7:42 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
wonderful day...
horrigible day. woke up and couldnt find anything to eat, so dad scolded me for being fussy. then we went to lunch at Coca it's a buffet steamboat place. got sore throat so cant have tom yam soup. kor complained tt he doesnt want chicken soup so they split the tables. so fucking irritating cos they almost acted like me and jem had some contagious disease and they were isolating us. fuck it. then came home. and jus cos i told jem tt he had died in gunbound, my mum tot i was using de comp when i was sposed to be doing my work. then, jus now aft dinner i was watching tv. iidiot jem had to go and take de damn control and change the channel saying tt he has not watched tv for de whole of today. yea right. he's either been watchin tv or playing the comp since we came back from lunch at 3. plus, he's not sposed to be watching while eating cos all he'll do is get up stand right in front of the tv, with his nose like an inch away from the screen and stop eating. i screamed fuck at him so mum scolded me. fuck. i've not touched the comp or tv the whole day and they have to be such irritating assholes. fuck.
damn it. choir starts at 9 tmr. hafta wake up 7+. damn tired larrhs. at least my nose isnt leaking anymore. siians. i cant even use my own comp lorrhs. hafta use the useless 'common' comp, which is only used by jem when he's playin games and my dad when he wants to check out the football matches playing that night. this comp completely sucks. the keyboard is hideous, the screen is ridiculously big and it doesnt even have sound. it is complete shiit.

what a wonderful day...