7:25 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
when guys start something, eg clarence, they never stop, eg dota. *sigh* LOL. anyway, cont just now's post, kriss got a new pencil case box... i tot it was some makeup box when i first saw it. but kriss told me de label said pencil box when he bought it. cute. LOL. there's a pic of him and his pencil box in the previous post. also, during physics, hongzhang made some stupid, but cute rabbit face. pic also in de previous post. LOL.
me and shreya tried to take pics of ourselves. only, i turned de camera the wrong way round and we couldnt tell whether the camera was actually pointing at us or not... LOL.

yay! i finally uploaded all the pics! LOL.
omg. qinli jus showed me this completely stupid video! omg. so funny. shud get leonard to see it... LOL. Mathmaticious
today, anhua wouldnt let me take his pic. he ran around all over the place to hide from my camera. in the end, he hid behind hoexian's bag and clarence hugged him protectively =.=and shreya clipped up hongzhang's hair today. i kept trying to take a pic, but it was durin class and kavitha was checking whether we were listening to zhiting talk about CIP. =.= in the end, i got qinli to take for me, but still not very clear. siians. LOL.
me and shreya, mainly me, wrote more junk in hongzhang's notebook today. i cant rmb exactly wad i wrote. lols. pics are below. heheh... something about chicken, clarence kissing, hongzhang kissing, roy kissing, leonard kissing and aloy's head in the toilet bowl. LOL. ((:
me and shreya tried to take pics of ourselves. only, i turned de camera the wrong way round and we couldnt tell whether the camera was actually pointing at us or not... LOL.
yay! i finally uploaded all the pics! LOL.
omg. qinli jus showed me this completely stupid video! omg. so funny. shud get leonard to see it... LOL. Mathmaticious