10:17 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
help me! thanks to someone [refer to previous post] i hafta do this...
Qn1. What do you think should be the qualities of a Prestigious school?if you don't understand english...
Qn2. What do you think should be the most dominant factor of a Prestigious school?
Qn3. What are the qualities that make an Elite student?
Qn4. What do you think about Elitism in Singapore?
1. 一间顶尖优异的学院应该具备哪些条件?if you need examples...
2. 作为一间,顶尖优异的学院,必有的条件是什么?
3. 一位优异的学生应该具备哪些条件?
4. 你对新加坡的精英制度有何看法?
Qn1. Disciplined students who display enthusiasm and school spirit.help me ans these survey qns? there's no right or wrong answer. if you tag your ans, please put de qn no. damn clarence... THANKS! ((:
Qn2. Recognition of the school by the people is the main factor for a school to be prestigious.
Qn3. Smart students, as 'elite' itself already means being smarter than the rest.
Qn4. It is common and it is not limited to only one small group of people.