6:36 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008

threeEtwo's new class blogskin. well, soon-to-be anyway.. i wanna change, but i need a class name list >.< the font for intellectuals at large is a little weird. one: i didnt have a fitting one. two: i was too lazy to go look for a new one. ((:
i found out today that qinli has a secret desire to get quacked at by mdm yaw/birdshit. LOL. well, it started out as being scolded by mr quek. but somehow it turned to mdm yaw... NVM.
shreya's sick today. she's lying on her deathbed/sofa dying from dengue fever. yahh riight.
me: If u really wanna piss him off, call him at 1am and pretend to be some whore. LOL. U gotta make sure it's THE WIFE who answers de phone. Eheheh...who are we talking about? DUHHH mr quek LOL.
shreya: Honey! why didnt u show up last night?! i was up all night waiting for u...i was even wearing ur present! was it ur bitchy wife again?!