8:05 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
hmm... i changed skin. yarr. again. lols.
ok, dunno y but speakin in monosyllabus today. hahas.
i ediited this skin alot. de stupid 'enter' image wouldnt show, so i removed tt entirely. (: [ediited (:]

anyway, had wardening duty today at church. was BORING!
the only thing new is that now i know why wardens hafta stand beside de priest while he's givin out de Holy Communion.
it's jus 2 make sure tt de ppl dun pocket de err.. waffle-thingy. (: hahas.

i met colinn's friend 2day. coversation went like this.

him: ayy, err, u colinn's sister right?
me: arrhh.
him: oh, im sam. u rmb me?
me: no
him: oh, i err, used 2 go 2 ur hse.
me: really?
him: err, yahh. so how colinn.
me: err, working.
him: oh, err, good.
then he left. very err, enlightening conversation right. lols.
[see, another monosyllable-bal-blehhs conversasion. (:]

i ate zhu zha tang. heheh.. its pig's liver soup.
yeahh, sounds gross but tastes really niice. (:
i stole jem's tie ban tofu. hehhes. he sulked alot. (:

my day today.

1. i screamed at jem for screamin and wakin me up.
2. i screamed at jem for
not letting me get back to sleep.
3. i slapped jem w/ my shirt for screaming
while playin comp.
4. i screamed at jem for kickin and punching me after i
slapped him with my shirt.
niice, peaceful day horrhs. iidiot boyy. this is y i totally hate boyys.
no matter how 'niice' they are generally their jus like jem, totally annoying and spoilt.
but, this is jus a general observation. if u're not like that, well, good for you and everyone around u. (:

siians. tmr jem's First Holy Communion in church. but i lazy 2 go lehhs.
de only good thing bout goin is tt i can go buy miie crackers. haiizz.. ):
my mum say i cannot DUN go.. but, i mean, COME ON!
i jus did wardening for today's mass & tmr's mass is gonna be EXACTLY THE SAME?!
the only difference is tt a bunch of kids dressed totally in white will be takin their Holy Communion first!?

btw, it ver amusing seeing little Leonard Hio get his hand crushed
by de guy standing next to him & his hair being ruffled
by the guy standing next to the guy standing next to him.
do u understand what i jus typed? cos i dont...
btw, they were sposed 2 be singin some song tt i cant rmb
& givin peace to each other while they were crushing hands.
but, they did the same thing last week anyway. hahas.