4:22 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
all around me
yay :D just came back from lunch with family :D
we had swensens ice cream cake! CHOCOLATE :DD &dry ice! yeahh &got angpao :D
didnt see the rest of dad's side, so didnt get presents *sniff*

im bored. the symdrome has returned.

i spent the entire of yesterday listening to MY FUTURE HUSBAND sing :D
chocolate to the ears, yay! :DD IT'S MY DECLARATION!
i put MY FUTURE HUSBAND in the car :D his voice surrounds my life, literally :D

i shall make a resolution:
thou shalt not use the computer until after dinner on weekends
thou shalt score a minimum of B4 for every subject for CA1, chinese inclusive
if i fail, it's not my fault! distractions!