8:38 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
i made another skin. really really really simple
i dont think i've ever made a simpler skin.
like bloody hell i typed out every
single bit of coding
from scratch myself.

anyway, i let shre use it. urgh
see, im like soo freaking niice
despite the fact that i am in
complete need for a skin myself
i BIG-HEARTED-LY let brawns use it. sigh

stupid shreya bhat how the hell
can you screw up the simplest of codes!?
which part of SIMPLE do you NOT understand!?

you suck, you suck, you suck, you suck, you suck!

bloody hell even aft i did the complete html for you
INCLUDING your profile, links &tagboard you still cant use it!?
gosh, you just suck.

yay(: another day of laughing my head off at someone