c0late
so, err.. please relink miie. (: