9:41 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008

According to Jim Piculas, a substitute teacher at Charles S. Rushe Middle School in Pasco County, he was removed from his post last January, with officials bearing their accusations on an "avada kedavra" spell he allegedly cast in front of his students a week before...
"She said, 'You've been accused of wizardry,'" the UPI quoted Piculas, recalling the words of the school district's Pat Sinclair, who terminated him over the phone.
Piculas, both amused and frustrated, explained to Sinclair that the spell was merely pest control, and that no children were harmed.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, according to the Tampa Tribune. "It's not like anyone got hurt. It's just a cockroach."
The trick included a wand accompanied by hand maneuver that made the creature momentarily begin to contort, emit a high pitched shriek, then collapse lifeless on the floor, when it was dead. The entire episode lasted less than 5 seconds.
Renalia DuBose, assistant superintendent, said that the accusation was merely one of many factors that led to Piculas' termination. Other incidents involved him diverting from the lesson plan, allowing students the use of computers despite the disapproval of the regular teacher, and transmuting a fifth-grader into a ferret.
Piculas refuted the accusations, saying that he followed the lesson plan, the computers were used with permission of the teacher, and that the fifth-grade student deserved it.
He also accused DuBose of being a skirt and a "muggle".