8:58 PM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
resolution? right..
you know, i realised i havent made a new year resolution, lol
i shall make one right now :D

the lofty resolutions
get straight As for Os (inclusive of chinese)
kick LCL's face &transform her into a chicken (nahh, i shant, it'll be destructive to the men in the world)
fall in love with LCL and marry her (vomits vomits vomits)
get beehoon from fishball (muahahahha)

the practical resolutions
read the all of Tess Gerritsen's books (only three more books, i think)
get beehoon from fishball (muahahahha)
stop smsing so much (under a 1500 a month!)
finsh all/most of my homework on time (try, and see.. oops)
stop dl-ing music, buy the albums (money money money)
remember ppl's bdays (remind me!)

oh what are we doing
we are turning into dust
playing house in the ruins of us

one hour later
i forgot what else was sposed to go into my resolution, aiyah
nevermind, thou shalt crap abt something else

im eating almond biscuits, they're very nice :D