5:42 PM
Monday, February 4, 2008
A JOKE!? she meant it as a joke...yea, REAL funny. can you sense my sarcasm...
don't you just love the fucking class blog. i should remove my name from the credits. i didn't even make it anymore. you know, i make skins and upload them not because i have to but because i want to. can't you assholes grasp that concept. and now, im not just referring to that piece of shit that cant shut up. if you want to say things fine. but give constuctive critism and not just how much you hate it. btw, for the record, I HATE THE CLASS TEE DESIGN. soo much detail for one stupid shirt. and it'll also be super ex because of the ink used and it sooo will not look niice on any type of shirt. sure, its niice as a whole but HORRIBLE on a shirt. you guys are praising it to high heavens, why? cos its the only one made. you guys comment on my skin, but did any of you shits realise that the base image is the one for the shirt?asssholes... fucking ungrateful pieces of shit. if you just want the base image, fine. you'll be wearing a website on a shirt then, idiots.
on a happier note, As and Bs are funnn! LOL. wad am i talkin bout? this...
I felt artificial when i was abducted by an abominable, absent-minded, amazing, arrogant, artistic, agonized alien, who had been annihilated by an apologetic, airy-headed, astonished, asymmetrical adult who was at a loss to how to aggravate an assexual who had been adulterated by an anti-social, apathetic, anguished, aroused soul.
Betty Boob was a bodacious, bisexual Bohemian bimbom, who liked bumping her big butt with bootilicious bartendars. Her big-boned, bomo bodyguard wore body-hugging, sheer boob-emphasizing bright bling-bling black bras. Betty Boob had been buying blue banjos made by Buddhist monks because she had been brainwashed by a bear-looking, barbie-playing boy. The boy was bald and had bleached-up blue boobs which he exposed on his daily trip to his benefactor's bombastic beach!
cool right?! me and shreya wrote it. we''l do Cs tmr...LOL. SCATOLOGY[did i spell it right?] means to do with shit. jus another cheeem way of saying poop, as put by shreya. LOL. had HOM meeting today. BORING. i got to know Brenda from 3e5. lols. once again, shreya was rushed through lunch to go for her debate. LOL. I CAN RECIEVE SMSES NOW! yay! im on the comp on the pretext on doin chemistry hw which i have no intention of touching. LOL. ((: