10:33 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010
yes i am b(L)ack and brown.

how well do you know and want me? enough to love me, adore me, be with me, or only to ignore and hate me?
alright, so it may not have been the MOST awesome camp, but it was awesome nevertheless :D
you know what's the best part? the new friends i made (: I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
Day One
er, hold on, i'm trying to remember :/ oh yeah!
SKY WALK! it was DAMN scary. damn never-gonna-do-it-again scary.
imagine climbing a makeshift ladder along a coconut tree to 2 stories high
then walking along a really thin and fairly unstable wooden stick
before jumping off the middle of it to the ground
and watching the guy who's sposed to hold you down fly up into the air
then we had ROCK CLIMBING! whoooooots, damn fun (: i climbed faster than Myat :D
i only climbed the regular wall, but some guys tried the horizontal wall.
damn coool laa, the trainers climbed like monkeys! but they got sweat on the wall :/
also went for a sea walk. it was low tide, so we walked to the next island
stepped on soo many stones i probably got poisoned by fish and didn't realise it.
Day Two
FLYING FOX! IT WAS AWESOME. we glided into the water, COOOOOL! :D
at first it was damn scary cause there was an initial drop
which i totally didn't expect, so i screamed. it ended too soon ):
then we went for a kayaking trial. i kayaked with Kevin
we're awesome, we kayaked headfirst into a thin stationary pole in sea. :D
it was fun though, cause we talked while kayaking (: i love talking.
afterwards, we kayaked to Survivor Island aka Pulau Antu (mispronunced as Hantu)
it was sposed to be a 2km expedition, but the tide was with us
so we started closer to the island where the tide was against us
it was damn fun when we jumped those bigger waves, BOOMZ! :D
cooking was awesome, cause me and Myat were like parents, feeding everyone (:
James did the cooking, so i fed rice while Myat fed fish and chicken
Heidi and Kevin ate A LOT of rice, like almost a whole plate each :/
but preparing the fire was awful! Ahmad did it all for us
i fed the fire. it was fun poke leaves and twigs into the embers
until Myat told me i was feeling the embers a bird's nest ):
Day Three
in the morning while it was raining (we were waiting for the rain to stop)
it was an epic game. lots of rolling in the sand and tent hitting with the coconut
the game only ended when the coconut split into half :/ HAHAHA! :D
which is basically jumping from a moving ship into a net in the water (quoted Kevin)
Myat jumped 26 times. Kevin jumped 23 times, but that was a random number
towards the end, to boat started moving towards shore real fast
we all swam to one side and held on to the net, i pulled Myat's leg to get there
then suddenly the boat changed direction and changed back again
damn fun :D i think the captain was doing on purpose HAHA! :D
Day Four
RAFTING. yes, four days in a row of getting wet, awesome huh? urgh.
i was with Ronald, Elaine, Yin Ru, Kevin and Aaron. can't remember who else :/
our raft didn't make it, so we had to re-build a new one before going out to sea ):
Zack's group was awesome. their raft collapsed minutes after touching the water!
Steph was soo cute (: they ended up getting on Amanda's raft
we also had camp fire that night, fantabulous :D seriously.
alright, so the fire wasn't all that great, but the performances were :D
Kevin and Myat became Romeo and Juliet in Love Story by Taylor Swift, HAHA!
Ben had big boobs (like HUGE) cause he was Cinderella, hehehehe (:
we had NO LIGHTS OUT that night :D stayed awake til 4AM local time.
so me, Myat, Heidi and Kevin walked to the star-gazing platform together.
Kevin has this light thingy that looks like Iron Man's chest piece, damn bright
he kept flashing it in our eyes so we're all like KEEVVINNNNNNN!!
then he did it himself. and guess what? he screamed and walked into a pole, HAHA! :D
i can't remember what happened that night cause i was soo damn tired
but here's what Kevin says he did, quoted from his blog post
we stayed up last night talking about ghosts, God, Genesis, the garden of Eden, Greek mythology and 2012
i remember some ghost stories before running away, got scared ):
and the Greek mythology. completed by Kevin within 20mins :/
nothing happened on Day Five. other than playing Murderer.
i died very fast in all games. only 2 out of like 8-10 games i didn't die :/
1 cause i was totally not paying attention at all, the other cause i was murderer :D
here are some pictures. you can infer your own stories from them (: all names from left to right
Myat and I
sunset i think, Kevin took it
top : Myat, Zack, Jeremy, Riyaas
bottom : Me, Arifa, Heidi, Amanda, Steph, Priya
Kevin and Zack
Kevin and Zack
Myat and Ben
Ben (i don't know the other people's names :/)
Kevin and Heidi
too many names and faces :/
Kevin, Myat and Matthew
Zack's plaster (:
sing the following song to the tune of Down. HAHA! camp theme song, created by Kevin
baby are you brown brown brown brown brown
brown brown even if the sky is turning brown
17. Don’t ever lie to us; we always find out.
18. Don’t say you understand when you don’t. That’s bad.